1 John 3 – NIRV & CCBT

New International Reader’s Version

1 John 3:1-24

1See what amazing love the Father has given us! Because of it, we are called children of God. And that’s what we really are! The world doesn’t know us because it didn’t know him. 2Dear friends, now we are children of God. He still hasn’t let us know what we will be. But we know that when Christ appears, we will be like him. That’s because we will see him as he really is. 3Christ is pure. All who hope to be like him make themselves pure.

4Everyone who sins breaks the law. In fact, breaking the law is sin. 5But you know that Christ came to take our sins away. And there is no sin in him. 6No one who remains joined to him keeps on sinning. No one who keeps on sinning has seen him or known him.

7Dear children, don’t let anyone lead you astray. The person who does what is right is holy, just as Christ is holy. 8The person who does what is sinful belongs to the devil. That’s because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the devil’s work. 9Those who are God’s children will not keep on sinning. God’s very nature remains in them. They can’t go on sinning. That’s because they are God’s children. 10Here is how you can tell the difference between God’s children and the devil’s children. Anyone who doesn’t do what is right isn’t God’s child. And anyone who doesn’t love their brother or sister isn’t God’s child either.

More Instructions About Loving and Hating One Another

11From the beginning we have heard that we should love one another. 12Don’t be like Cain. He belonged to the evil one. He murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because the things Cain had done were wrong. But the things his brother had done were right. 13My brothers and sisters, don’t be surprised if the world hates you. 14We know that we have left our old dead way of life. And we have entered into new life. We know this because we love one another. Anyone who doesn’t love still lives in their old condition. 15Anyone who hates their brother or sister is a murderer. And you know that no murderer has eternal life.

16We know what love is because Jesus Christ gave his life for us. So we should give our lives for our brothers and sisters. 17Suppose someone sees a brother or sister in need and is able to help them. And suppose that person doesn’t take pity on these needy people. Then how can the love of God be in that person? 18Dear children, don’t just talk about love. Put your love into action. Then it will truly be love.

19Here’s how we know that we hold to the truth. And here’s how we put our hearts at rest, knowing that God is watching. 20If our hearts judge us, we know that God is greater than our hearts. And he knows everything. 21Dear friends, if our hearts do not judge us, we can be bold with God. 22And he will give us anything we ask. That’s because we obey his commands. We do what pleases him. 23God has commanded us to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ. He has also commanded us to love one another. 24The one who obeys God’s commands remains joined to him. And he remains joined to them. Here is how we know that God lives in us. We know it because of the Holy Spirit he gave us.

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

約翰一書 3:1-24


1你們看,父上帝何等愛我們,稱我們為祂的兒女!我們也實在是祂的兒女,世人之所以不認識我們,是因為他們不認識父上帝。 2親愛的弟兄姊妹,我們現在是上帝的兒女,將來如何還未顯明。但我們知道,當主顯現的時候,我們必會像祂,因為我們必見到祂的本體。 3凡心存這種盼望的人都會自潔,因為主是聖潔的。

4犯罪的人都違背上帝的律法,違背上帝的律法就是罪。 5你們知道,耶穌降世是為了除掉人的罪,祂自己並沒有罪。 6住在祂裡面的人不會一直犯罪;一直犯罪的人既沒見過祂也不認識祂。

7孩子們,不要受人迷惑,要知道行義的才是義人,正如主是公義的。 8一直犯罪的人是屬魔鬼的,因為魔鬼從起初便犯罪,但上帝兒子的顯現是為了摧毀魔鬼的工作。 9從上帝生的人不會繼續犯罪,因為他裡面有上帝的生命3·9 上帝的生命」希臘文是「上帝的種子」。。他不能犯罪,因為他是從上帝生的。 10這樣,就可以看出誰是上帝的兒女,誰是魔鬼的兒女。凡不按公義行事、不愛弟兄姊妹的,都不是上帝的兒女。


11我們應當彼此相愛,這是你們起初聽見的信息。 12不要步該隱的後塵。他屬於那惡者,殺害了自己的弟弟。他為什麼要殺害自己的弟弟呢?因為他的行為邪惡,而他弟弟秉行公義。

13弟兄姊妹,世人若恨你們,不要驚奇。 14我們因愛弟兄姊妹,便知道自己已經出死入生了。不愛弟兄姊妹的,仍然陷在死亡中。 15恨弟兄姊妹的就是殺人的,你們知道殺人的沒有永生。 16主耶穌為我們捨命,我們由此便知道什麼是愛,我們也應當為弟兄姊妹捨命。 17如果一個豐衣足食的人看見貧窮的弟兄姊妹,卻毫無憐憫之心,怎能說他愛上帝呢? 18所以,孩子們啊,不要單在口頭上說愛人,總要以真誠的行動表現出來。


21親愛的弟兄姊妹,我們若能凡事問心無愧,就可以在上帝面前坦然無懼。 22這樣,我們無論向上帝祈求什麼,都必得到,因為我們遵守祂的命令,做祂喜悅的事。 23其實上帝的命令是:我們要信祂兒子耶穌基督的名,遵照祂的命令彼此相愛。 24遵行上帝命令的人就住在上帝裡面,上帝也住在他裡面。我們藉著上帝賜給我們的聖靈知道:祂住在我們裡面。