1 Chronicles 23 – NIRV & OL

New International Reader’s Version

1 Chronicles 23:1-32

The Family Line of Levi

1David had become very old. So he made his son Solomon king over Israel.

2He gathered together all the leaders of Israel. He also gathered the priests and the Levites together. 3The Levites who were 30 years old or more were counted. The total number of men was 38,000. 4David said, “From them, 24,000 will be in charge of the work of the Lord’s temple. And 6,000 will be officials and judges. 5Another 4,000 will guard the gates. And 4,000 will praise the Lord with the instruments of music I’ve provided for that purpose.”

6David separated the Levites into groups. He did it according to the sons of Levi. The sons were Gershon, Kohath and Merari.

The Family of Gershon

7Ladan and Shimei belonged to the family of Gershon.

8The sons of Ladan were

Jehiel, Zetham and Joel. Jehiel was the oldest son. The total number of sons was three.

9The sons of Shimei were

Shelomoth, Haziel and Haran. The total number of sons was three.

They were the leaders of the families of Ladan.

10The sons of Shimei were

Jahath, Ziza, Jeush and Beriah. The total number of the sons of Shimei was four.

11Jahath was the first son. Ziza was the second son. But Jeush and Beriah didn’t have many sons. So they were counted as one family. They had only one task.

The Family of Kohath

12The sons of Kohath were

Amram, Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel. The total number of sons was four.

13The sons of Amram were

Aaron and Moses.

Aaron and his family line were set apart forever as the Lord’s priests. They had the duty of setting the most holy things apart to the Lord. They offered sacrifices to the Lord. They served him. They gave blessings in his name forever. 14The sons of Moses, the man of God, were counted as part of the tribe of Levi.

15The sons of Moses were

Gershom and Eliezer.

16Shubael was the oldest son in the family line of Gershom.

17Rehabiah was the oldest son in the family line of Eliezer.

Eliezer didn’t have any other sons. But Rehabiah had a great many sons.

18Shelomith was the oldest son of Izhar.

19Jeriah was the first son of Hebron.

Amariah was his second son. Jahaziel was the third. Jekameam was the fourth.

20Micah was the first son of Uzziel. Ishiah was his second son.

The Family of Merari

21The sons of Merari were

Mahli and Mushi.

The sons of Mahli were

Eleazar and Kish.

22Eleazar died without having any sons. All he had was daughters. They married their cousins. The cousins were the sons of Kish.

23The sons of Mushi were

Mahli, Eder and Jerimoth. The total number of sons was three.

24Those were the family lines of Levi. They were recorded under the names of the family leaders. Each worker who was 20 years old or more was counted. They served in the Lord’s temple. 25David had said, “The Lord is the God of Israel. He has given peace and rest to his people. He has come to Jerusalem to live there forever. 26So the Levites don’t need to carry the holy tent anymore. They don’t need to carry any of its objects anymore. Those were the things that were used to serve there.” 27The Levites who were 20 years old or more were counted. That was in keeping with David’s final directions.

28The Levites had the duty of helping the members of Aaron’s family line. They helped them serve in the Lord’s temple. They were in charge of the courtyards and the side rooms. They made all the sacred things pure and “clean.” They also had other duties at the house of God. 29They were in charge of setting the holy bread out on the table. They prepared the special flour for the grain offerings. They made the thin loaves without using any yeast. They did the baking and the mixing. They measured the amount and size of everything. 30They stood every morning to thank and praise the Lord. They did the same thing every evening. 31They also did it every time burnt offerings were brought to the Lord. Those offerings were brought every Sabbath day. They were also brought at every New Moon feast and during the appointed yearly feasts. The Levites served in front of the Lord at regular times. The proper number of Levites was always used when they served. They served in the way the law required.

32So the Levites carried out their duties for the tent of meeting and for the Holy Room. They worked under their relatives who were in the family line of Aaron. They helped them serve at the Lord’s temple.

