1 Crónicas 27 – NVI & NIRV

Nueva Versión Internacional

1 Crónicas 27:1-34

Divisiones del ejército

1La siguiente lista corresponde a los jefes patriarcales, a los comandantes de mil y de cien soldados y a los oficiales de las divisiones militares de Israel. Cada división constaba de veinticuatro mil hombres y se turnaban cada mes, durante todo el año, para prestar servicio al rey.

2Al frente de la primera división de veinticuatro mil hombres, la cual prestaba su servicio en el primer mes, estaba Yasobeán, hijo de Zabdiel, 3descendiente de Fares. Él era el jefe de todos los oficiales del ejército que hacían su turno el primer mes.

4Al frente de la segunda división de veinticuatro mil, que prestaba su servicio en el segundo mes, estaba Doday el ajojita. El oficial a cargo de esa división era Miclot.

5La tercera división de veinticuatro mil, asignada para el tercer mes, tenía como comandante a Benaías, hijo del sumo sacerdote Joyadá. 6Este Benaías fue uno de los treinta valientes y el jefe de ellos. En esa división estaba su hijo Amisabad.

7La cuarta división de veinticuatro mil, asignada para el cuarto mes, tenía como jefe a Asael, hermano de Joab. Su sucesor fue su hijo Zebadías.

8La quinta división de veinticuatro mil, asignada para el quinto mes, tenía como comandante a Samut el izraíta.

9La sexta división de veinticuatro mil, asignada para el sexto mes, tenía como jefe a Irá, hijo de Iqués el tecoíta.

10La séptima división de veinticuatro mil, asignada para el séptimo mes, tenía como jefe a Heles el pelonita, de los descendientes de Efraín.

11La octava división de veinticuatro mil, asignada para el octavo mes, tenía como jefe a Sibecay, de Jusá, descendiente de los zeraítas.

12La novena división de veinticuatro mil, asignada para el noveno mes, tenía como jefe a Abiezer, de Anatot, descendiente de Benjamín.

13La décima división de veinticuatro mil, asignada para el décimo mes, tenía como jefe a Maray, de Netofa, descendiente de los zeraítas.

14La undécima división de veinticuatro mil, asignada para el undécimo mes, tenía como jefe a Benaías, de Piratón, descendiente de Efraín.

15La duodécima división de veinticuatro mil, asignada para el duodécimo mes, tenía como jefe a Jelday, de Netofa, descendiente de Otoniel.

Jefes de las tribus

16Los siguientes fueron los jefes de las tribus de Israel:

de Rubén: Eliezer, hijo de Zicrí;

de Simeón: Sefatías, hijo de Macá;

17de Leví: Jasabías, hijo de Quemuel;

de Aarón: Sadoc;

18de Judá: Eliú, hermano de David;

de Isacar: Omrí, hijo de Micael;

19de Zabulón: Ismaías, hijo de Abdías;

de Neftalí: Jerimot, hijo de Azriel;

20de Efraín: Oseas, hijo de Azazías;

de la media tribu de Manasés: Joel, hijo de Pedaías;

21de la otra media tribu de Manasés que estaba en Galaad: Idó, hijo de Zacarías;

de Benjamín: Jasiel, hijo de Abner;

22de Dan: Azarel, hijo de Jeroán.

Estos eran los líderes de las tribus de Israel.

23David no censó a los hombres que tenían menos de veinte años porque el Señor había prometido que haría a Israel tan numeroso como las estrellas del cielo. 24Joab, hijo de Sarvia, comenzó a hacer el censo, pero no lo terminó porque eso desató la ira de Dios sobre Israel. Por eso no quedó registrado el número en las crónicas del rey David.

Superintendentes del rey

25El encargado de los tesoros del rey era Azmávet, hijo de Adiel.

El encargado de los tesoros en los campos, ciudades, aldeas y fortalezas era Jonatán, hijo de Uzías.

26Ezrí, hijo de Quelub, estaba al frente de los agricultores.

27Simí, de Ramat, estaba a cargo de los viñedos.

Zabdí, de Sefán, era el encargado de almacenar el vino en las bodegas.

28Baal Janán, de Géder, estaba a cargo de los olivares y de los bosques de higueras de la llanura.

Joás tenía a su cargo los depósitos de aceite.

29Sitray, de Sarón, estaba a cargo del ganado que pastaba en Sarón.

Safat, hijo de Adlay, estaba a cargo del ganado de los valles.

30Obil, el ismaelita, era el encargado de los camellos.

Jehedías, de Meronot, era el encargado de las burras.

31Jaziz, el agareno, era el encargado de las ovejas.

Todos estos eran los oficiales a cargo de los bienes del rey.

32Jonatán, tío de David, escriba inteligente, era consejero del rey.

Jehiel, hijo de Jacmoní, cuidaba a los príncipes.

33Ajitofel era otro consejero del rey.

Husay, el arquita, era hombre de confianza del rey.

34A Ajitofel lo sucedieron Joyadá, hijo de Benaías, y Abiatar.

Joab era el comandante del ejército real.

