1 Chronicles 9 – NIRV & NSP

New International Reader’s Version

1 Chronicles 9:1-44

1The whole community of Israel was listed in their family histories. They were written down in the records of the kings of Israel and Judah. The people of Judah were taken away from their own land. They were taken as prisoners to Babylon. That’s because they weren’t faithful to the Lord.

The People Who Lived in Jerusalem

2The first people who came back from Babylon were some Israelites, priests, Levites and temple servants. They made their homes again in their own towns on their own property.

3Some of them lived in Jerusalem. They included people from Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim and Manasseh.

4They included Uthai. He was the son of Ammihud. Ammihud was the son of Omri. Omri was the son of Imri. Imri was the son of Bani. Bani belonged to the family line of Perez. Perez was the son of Judah.

5The family line of Shelah included

his oldest son Asaiah. It also included the sons of Asaiah.

6The family line of Zerah included


The total number of the people of Judah was 690.

7The family line of Benjamin included

Sallu. He was the son of Meshullam. Meshullam was the son of Hodaviah. Hodaviah was the son of Hassenuah.

8Ibneiah was the son of Jeroham.

Elah was the son of Uzzi. Uzzi was the son of Mikri.

Meshullam was the son of Shephatiah. Shephatiah was the son of Reuel. Reuel was the son of Ibnijah.

9The total number of the people of Benjamin was 956. They were listed in their family history. All these men were the leaders of their families.

10The family line of the priests included

Jedaiah, Jehoiarib and Jakin.

11It also included Azariah. He was the son of Hilkiah. Hilkiah was the son of Meshullam. Meshullam was the son of Zadok. Zadok was the son of Meraioth. Meraioth was the son of Ahitub. Azariah was the official who was in charge of the house of God.

12Adaiah was the son of Jeroham. Jeroham was the son of Pashhur. Pashhur was the son of Malkijah.

Maasai was the son of Adiel. Adiel was the son of Jahzerah. Jahzerah was the son of Meshullam. Meshullam was the son of Meshillemith. Meshillemith was the son of Immer.

13The total number of priests was 1,760. They were the leaders of their families. They were able men. It was their duty to serve in the house of God.

14The family line of the Levites included

Shemaiah. He was the son of Hasshub. Hasshub was the son of Azrikam. Azrikam was the son of Hashabiah. Shemaiah belonged to the family line of Merari.

15The family line of the Levites also included Bakbakkar, Heresh, Galal and Mattaniah. Mattaniah was the son of Mika. Mika was the son of Zikri. Zikri was the son of Asaph.

16Obadiah was the son of Shemaiah. Shemaiah was the son of Galal. Galal was the son of Jeduthun.

Berekiah was the son of Asa. Asa was the son of Elkanah. He lived in the villages of the people of Netophah.

17The men who guarded the gates were

Shallum, Akkub, Talmon, Ahiman and other Levites. Shallum was their chief. 18He was stationed at the King’s Gate on the east side. That duty has continued to this day. These guards belonged to the camp of the Levites.

19Shallum was the son of Kore. Kore was the son of Ebiasaph. Ebiasaph was the son of Korah. Shallum and the other Levites in his family belonged to the family line of Korah. They had the duty of guarding the entrances to the tent. From long ago, their people had the duty of guarding the entrance to the house of the Lord.

20Long ago Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, was in charge of those who guarded the gate. And the Lord was with him.

21Zechariah guarded the entrance to the tent of meeting. He was the son of Meshelemiah.

22The total number of the men who were chosen to guard the entrances was 212. They were listed in their family history in their villages.

David and Samuel the prophet had appointed them to their positions. They appointed them because they trusted them. 23These Levites and their children after them were in charge of guarding the gates of the house of the Lord. The house of the Lord was also called the tent of meeting. 24The men who guarded the gates were on the four sides of the tent. They were on the east, west, north and south sides. 25From time to time, their relatives in their villages had to come to help them. They had to share their duties for a week at a time. 26But the four main men who guarded the gates were Levites. They were trusted with the duty of taking care of the storerooms and the other rooms in the house of God. 27They spent the night in their positions around the house of God. That’s because they had to guard it. They were in charge of the key that opened it each morning.

28Some Levites were in charge of the objects that were used when they served at the temple. They counted the objects when they were brought in. They also counted them when they were taken out. 29Other Levites were appointed to take care of all the other things that belonged to the temple. They also took care of the special flour, wine, olive oil, incense and spices. 30Some of the priests took care of mixing the spices. 31There was a Levite named Mattithiah. He was the oldest son of Shallum. Shallum belonged to the family line of Korah. Mattithiah was trusted with the duty of baking the offering bread. 32The bread was placed on the table every Sabbath day. Some Levites in the family line of Kohath were in charge of preparing the bread.

33Those who led the music lived in rooms in the temple. They were the leaders of their Levite families. Their only duty was to lead the music. They had to do that work day and night.

34All of them were the leaders of their Levite families. They were listed as chiefs in their family history. They lived in Jerusalem.

The Family History of Saul

35Jeiel lived in the city of Gibeon. He was the father of Gibeon.

Jeiel had a wife named Maakah. 36His oldest son was Abdon. His other sons were Zur, Kish, Baal, Ner, Nadab, 37Gedor, Ahio, Zechariah and Mikloth. 38Mikloth was the father of Shimeam. Mikloth and Shimeam lived near their relatives in Jerusalem.

39Ner was the father of Kish. Kish was the father of Saul. Saul was the father of Jonathan, Malki-Shua, Abinadab and Esh-Baal.

40The son of Jonathan was

Merib-Baal. Merib-Baal was the father of Micah.

