Isaías 24 – NVI & NIRV

Nueva Versión Internacional

Isaías 24:1-23

Juicio universal

1Miren, el Señor arrasa la tierra

y la devasta,

trastorna su faz

y dispersa a sus habitantes.

2Lo mismo pasará

al pueblo y al sacerdote,

al esclavo y al amo,

a la esclava y a la señora,

al comprador y al vendedor,

al prestatario y al prestamista,

al acreedor y al deudor.

3La tierra será totalmente arrasada,

saqueada por completo,

porque el Señor lo ha dicho.

4La tierra languidece y se marchita;

el mundo se marchita y desfallece;

desfallecen los notables de la tierra.

5La tierra yace profanada,

pisoteada por sus habitantes,

porque han desobedecido las leyes,

han violado los estatutos,

han quebrantado el pacto eterno.

6Por eso una maldición consume a la tierra

y los culpables son sus habitantes.

Por eso el fuego los consume,

y solo quedan unos cuantos.

7Languidece el vino nuevo, desfallece la vid;

gimen todos los corazones alegres.

8Cesó el ritmo de los panderos,

se aplacó el bullicio de los que se divierten,

se apagó el júbilo del arpa.

9Ya no beben vino mientras cantan;

a los borrachos la cerveza les sabe amarga.

10La ciudad del caos yace devastada;

cerrado está el acceso a toda casa.

11Clamor hay en las calles porque falta el vino;

toda alegría se ha extinguido;

el júbilo ha sido desterrado.

12La ciudad está en ruinas;

su puerta está hecha pedazos.

13Así sucederá en medio de la tierra

y entre las naciones,

como cuando a golpes se cosechan aceitunas,

como cuando se recoge lo que sobra después de la vendimia.

14El remanente eleva su voz y grita de alegría;

desde el occidente aclama la majestad del Señor.

15Por eso, glorifiquen al Señor en el oriente;

el nombre del Señor, Dios de Israel,

en las costas del mar.

16Desde los confines de la tierra oímos cantar:

«¡Gloria al justo!».

Pero yo digo: «¡Ay de mí!

¡Qué dolor me consume!».

Los traidores traicionan,

los traidores maquinan traiciones.

17¡Terror, fosa y trampa

están contra ti, habitante de la tierra!

18Quien huya del grito de terror

caerá en la fosa,

y quien suba del fondo de la fosa

caerá en la trampa.

Abiertas están las compuertas de lo alto

y tiemblan los cimientos de la tierra.

19La tierra se quiebra, se desintegra;

la tierra se agrieta, se resquebraja;

la tierra tiembla y retiembla.

20La tierra se tambalea como un borracho,

se sacude como una choza.

Tanto pesa sobre ella su rebelión

que caerá para no volver a levantarse.

21En aquel día el Señor castigará

a los ejércitos celestiales en el cielo

y a los reyes terrenales en la tierra.

22Serán amontonados en un pozo,

como prisioneros entre rejas

y, después de muchos días, se les castigará.

23La luna se sonrojará

y el sol se avergonzará,

porque sobre el monte Sión, sobre Jerusalén,

reinará el Señor de los Ejércitos,

glorioso entre sus jefes.

New International Reader’s Version

Isaiah 24:1-23

The Lord Will Destroy the Earth

1The Lord is going to completely destroy everything on earth.

He will twist its surface.

He’ll scatter those who live on it.

2Priests and people alike will suffer.

So will masters and their servants.

And so will women and their female servants.

Sellers and buyers alike will suffer.

So will those who borrow and those who lend.

And so will those who owe money and those who lend it.

3The earth will be completely destroyed.

Everything of value will be taken out of it.

That’s what the Lord has said.

4The earth will dry up completely.

The world will dry up and waste away.

The heavens will fade away along with the earth.

5The earth is polluted by its people.

They haven’t obeyed the laws of the Lord.

They haven’t done what he told them to do.

They’ve broken the covenant that will last forever.

6So the Lord will send a curse on the earth.

Its people will pay for what they’ve done.

They will be burned up.

Very few of them will be left.

7The vines and fresh wine will dry up completely.

Those who used to have a good time will groan.

8The happy sounds of tambourines will be gone.

The noise of those who enjoy wild parties will stop.

The joyful music of harps will become silent.

9People will no longer sing as they drink wine.

Beer will taste bitter to those who drink it.

10Destroyed cities will lie empty.

People will lock themselves inside their houses.

11In the streets people will cry out for wine.

All joy will turn into sadness.

All joyful sounds will be driven out of the earth.

12All the buildings will be knocked down.

Every city gate will be smashed to pieces.

13That’s how it will be on the earth.

And that’s how it will be among the nations.

It will be as when workers knock all but a few olives off the trees.

It will be like a vine that has only a few grapes left after the harvest.

14Those who are left alive will shout for joy.

People from the west will praise the Lord because he is the King.

15So give glory to him, you who live in the east.

Honor the name of the Lord, you who are in the islands of the sea.

He is the God of Israel.

16From one end of the earth to the other we hear singing.

People are saying,

“Give glory to the God who always does what is right.”

But I said, “I feel very bad.

I’m getting weaker and weaker.

How terrible it is for me!

People turn against one another.

They can’t be trusted.

So they turn against one another.”

17Listen, you people of the earth.

Terror, a pit and a trap are waiting for you.

18Anyone who runs away from the terror

will fall into the pit.

Anyone who climbs out of the pit

will be caught in the trap.

The Lord will open the windows of the skies.

He will flood the land.

The foundations of the earth will shake.

19The earth will be broken up.

It will split open.

It will be shaken to pieces.

20The earth will be unsteady like someone who is drunk.

It will sway like a tent in the wind.

Its sin will weigh so heavily on it that it will fall.

It will never get up again.

21At that time the Lord will punish

the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens above.

He will also punish the kings on the earth below.

22They will be brought together

like prisoners in chains.

They’ll be locked up in prison.

After many days the Lord will punish them.

23The Lord who rules over all will rule

on Mount Zion in Jerusalem.

The elders of the city will be there.

They will see his great glory.

His rule will be so glorious that the sun and moon

will be too ashamed to shine.