New International Reader’s Version

1 Chronicles 27:1-34

The Groups of Fighting Men in the Army

1Here is the list of the Israelites who served in the king’s army. They included leaders of families. They included commanders of thousands of men and commanders of hundreds. They also included other officers. All of them served the king in everything concerning the army’s fighting groups. These groups were on duty month by month all through the year. The total number of men in each group was 24,000.

2Jashobeam was in charge of the first fighting group for the first month. He was the son of Zabdiel. The total number of men in Jashobeam’s group was 24,000. 3He belonged to the family line of Perez. He was chief of all the army officers for the first month.

4Dodai was in charge of the second fighting group for the second month. He belonged to the family line of Ahoah. Mikloth was the leader of Dodai’s group. The total number of men in Dodai’s group was 24,000.

5The third army commander for the third month was Benaiah the priest, the son of Jehoiada. Benaiah was the chief. The total number of men in Benaiah’s fighting group was 24,000. 6That same Benaiah was a mighty warrior among the 30 chiefs. In fact, he was leader over the 30 chiefs. His son Ammizabad was in charge of Benaiah’s group.

7The fourth commander for the fourth month was Joab’s brother Asahel. Asahel’s son Zebadiah was the next commander after him. The total number of men in Asahel’s fighting group was 24,000.

8The fifth commander for the fifth month was Shamhuth. He was an Izrahite. The total number of men in Shamhuth’s fighting group was 24,000.

9The sixth commander for the sixth month was Ira. He was the son of Ikkesh from Tekoa. The total number of men in Ira’s fighting group was 24,000.

10The seventh commander for the seventh month was Helez. He was a Pelonite from Ephraim. The total number of men in Helez’s fighting group was 24,000.

11The eighth commander for the eighth month was Sibbekai. He was a Hushathite from Zerah. The total number of men in Sibbekai’s fighting group was 24,000.

12The ninth commander for the ninth month was Abiezer. He was from Anathoth in Benjamin. The total number of men in Abiezer’s fighting group was 24,000.

13The tenth commander for the tenth month was Maharai. He was a Netophathite from Zerah. The total number of men in Maharai’s fighting group was 24,000.

14The 11th commander for the 11th month was Benaiah. He was from Pirathon in Ephraim. The total number of men in Benaiah’s fighting group was 24,000.

15The 12th commander for the 12th month was Heldai. He was a Netophathite from the family line of Othniel. The total number of men in Heldai’s fighting group was 24,000.

The Leaders of the Tribes

16Here are the leaders of the tribes of Israel.

Over the tribe of Reuben was Eliezer, the son of Zikri.

Over Simeon was Shephatiah, the son of Maakah.

17Over Levi was Hashabiah, the son of Kemuel.

Over Aaron was Zadok.

18Over Judah was Elihu. He was David’s brother.

Over Issachar was Omri, the son of Michael.

19Over Zebulun was Ishmaiah, the son of Obadiah.

Over Naphtali was Jerimoth, the son of Azriel.

20Over Ephraim was Hoshea, the son of Azaziah.

Over half of the tribe of Manasseh was Joel, the son of Pedaiah.

21Over the half of the tribe of Manasseh in Gilead was Iddo, the son of Zechariah.

Over Benjamin was Jaasiel, the son of Abner.

22Over Dan was Azarel, the son of Jeroham.

These were the leaders of the tribes of Israel.

23David didn’t count the men who were 20 years old or less. That’s because the Lord had promised to make the people of Israel as many as the stars in the sky. 24Joab, the son of Zeruiah, began to count the men. But he didn’t finish. The Lord was angry with Israel because David had begun to count the men. So the number wasn’t written down in the official records of King David.

Other Officials of the King

25Azmaveth was in charge of the royal storerooms. He was the son of Adiel.

Jonathan was in charge of the storerooms in the fields, towns, villages and lookout towers. He was the son of Uzziah.

26Ezri was in charge of the workers who farmed the land. He was the son of Kelub.

27Shimei was in charge of the vineyards. He was from Ramah.

Zabdi was in charge of the grapes from the vineyards. He was also in charge of storing the wine. He was a Shiphmite.

28Baal-Hanan was in charge of the olive trees and sycamore-fig trees in the western hills. He was from Geder.

Joash was in charge of storing the olive oil.

29Shitrai was in charge of the herds that ate grass in Sharon. He was from Sharon.

Shaphat was in charge of the herds in the valleys. He was the son of Adlai.

30Obil was in charge of the camels. He was from the family line of Ishmael.

Jehdeiah was in charge of the donkeys. He was from Meronoth.

31Jaziz was in charge of the flocks. He was a Hagrite.

All these men were the officials in charge of King David’s property.

32Jonathan was David’s uncle. He gave good advice. He was a man of understanding. He was also a secretary.

Jehiel took care of the king’s sons. He was the son of Hakmoni.

33Ahithophel was the king’s adviser.

Hushai was the king’s trusted friend. He was an Arkite.

34Jehoiada and Abiathar became the next advisers after Ahithophel. Jehoiada was the son of Benaiah.

Joab was the commander of the royal army.