1 Kings 15 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

1 Kings 15:1-34

Abijah King of Judah

1Abijah became king of Judah. It was in the 18th year of Jeroboam’s rule over Israel. Jeroboam was the son of Nebat. 2Abijah ruled in Jerusalem for three years. His mother’s name was Maakah. She was Abishalom’s daughter.

3Abijah committed all the sins his father had committed before him. Abijah didn’t obey the Lord his God with all his heart. He didn’t do what King David had done. 4But the Lord still kept the lamp of Abijah’s kingdom burning brightly in Jerusalem. He did it by giving him a son to be the next king after him. He also did it by making Jerusalem strong. The Lord did those things because of David. 5David had done what was right in the sight of the Lord. He had kept all the Lord’s commands. He had obeyed them all the days of his life. But he hadn’t obeyed the Lord in the case of Uriah, the Hittite.

6There was war between Abijah and Jeroboam all through Abijah’s life. 7The other events of Abijah’s rule are written down. Everything he did is written down. All these things are written in the official records of the kings of Judah. There was war between Abijah and Jeroboam. 8Abijah joined the members of his family who had already died. He was buried in the City of David. Abijah’s son Asa became the next king after him.

Asa King of Judah

9Asa became king of Judah. It was in the 20th year that Jeroboam was king of Israel. 10Asa ruled in Jerusalem for 41 years. His grandmother’s name was Maakah. She was Abishalom’s daughter.

11Asa did what was right in the sight of the Lord. That’s what King David had done. 12Asa threw out of the land the male prostitutes who were at the temples. He got rid of all the statues of gods made by his people of long ago. 13He even removed his grandmother Maakah from her position as queen mother. That’s because she had made a pole used to worship the female god named Asherah. The Lord hated it. So Asa cut it down. He burned it in the Kidron Valley. 14Asa didn’t remove the high places from Israel. But he committed his whole life completely to the Lord. 15He and his father had set apart silver, gold and other things to the Lord. Asa brought them into the Lord’s temple.

16There was war between Asa and Baasha, the king of Israel. It lasted the whole time they were kings. 17Baasha was king of Israel. He marched out against Judah. Baasha built up the walls of Ramah. He did it to keep people from leaving or entering the territory of Asa, the king of Judah.

18Asa took all the silver and gold left among the treasures of the Lord’s temple and his own palace. He put his officials in charge of it. He sent the officials to Ben-Hadad. Ben-Hadad was king of Aram. He was ruling in Damascus. He was the son of Tabrimmon and the grandson of Hezion. 19“Let’s make a peace treaty between us,” Asa said. “My father and your father had made a peace treaty between them. Now I’m sending you a gift of silver and gold. So break your treaty with Baasha, the king of Israel. Then he’ll go back home.”

20Ben-Hadad agreed with King Asa. He sent his army commanders against the towns of Israel. He captured Ijon, Dan, Abel Beth Maakah and the whole area of Kinnereth in addition to Naphtali. 21Baasha heard about it. So he stopped building up Ramah. He went back home to Tirzah. 22Then King Asa gave an order to all the men of Judah. Everyone was required to help. They carried away from Ramah the stones and wood Baasha had been using there. King Asa used them to build up Geba in the territory of Benjamin. He also used them to build up Mizpah.

23All the other events of Asa’s rule are written down, including the cities he built. Everything he did is written in the official records of the kings of Judah. But when Asa became old, his feet began to give him trouble. 24He joined the members of his family who had already died. He was buried in his family tomb. It was in the city of King David. Asa’s son Jehoshaphat became the next king after him.

Nadab King of Israel

25Nadab became king of Israel. It was in the second year that Asa was king of Judah. Nadab ruled over Israel for two years. He was the son of Jeroboam. 26Nadab did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. He lived the way his father had lived. He committed the same sin his father Jeroboam had caused Israel to commit.

27Baasha was from the tribe of Issachar. He was the son of Ahijah. Baasha made plans against Nadab and struck him down at Gibbethon. It was a Philistine town. Baasha struck him down while Nadab and all the men of Israel were getting ready to attack Gibbethon. 28He killed Nadab in the third year that Asa was king of Judah. Baasha became the next king after Nadab.

29As soon as Baasha became king, he killed Jeroboam’s whole family. He didn’t leave any of them alive. He destroyed every one of them. He did what the Lord had said would happen. The Lord had spoken that message through his servant Ahijah from Shiloh. 30The Lord judged Jeroboam’s family because of the sins Jeroboam had committed. He had also caused Israel to commit those same sins. He had made the Lord very angry. The Lord is the God of Israel.

31The other events of Nadab’s rule are written down. Everything he did is written in the official records of the kings of Israel. 32There was war between Asa and Baasha, the king of Israel. It lasted the whole time they were kings.

