1 ዜና መዋዕል 5 – NASV & NIV

New Amharic Standard Version

1 ዜና መዋዕል 5:1-26


1የእስራኤል የበኵር ልጅ የሮቤል ልጆች፤ ሮቤል የበኵር ልጅ ቢሆንም፣ የአባቱን መኝታ ስላረከሰ፣ የብኵርና መብቱ ለእስራኤል ልጅ ለዮሴፍ ልጆች ተሰጥቷል። ከዚህም የተነሣ ትውልዱ የበኵርነቱን ተራ ይዞ ሊቈጠር አልቻለም። 2ይሁዳ ከወንድሞቹ ይልቅ ብርቱ ነበረ፤ ገዥ የወጣው ከእርሱ ቢሆንም፣ የብኵርና መብቱ የተላለፈው ለዮሴፍ ነበረ። 3የእስራኤል የበኵር ልጅ የሮቤል ወንዶች ልጆች፤

ሄኖኅ፣ ፋሉሶ፣ አስሮን፣ ከርሚ።

4የኢዩኤል ዘሮች፤

ልጁ ሸማያ፣ ልጁ ጎግ፣

ልጁ ሰሜኢ፣ 5ልጁ ሚካ፣

ልጁ ራያ፣ ልጁ ቢኤል፣

6የአሦር ንጉሥ ቴልጌልቴልፌልሶር ማርኮ የወሰደው ልጁ ብኤራ።

7የቤተ ሰቡ የዘር ትውልድ በየጐሣ በየጐሣው ሲቈጠር እንደሚከተለው ነው፤

የጐሣ አለቃ የሆነው ኢዮኤል፣ ዘካርያስ፣ 8የኢዮኤል ልጅ፣ የሽማዕ ልጅ፣ የዖዛዝ ልጅ ቤላ፣ እነዚህ ከአሮዔር እስከ ናባውና እስከ በኣልሜዎን ድረስ በሚገኘው ምድር ላይ ሰፈሩ። 9ከብቶቻቸው በገለዓድ ምድር በዝተው ስለ ነበር፣ በምሥራቅ በኩል ወደ ኤፍራጥስ ወንዝ እስከ ምድረ በዳው ዳርቻ ድረስ የሚገኘውን ምድር ያዙ።

10በሳኦልም ዘመነ መንግሥት በእጃቸው ተመትተው ድል ከተደረጉት አጋራውያን ጋር ተዋጉ፤ በመላው የገለዓድ ምሥራቃዊ ክፍል የሚገኙትን መኖሪያዎቻቸውን ያዙ።


11የጋድ ነገድ ደግሞ ከእነርሱ ቀጥሎ እስከ ሰልካ ድረስ በሚገኘው በባሳን ምድር ኖሩ፤

12አለቃው ኢዮኤል፣ ሁለተኛው ሳፋም ከዚያም ያናይና ሰፋጥ ሆነው በባሳን ተቀመጡ።

13ቤተ ዘመዶቻቸውም በየቤተ ሰቡ እነዚህ ነበሩ፤

ሚካኤል፣ ሜሱላም፣ ሳባ፣ ዮራይ፣ ያካን፣ ዙኤ፣ ኦቤድ፤ በአጠቃላይ ሰባት ነበሩ።

14እነዚህ ደግሞ የቡዝ ልጅ፣ የዬዳይ ልጅ፣ የኢዬሳይ ልጅ፣ የሚካኤል ልጅ፣ የገለዓድ ልጅ፣ የኢዳይ ልጅ፣ የዑሪ ልጅ፣ የሑሪ ልጅ፣ የአቢካኢል ልጆች ናቸው።

15የቤተ ሰባቸውም አለቃ የጉኒ ልጅ፣ የአብዲኤል ልጅ አሒ ነበረ።

16ጋዳውያንም በገለዓድ፣ በባሳንና እስከ ዳርቻዋ በሚገኙት መንደሮች እንዲሁም በሳሮን በሚገኙ የግጦሽ ስፍራዎች ሁሉና ከዚያም ወዲያ ዐልፈው ተቀመጡ።

17እነዚህ ሁሉ በትውልድ መዝገብ የሰፈሩት በይሁዳ ንጉሥ በኢዮአታምና በእስራኤል ንጉሥ በኢዮርብዓም ዘመነ መንግሥት ነው።

18የሮቤል፣ የጋድና የምናሴ ነገድ እኩሌታ አርባ አራት ሺሕ ሰባት መቶ ስድሳ ብቁ የጦር ሰዎች ነበሯቸው። እነርሱም ጋሻ መያዝ፣ ሰይፍ መምዘዝና ቀስት መሳብ የሚችሉ ጠንካራና በውጊያ የሠለጠኑ ናቸው። 19እነዚህም በአጋራውያን፣ በኢጡር፣ በናፌስ፣ በናዳብ ላይ ዘመቱ። 20በጦርነቱም ላይ ወደ እግዚአብሔር ጮኸው ስለ ነበር፣ በውጊያው ረዳቸው፤ አጋራውያንንና የጦር አጋሮቻቸውን ሁሉ አሳልፎ ሰጣቸው፤ ስለ ታመኑበትም ጸሎታቸውን ሰማ። 21የአጋራውያንንም እንስሶች ማረኩ፤ እነዚህም አምሳ ሺሕ ግመሎች፣ ሁለት መቶ አምሳ ሺሕ በጎችና ሁለት ሺሕ አህዮች ነበሩ። እንዲሁም አንድ መቶ ሺሕ ሰው ማረኩ። 22ውጊያው የእግዚአብሔር ስለ ነበር፣ ሌሎችም ብዙ ሰዎች ተገደሉ። እስከ ምርኮ ጊዜ ድረስ ምድሪቱ በእጃቸው ነበረች።

