ዕብራውያን 5 – NASV & NIRV

New Amharic Standard Version

ዕብራውያን 5:1-14

1እያንዳንዱ ሊቀ ካህናት ከሰዎች መካከል ይመረጣል፤ የእግዚአብሔርም በሆነው ነገር ላይ ሰዎችን በመወከል ለኀጢአት የሚሆነውን መባንና መሥዋዕትን ለማቅረብ ይሾማል። 2እርሱ ራሱ ድካም ያለበት በመሆኑ፣ አላዋቂ ለሆኑትና ለሚባዝኑት ሊራራላቸው ይችላል። 3ስለ ራሱ ኀጢአትና ስለ ሌሎች ሰዎች ኀጢአት መሥዋዕት ማቅረብ የተገባው በዚሁ ምክንያት ነው።

4አሮን እንደ ተጠራ በእግዚአብሔር መጠራት አለበት እንጂ፣ ይህን ክብር ለራሱ የሚወስድ ማንም የለም። 5እንዲሁም ክርስቶስ ሊቀ ካህናት የመሆንን ክብር ለራሱ አልወሰደም፤ ነገር ግን እግዚአብሔር፣

“አንተ ልጄ ነህ፤

እኔ ዛሬ አባት ሆንሁህ”5፥5 ወይም ወልጄሃለሁ አለው።

6እንዲሁም በሌላ ስፍራ፣

“እንደ መልከጼዴቅ ሹመት፣

አንተ ለዘላለም ካህን ነህ” ይላል።

7ኢየሱስ በዚህ ምድር በኖረበት ዘመን ከሞት ሊያድነው ወደሚችለው ጸሎትንና ልመናን ከታላቅ ጩኸትና ከእንባ ጋር አቀረበ፤ ፍጹም ትሑት ሆኖ በመታዘዙም ጸሎቱ ተሰማለት። 8የእግዚአብሔር ልጅ ቢሆንም እንኳ፣ ከተቀበለው መከራ መታዘዝን ተማረ፤ 9በዚህም ፍጹም ሆኖ ከተገኘ በኋላ፣ እርሱን ለሚታዘዙ ሁሉ የዘላለም ድነት ምክንያት ሆነላቸው፤ 10እንደ መልከጼዴቅ ሹመትም ሊቀ ካህናት ተብሎ በእግዚአብሔር ተሾመ።

በእምነት ስላለመጽናት የተሰጠ ማስጠንቀቂያ

11ስለዚህ ጕዳይ የምንናገረው ብዙ ነገር አለን፤ ነገር ግን ለመማር ዳተኛ ስለ ሆናችሁ ለማስረዳት አስቸጋሪ ነው። 12በዚህ ጊዜ አስተማሪዎች ልትሆኑ ሲገባችሁ፣ ገና የእግዚአብሔርን ቃል የመጀመሪያ ትምህርት የሚያስተምራችሁ ሰው ያስፈልጋችኋል፤ የሚያስፈልጋችሁም ጠንካራ ምግብ ሳይሆን ወተት ነው። 13ወተት የሚጋት ሁሉ ሕፃን ስለሆነ፣ ከጽድቅ ትምህርት ጋር ገና አልተዋወቀም። 14ጠንካራ ምግብ ግን መልካሙን ከክፉው ለመለየት ራሳቸውን ላስለመዱ፣ ለበሰሉ ሰዎች ነው።

New International Reader’s Version

Hebrews 5:1-14

1Every high priest is chosen from among the people. He is appointed to act for the people. He acts for them in whatever has to do with God. He offers gifts and sacrifices for their sins. 2Some people have gone astray without knowing it. He is able to deal gently with them. He can do that because he himself is weak. 3That’s why he has to offer sacrifices for his own sins. He must also do it for the sins of the people. 4And no one can take this honor for himself. Instead, he receives it when he is appointed by God. That is just how it was for Aaron.

5It was the same for Christ. He did not take for himself the glory of becoming a high priest. But God said to him,

“You are my Son.

Today I have become your Father.” (Psalm 2:7)

6In another place God said,

“You are a priest forever,

just like Melchizedek.” (Psalm 110:4)

7Jesus prayed while he lived on earth. He made his appeal with sincere cries and tears. He prayed to the God who could save him from death. God answered Jesus because he truly honored God. 8Jesus was God’s Son. But by suffering he learned what it means to obey. 9In this way he was made perfect. Eternal salvation comes from him. He saves all those who obey him. 10God appointed him to be the high priest, just like Melchizedek.

A Warning Against Falling Away

11We have a lot to say about this. But it is hard to make it clear to you. That’s because you are no longer trying to understand. 12By this time you should be teachers. But in fact, you need someone to teach you all over again. You need even the simple truths of God’s word. You need milk, not solid food. 13Anyone who lives on milk is still a baby. That person does not want to learn about living a godly life. 14Solid food is for those who are grown up. They have trained themselves to tell the difference between good and evil. That shows they have grown up.