Baasha King of Israel

33Baasha became king of Israel in Tirzah. It was in the third year that Asa was king of Judah. Baasha ruled for 24 years. He was the son of Ahijah. 34Baasha did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. He lived the way Jeroboam had lived. He committed the same sin Jeroboam had caused Israel to commit.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

列王記Ⅰ 15:1-34



1-2アビヤムがエルサレムでユダ(南王国)の王となり、その三年間の治世が始まったのは、イスラエル(北王国)でのヤロブアム王の治世第十八年のことです。アビヤムの母マアカはアブシャロムの娘です。 3アビヤムは、ダビデのようには主の前に正しくなく、父レハブアムに負けないほど大きな罪を犯しました。 4しかし、その罪にもかかわらず、主はダビデの忠誠心を覚えていて、ダビデ王朝の家系を絶やすようなことはしませんでした。 5それは、ダビデ王が全生涯を通じて(ヘテ人ウリヤのこと以外は)主に従ったからです。 6アビヤムが王の間、イスラエルとユダの間には戦争が絶えませんでした。

7アビヤムのその他の業績は、『ユダ諸王の年代記』に記録されています。 8アビヤムが死んでエルサレムに葬られると、彼の息子アサが王位につきました。


9アサは、イスラエルのヤロブアム王の第二十年にエルサレムでユダの王となり、 10四十一年の間、治めました。王の祖母マアカはアブシャロムの娘でした。 11アサ王は先祖ダビデのように、主に喜ばれる生活を送りました。 12神殿男娼を追放し、先祖たちが造った偶像をみな取り除きました。 13祖母マアカをも、偶像を造った罪で、王母の地位から退けました。アサ王はこの偶像を切り倒し、キデロン川で焼きました。 14しかし、丘の上の礼拝所だけはそのままになっていました。それが悪いことだと気づかなかったのです。王の心は一生涯、主とともにあり、 15祖父が献納した青銅の盾を、自分が献納した金や銀の器とともに神殿の中にいつも飾っていました。

16ユダの王アサとイスラエルの王バシャとの間には、絶えず戦争がありました。 17バシャ王は、エルサレムに通じる交易ルートを遮断しようと、ラマに大きな要塞の町を築きました。 18困ったアサ王は、神殿や宮殿の宝物倉に残っていた金銀を全部持たせて、ダマスコに住むシリヤの王ベン・ハダデ(一世)のところへ使いを送りました。 19「父同士がそうしたように、同盟を結びましょう。どうか、この贈り物を納めて、すぐさま、イスラエルのバシャとの同盟を破棄し、彼が私に手出しできなくなるようにしてください。」

20ベン・ハダデはこの申し入れを受諾し、軍隊をイスラエルの町々に差し向けて、イヨン、ダン、アベル・ベテ・マアカ、キネレテ全地方、ナフタリの地のすべての町を滅ぼしました。 21シリヤ軍襲来の報を受け、あわてたバシャ王は、要塞を建てかけのままにしてティルツァに戻りました。 22アサ王はユダ全国に布告を出し、健康な男子に、ラマの要塞を壊し、石材や木材を運び出すよう命じました。アサ王はこの石材や木材を使って、ベニヤミンのゲバの町とミツパの町を建てました。

23アサ王のその他の業績や王の建てた町々の名前については、『ユダ諸王の年代記』に記録されています。王は年をとってから足の病気にかかりました。 24死後エルサレムの王室墓地に葬られ、息子ヨシャパテがユダの新しい王になりました。


25その間、イスラエルでは、ヤロブアムの子ナダブが王になっていました。彼はユダの王アサが即位して二年後に王となり、在位期間は二年でした。 26彼は主の前に悪を行い、父と同じように多くの偶像を拝み、イスラエルを罪に誘い込みました。 27それで、イッサカル族出身のアヒヤの子バシャが謀反を企て、イスラエル軍を率いて、ペリシテ人の町ギベトンを包囲していた王を暗殺したのです。 28こうしてバシャが、ユダの王アサの第三年に、ナダブに代わってティルツァでイスラエルの王となりました。 29バシャは王位につくと、すぐさまヤロブアム王の子孫を根絶やしにしました。主がシロ出身の預言者アヒヤによってお語りになったとおりです。 30こうなったのもみな、ヤロブアムが罪を犯し、イスラエルを罪に誘って、主を怒らせたからにほかなりません。 31バシャのことは、『イスラエル諸王の年代記』にくわしく記録されています。


32-33ユダの王アサとイスラエルの王バシャとの間には、戦争が絶えませんでした。バシャは二十四年間、イスラエルを治めました。 34しかし、主には従わず、ヤロブアム王の残した悪の道を歩み、イスラエルの民を偶像礼拝の罪に導いたのです。