O Livro

1 Crónicas 23:1-32

Os levitas

1Quando David se sentiu já muito velho e cansado, abdicou do trono a favor do seu filho Salomão. 2Convocou todos os líderes políticos, os sacerdotes e os levitas de Israel para a cerimónia de coroação. 3Por essa altura, foi feito um recenseamento da tribo de Levi, com idade de 30 anos ou mais, e apurou-se um total de 38 000 homens. 4“Entre eles, 24 000 deverão supervisionar o serviço no templo”, ordenou David. “Capatazes e fiscais serão 6000. 5Os guardas dos estaleiros serão 4000 e também 4000 os que louvarão o Senhor com os instrumentos de música que mandei fazer.”

6David dividiu-os em três grupos, conforme os filhos de Levi: Gerson, Coate e Merari.

Os gersonitas

7Gerson repartiu-se também em subdivisões segundo os seus filhos: Ladã e Simei. 8Estas subdivisões foram ainda organizadas em subgrupos, conforme os filhos de Ladã: Jeiel, o chefe, Zetam e Joel. 9Os filhos de Simei foram Selomite, Haziel e Harã. 10-11Os subclãs de Simei tinham o nome dos seus quatro filhos: Jaate era o maior, Zina vinha a seguir e Jeús com Beria estavam juntos num só subclã, porque nem um nem outro tiveram muitos filhos.

Os coatitas

12A divisão de Coate estava subdividida em quatro grupos, de acordo com os seus filhos: Amrão, Izar, Hebrom e Uziel. 13Amrão foi pai de Aarão e de Moisés. Aarão e os seus filhos tinham sido separados para o serviço sagrado de apresentar ao Senhor os sacrifícios que o povo oferecia; para servir o Senhor continuamente e pronunciar bênçãos em seu nome para sempre.

14-15Os dois filhos de Moisés, o homem de Deus, Gerson e Eliezer, ficaram incluídos na tribo de Levi.

16Os filhos de Gerson ficaram a ser chefiados por Sebuel. 17Reabias, o único filho de Eliezer, tornou-se o líder do seu clã, pois teve muitos filhos. 18Os filhos de Izar eram chefiados por Selomite. 19Os filhos de Hebrom eram chefiados por Jerias. Amarias era o segundo em responsabilidade, Jaaziel era o terceiro e Jecameão o quarto. 20Os filhos de Uziel eram conduzidos por Mica e Issias era o segundo.

Os meraritas

21Os filhos de Merari foram Mali e Musi. Os filhos de Mali foram Eleazar e Cis. 22Eleazar morreu sem filhos e as suas filhas casaram com os primos, os filhos de Cis. 23Os filhos de Musi foram Mali, Eder e Jeremote.

24No recenseamento, todos os homens de Levi de 20 anos para cima foram registados sob o nome deste clã e nomeados para o serviço no templo. 25Porque David dissera: “O Senhor, Deus de Israel, deu-nos paz e estará sempre em Jerusalém. 26Portanto, os levitas não necessitam mais de transportar o tabernáculo e os seus instrumentos de lugar em lugar.” 27Este recenseamento dos levitas a partir da idade de 20 anos, foi uma das últimas coisas que David fez antes de morrer.

28O trabalho dos levitas era dar assistência aos sacerdotes, os descendentes de Aarão, nos sacrifícios do templo do Senhor; encarregavam-se também dos pátios, das salas laterais, da purificação de todos os objetos sagrados e das demais tarefas necessárias à manutenção da casa de Deus. 29Tinham a responsabilidade de fornecer o pão da Presença, a farinha para as ofertas de cereais e para as bolachas sem fermento, tanto as fritas como as amassadas com azeite; também verificavam os pesos e as medidas de tudo. 30Todas as manhãs e todas as tardes colocavam-se diante do Senhor para lhe cantar louvores e dar graças. 31Participavam nos sacrifícios especiais de holocaustos, nos sacrifícios do sábado, nas celebrações da lua nova e em todas as festividades. Havia sempre o número de levitas necessário para determinada ocasião.

32Responsabilizavam-se pela tenda do encontro e pelo templo, e davam assistência aos sacerdotes em tudo o que fosse necessário.