41The sons of Micah were

Pithon, Melek, Tahrea and Ahaz. 42Ahaz was the father of Jadah. Jadah was the father of Alemeth, Azmaveth and Zimri. Zimri was the father of Moza. 43Moza was the father of Binea. Rephaiah was Binea’s son. Eleasah was Rephaiah’s son. And Azel was Eleasah’s son.

44Azel had six sons. Their names were

Azrikam, Bokeru, Ishmael, Sheariah, Obadiah and Hanan. They were the sons of Azel.

New Serbian Translation

1. Књига дневника 9:1-44

1Тако су сви Израиљци били убележени у своје родослове, а ови су записани у Књизи израиљских царева. Јуда је био одведен у изгнанство, у Вавилон, због своје невере.

Становници Јерусалима

2А први који су се поново населили на својој имовини по својим градовима били су Израиљци, свештеници, Левити и храмске слуге.

3Они који су живели у Јерусалиму из Јудиног, Венијаминовог, Јефремовог и Манасијиног племена, били су:

4Гутај, син Амијуда, сина Амрија, сина Имрија, сина Ванија, од синова Јудиног сина Фареса.

5Од Силонових синова:

првенац Асаја и његови синови.

6Од Зариних синова:

Јеиел и шест стотина деведесет његових сродника.

7Од Венијаминових синова:

Салуј, син Месулама, сина Одавије, сина Асенујиног, 8Јевнија, син Јероамов, Ила, син Озија, сина Махријевог, и Месулам, син Сефатије, сина Рагуила, сина Ивније,

9и њихове браће по својим родословима, њих девет стотина педесет шест. Сви ови људи су били главари отачких домова, према домовима својих предака.

10А од свештеника:

Једаја, Јојарив и Јакин,

11Азарија, син Хелкије, сина Месулама, сина Садока, сина Мерајота, сина Ахитува, старешине Дома Господњег;

12Адаја, син Јероама, сина Пасхора, сина Малхијиног, и Масај, син Адила, сина Јазире, сина Месулама, сина Месилемита, сина Имировог.

13Њихове браће, главара својих отачких домова, било је хиљаду седам стотина шездесет људи способних за вршење службе у Дому Господњем.

14Од Левита:

Семаја, син Асува, сина Азрикама, сина Асавијиног, од Мераријевих синова; 15Ваквакар, Ерес, Галал и Матанија, син Михе, сина Зихријевог, сина Асафовог; 16Овадија син Семаје сина Галала, сина Једутуновог, и Варахија син Асе, сина Елканиног, који је живео у нетофатским селима.


Салум, Акув, Талмон, Ахиман, и њихова браћа; Салум је био главар. 18Он је све до сада на царским вратима на истоку. То су били вратари насеља синова Левијевих. 19Салум син Кореја, сина Авијасафа, сина Корејевог, и његова браћа из његовог отачког дома, Корејеви синови, били су задужени да чувају прагове код Шатора, као што су њихови оци били чувари улаза Господњег у табору. 20Над њима је био старешина Финес, син Елеазаров, а Господ је био с њим. 21Захарија, син Меселемијин, био је вратар Шатора од састанка.

22Свих изабраних за чуваре прага, било је две стотине дванаест. Они су били уписани према родословима у својим селима. Њих су Давид и виделац Самуило поставили да верно врше службу. 23Они и њихови синови су били постављени да чувају врата Дома Господњег, то јест, Дом Шатора.

24Чувари су били постављени на четири стране: на исток, на запад, на север и на југ. 25Њихова браћа на селима била су дужна да долазе повремено, да служе са њима по седам дана, 26јер су четири главна чувара врата, који су били Левити, били задужени за одаје и ризницу Дома Господњег. 27Они су ноћивали око Дома Господњег, јер су били задужени да га чувају, и да га сваког јутра отварају.

28Неки од њих су били задужени за богослужбене посуде; они су их бројали кад су биле доношене и кад су биле изношене. 29Неки од њих су били задужени за посуде и све свете посуде, као и за брашно, вино, уље, тамјан и миомирисе. 30Неки од свештеника су мешали смесу за миомирисе. 31Један Левит, по имену Мататија, првенац Корејевца Салума, био је задужен да прави (пљоснате) колаче. 32Неки од њихове браће, од Катових синова, били су задужени да сваке суботе постављају хлеб у редове.

33Они који су били певачи, главари отачких домова Левита, живели су у храмским одајама; они су били изузети од других дужности зато што су служили и дању и ноћу.

34То су били главари отачких домова Левита према својим родословима, који су живели у Јерусалиму.

Породица цара Саула

35У Гаваону је живео Јеиел, отац Гаваонов.

Жена му се звала Маха. 36Његов првенац је био Авдон, па Сур, Кис, Вал, Нер, Надав, 37Гедор, Ахијо, Захарија и Миклот. 38Миклоту се родио Сима. Они су живели са својом браћом насупрот својих сродника у Јерусалиму.

39Неру се родио Кис, Кису се родио Саул, а Саулу су се родили Јонатан, Малхи-Сув, Авинадав и Есвал.

40Јонатанов син је био Меривал, а Меривалу се родио Миха.

41Михини синови су били:

Фитон, Мелех и Тареја.

42Ахазу се родио Јара, а Јари су се родили Алемет, Азмавет и Зимрије. Зимрији се родио Моса, 43а Моси се родио Винеја. Његов син је био Рефаја, његов син Елеаса и његов син Ацел.

44Ацел је имао шест синова, а ово су им имена:

Азрикам, Вохеруј, Исмаило, Сеарија, Овадија и Анан. То су Ацелови синови.