1 ሳሙኤል 5 – NASV & NIV

New Amharic Standard Version

1 ሳሙኤል 5:1-12

ታቦቱ ወደ አሽዶድና ወደ አቃሮን ተወሰደ

1ፍልስጥኤማውያን የእግዚአብሔርን ታቦት ከማረኩ በኋላ፣ ከአቤንኤዘር ወደ አሽዶድ ወሰዱት። 2ከዚያም ወደ ዳጎን ቤተ ጣዖት አግብተው፣ በዳጎን አጠገብ አኖሩት። 3የአሽዶድም ሰዎች በማግስቱም ማለዳ ተነሥተው ሲመለከቱ እነሆ፣ ዳጎን በእግዚአብሔር ታቦት ፊት መሬት ላይ በግንባሩ ተደፍቶ አገኙት። ከዚያም አንሥተው ወደ ቦታው መለሱት። 4በሚቀጥለው ቀን ጧት ተነሥተው ሲመለከቱ፣ ዳጎን በእግዚአብሔር ታቦት ፊት፣ መሬት ላይ በግንባሩ ተደፍቶ ነበር፤ ራሱና እጆቹ ተሰባብረው በደጃፉ ላይ የወደቁ ሲሆን፣ የቀረው ሌላው አካሉ ብቻ ነበር። 5የዳጎን ካህናትም ሆኑ ሌሎች በአሽዶድ ወዳለው የዳጎን ቤተ ጣዖት የሚገቡ ሁሉ እስከ ዛሬ ድረስ እግራቸው ደጃፉን እንዳይረግጥ ተራምደው የሚያልፉት በዚሁ ምክንያት ነው።

6የእግዚአብሔር እጅ በአሽዶድ ሕዝብና በአካባቢዋ ላይ ጠነከረ፤ እርሱም ጥፋት አመጣባቸው፤ በዕባጭም መታቸው5፥6 ዕብራይስጡ ከዚህ ጋር ይስማማል፤ የሰብዓ ሊቃናት የቩልጊት ትርጕም ግን በምድራቸው ላይ ዐይጥ መታየት ጀመረ፤ እንዲሁም ሞትና ጥፋት በከተማዪቱ ዙሪያ ነበር ይላል።7የአሽዶድ ሰዎች ይህን ባዩ ጊዜ፣ “እጁ በእኛና በአምላካችን በዳጎን ላይ ጠንክሯልና የእስራኤል አምላክ ታቦት በእኛ ዘንድ መቈየት የለበትም” አሉ። 8ከዚህ በኋላ የፍልስጥኤማውያንን ገዦች በሙሉ ጠርተው፣ “የእስራኤልን አምላክ ታቦት ምን እናድርገው?” ሲሉ ጠየቁ።

እነርሱም፣ “የእስራኤልን አምላክ ታቦት ወደ ጌት ውሰዱት” አሏቸው። ስለዚህ የእስራኤልን አምላክ ታቦት ወሰዱት።

9ነገር ግን ታቦቱን ወደዚያ ከወሰዱት በኋላ የእግዚአብሔር እጅ በከተማዪቱ ላይ ሆነ፤ ታላቅ መሸበርም አመጣባቸው፤ ሕፃን ሽማግሌ ሳይል ሕዝቡን በዕባጭ መታ5፥9 ወይም ብልታቸውን አሳበጠባቸው10ስለዚህ የእግዚአብሔርን ታቦት ወደ አቃሮን ሰደዱት።

የእግዚአብሔር ታቦት እዚያ ሲገባም፣ የአቃሮን ሕዝብ፣ “የእስራኤልን አምላክ ታቦት ያመጡብን እኛንና ሕዝባችንን ለማስፈጀት ነው” በማለት ጮኹ። 11የእግዚአብሔር እጅ በርትቶባቸው ስለ ነበር፣ ሞት ከተማዪቱን እጅግ አስደንግጧት ነበርና ሕዝቡ የፍልስጥኤማውያንን ገዦች በሙሉ ጠርተው፣ “የእስራኤልን አምላክ ታቦት ከዚህ አርቁልን፤ ወደ ገዛ ስፍራው ይመለስ፤ አለዚያ እኛንም ሕዝባችንንም ይፈጃል” አሉ። 12ያልሞቱትን ደግሞ ዕባጩ ያሠቃያቸው ስለ ነበር፣ የከተማዪቱ ጩኸት እስከ ሰማይ ወጣ።

New International Version

1 Samuel 5:1-12

The Ark in Ashdod and Ekron

1After the Philistines had captured the ark of God, they took it from Ebenezer to Ashdod. 2Then they carried the ark into Dagon’s temple and set it beside Dagon. 3When the people of Ashdod rose early the next day, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the Lord! They took Dagon and put him back in his place. 4But the following morning when they rose, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the Lord! His head and hands had been broken off and were lying on the threshold; only his body remained. 5That is why to this day neither the priests of Dagon nor any others who enter Dagon’s temple at Ashdod step on the threshold.

6The Lord’s hand was heavy on the people of Ashdod and its vicinity; he brought devastation on them and afflicted them with tumors.5:6 Hebrew; Septuagint and Vulgate tumors. And rats appeared in their land, and there was death and destruction throughout the city 7When the people of Ashdod saw what was happening, they said, “The ark of the god of Israel must not stay here with us, because his hand is heavy on us and on Dagon our god.” 8So they called together all the rulers of the Philistines and asked them, “What shall we do with the ark of the god of Israel?”

They answered, “Have the ark of the god of Israel moved to Gath.” So they moved the ark of the God of Israel.

9But after they had moved it, the Lord’s hand was against that city, throwing it into a great panic. He afflicted the people of the city, both young and old, with an outbreak of tumors.5:9 Or with tumors in the groin (see Septuagint) 10So they sent the ark of God to Ekron.

As the ark of God was entering Ekron, the people of Ekron cried out, “They have brought the ark of the god of Israel around to us to kill us and our people.” 11So they called together all the rulers of the Philistines and said, “Send the ark of the god of Israel away; let it go back to its own place, or it5:11 Or he will kill us and our people.” For death had filled the city with panic; God’s hand was very heavy on it. 12Those who did not die were afflicted with tumors, and the outcry of the city went up to heaven.