እኩሌታው የምናሴ ነገድ

23የምናሴ ነገድ እኩሌታ ሕዝብ ቍጥር ብዙ ነበረ፤ እነርሱም ከባሳን ጀምሮ እስከ በኣልአርሞንዔም ድረስ ባለው ምድር ሰፈሩ፤ ይህም እስከ ሳኔር አርሞንዔም ተራራ ድረስ ማለት ነው።

24የየቤተ ሰቡም አለቆች እነዚህ ነበሩ፤ ዔፌር፤ ይሽዒ፣ ኤሊኤል፣ ዓዝርኤል፣ ኤርምያ፣ ሆዳይዋ፣ ኢየድኤል፤ እነዚህ ጀግና ተዋጊዎች፣ የታወቁ ሰዎችና የየቤተ ሰባቸው አለቆች ነበሩ። 25ይሁን እንጂ ለአባቶቻቸው አምላክ ታማኞች አልሆኑም፤ እግዚአብሔር ከፊታቸው ያጠፋቸውን የምድሪቱን አሕዛብ አማልክት በማምለክ አመነዘሩ። 26ስለዚህ የእስራኤል አምላክ የአሦርን ንጉሥ የፎሐን መንፈስ ይኸውም የቴልጌልቴልፌልሶርን መንፈስ አነሣሥቶ የሮቤልን፣ የጋድንና፣ የምናሴን ነገድ እኩሌታ ማርኮ እንዲወስድ አደረገ። እነዚህንም ወደ አላሔ፣ ወደ አቦር፣ ወደ ሃራና ወደ ጎዛን ወንዝ ዳርቻ አፈለሳቸው፤ እነርሱም እስከ ዛሬ ድረስ በዚያ ይገኛሉ።

New International Version

1 Chronicles 5:1-26


1The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel (he was the firstborn, but when he defiled his father’s marriage bed, his rights as firstborn were given to the sons of Joseph son of Israel; so he could not be listed in the genealogical record in accordance with his birthright, 2and though Judah was the strongest of his brothers and a ruler came from him, the rights of the firstborn belonged to Joseph)— 3the sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel:

Hanok, Pallu, Hezron and Karmi.

4The descendants of Joel:

Shemaiah his son, Gog his son,

Shimei his son, 5Micah his son,

Reaiah his son, Baal his son,

6and Beerah his son, whom Tiglath-Pileser5:6 Hebrew Tilgath-Pilneser, a variant of Tiglath-Pileser; also in verse 26 king of Assyria took into exile. Beerah was a leader of the Reubenites.

7Their relatives by clans, listed according to their genealogical records:

Jeiel the chief, Zechariah, 8and Bela son of Azaz, the son of Shema, the son of Joel. They settled in the area from Aroer to Nebo and Baal Meon. 9To the east they occupied the land up to the edge of the desert that extends to the Euphrates River, because their livestock had increased in Gilead.

10During Saul’s reign they waged war against the Hagrites, who were defeated at their hands; they occupied the dwellings of the Hagrites throughout the entire region east of Gilead.


11The Gadites lived next to them in Bashan, as far as Salekah:

12Joel was the chief, Shapham the second, then Janai and Shaphat, in Bashan.

13Their relatives, by families, were:

Michael, Meshullam, Sheba, Jorai, Jakan, Zia and Eber—seven in all.

14These were the sons of Abihail son of Huri, the son of Jaroah, the son of Gilead, the son of Michael, the son of Jeshishai, the son of Jahdo, the son of Buz.

15Ahi son of Abdiel, the son of Guni, was head of their family.

16The Gadites lived in Gilead, in Bashan and its outlying villages, and on all the pasturelands of Sharon as far as they extended.

17All these were entered in the genealogical records during the reigns of Jotham king of Judah and Jeroboam king of Israel.

18The Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh had 44,760 men ready for military service—able-bodied men who could handle shield and sword, who could use a bow, and who were trained for battle. 19They waged war against the Hagrites, Jetur, Naphish and Nodab. 20They were helped in fighting them, and God delivered the Hagrites and all their allies into their hands, because they cried out to him during the battle. He answered their prayers, because they trusted in him. 21They seized the livestock of the Hagrites—fifty thousand camels, two hundred fifty thousand sheep and two thousand donkeys. They also took one hundred thousand people captive, 22and many others fell slain, because the battle was God’s. And they occupied the land until the exile.

The Half-Tribe of Manasseh

23The people of the half-tribe of Manasseh were numerous; they settled in the land from Bashan to Baal Hermon, that is, to Senir (Mount Hermon).

24These were the heads of their families: Epher, Ishi, Eliel, Azriel, Jeremiah, Hodaviah and Jahdiel. They were brave warriors, famous men, and heads of their families. 25But they were unfaithful to the God of their ancestors and prostituted themselves to the gods of the peoples of the land, whom God had destroyed before them. 26So the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul king of Assyria (that is, Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria), who took the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh into exile. He took them to Halah, Habor, Hara and the river of Gozan, where they are to this day.