ኢዮብ 9 – NASV & NIV

New Amharic Standard Version

ኢዮብ 9:1-35


1ኢዮብ እንዲህ ሲል መለሰ፤

2“በርግጥ ነገሩ እንዲህ እንደ ሆነ ዐውቃለሁ፤

ነገር ግን ሥጋ ለባሽ በእግዚአብሔር ፊት እንዴት ጻድቅ ሊሆን ይችላል?

3ሰው ከእርሱ ጋር ለመከራከር ቢፈልግ፣

ከሺሕ ጥያቄ አንዱን እንኳ መመለስ አይችልም።

4ጥበቡ ጥልቅ፣ ኀይሉም ታላቅ ነውና፤

እርሱን ተቃውሞ ያለ አንዳች ጕዳት የሄደ ማን ነው?

5ሳያውቁት፣ ተራሮችን ይነቅላቸዋል፤

በቍጣውም ይገለብጣቸዋል።

6ምድርን ከስፍራዋ ያናውጣታል፤

ምሰሶዎቿንም ያንቀጠቅጣል።

7ፀሓይን ያዝዛታል፤ አትወጣምም፤

ከዋክብትንም በማኅተም ያሽጋል።

8እርሱ ብቻውን ሰማያትን ዘርግቷል፤

በባሕርም ማዕበል ላይ ይራመዳል።

9እርሱ የድብና የኦሪዮን፣

የፕልያዲስና የደቡብ ከዋክብት ፈጣሪ ነው፤

10የማይመረመሩ ድንቅ ነገሮችን፣

የማይቈጠሩ ታምራትንም ያደርጋል።

11እነሆ፤ በአጠገቤ ሲያልፍ አላየውም፤

በጐኔም ሲሄድ፣ ልገነዘበው አልችልም።

12ቢነጥቅ፣ ማን ይከለክለዋል?

‘ምን መሥራትህ ነው?’ የሚለውስ፣ ማን ነው?

13እግዚአብሔር ቍጣውን አይመልስም፤

ረዓብን የሚረዱ እንኳ ይሰግዱለታል።

14“ታዲያ፣ ከእርሱ ጋር እሟገት ዘንድ፣

ልከራከረውም ቃላት እመርጥ ዘንድ፣ እንዴት እችላለሁ?

15ጻድቅ ብሆንም እንኳ፣ ልመልስለት አልችልም፤

ዳኛዬን ምሕረት ከመለመን ሌላ ላደርግ የምችለው የለም።

16ጠርቼው ‘አቤት!’ ቢለኝም፣

ያዳምጠኛል ብዬ አላምንም።

17በዐውሎ ነፋስ ይሰብረኛል፤

ቍስሌንም ያለ ምክንያት ያበዛል፤

18ምሬትን አጠገበኝ እንጂ፣

ለመተንፈስ እንኳ ፋታ አልሰጠኝም።

19የኀይል ነገር ከተነሣ፣ እርሱ ኀያል ነው!

የፍትሕም ነገር ከተነሣ፣ መጥሪያ ሊሰጠው9፥19 ሰብዓ ሊቃናት ይመልከቱ፤ የዕብራይስጡ ሊሰጠኝ ይላል። የሚችል ማን ነው?

20ንጹሕ ብሆን እንኳ፣ አንደበቴ ይፈርድብኛል፤

እንከን የለሽ እንኳ ብሆን፣ በደለኛ ያደርገኛል።

21“ያለ ነቀፋ ብሆንም እንኳ፣

ስለ ራሴ ግድ የለኝም፤

የገዛ ሕይወቴንም እንቃታለሁ።

22ሁሉም አንድ ነው፤

‘እርሱ ጻድቁንና ኀጥኡን ያጠፋል’ የምለውም ለዚህ ነው።

23መዓት ወርዶ ድንገት ሰው ሲጨርስ፣

በንጹሓን መከራ ይሣለቃል።

24ምድር በክፉዎች እጅ ስትወድቅ፣

እርሱ የፈራጆቿን ዐይን ይሸፍናል፤

ታዲያ፣ ይህን ያደረገው እርሱ ካልሆነ ማን ሊሆን ይችላል?

25“ዘመኔ ከሚሮጥ ሰው ይልቅ ይፈጥናል፤

አንዳችም ደስታ ሳያይ ያልፋል።

26ከደንገል እንደ ተሠራ ታንኳ፣

ለመንጠቅ ቍልቍል እንደሚበርር ንስር ይፈጥናል።

27‘ማጕረምረሜን እረሳለሁ፤

ገጽታዬን ቀይሬ ፈገግ እላለሁ’ ብል፣

28ንጹሕ አድርገህ እንደማትቈጥረኝ ስለማውቅ፣

መከራዬን ሁሉ እፈራለሁ።

29በደለኛ መሆኔ ካልቀረ፣

ለምን በከንቱ እለፋለሁ?

30ሰውነቴን በሳሙና9፥30 ወይም በረዶ ብታጠብ፣

እጄንም በልዩ መታጠቢያ ባነጻ፣

31ልብሴ እንኳ እስኪጸየፈኝ ድረስ፣

በዐዘቅት ውስጥ ታሰጥመኛለህ።

32“መልስ እሰጠው ዘንድ፣ እሟገተውም ዘንድ፣

እርሱ እንደ እኔ ሰው አይደለም።

33በሁለታችን ላይ እጅ የሚጭን፣

በመካከላችንም የሚዳኝ ቢኖር፣

34ግርማው እንዳያስፈራኝ፣

እግዚአብሔር በትሩን ከእኔ ላይ ቢያነሣ፣

35ሳልፈራው በተናገርሁት ነበር፤

አሁን ባለሁበት ሁኔታ ግን፣ አልችልም።

New International Version

Job 9:1-35


1Then Job replied:

2“Indeed, I know that this is true.

But how can mere mortals prove their innocence before God?

3Though they wished to dispute with him,

they could not answer him one time out of a thousand.

4His wisdom is profound, his power is vast.

Who has resisted him and come out unscathed?

5He moves mountains without their knowing it

and overturns them in his anger.

6He shakes the earth from its place

and makes its pillars tremble.

7He speaks to the sun and it does not shine;

he seals off the light of the stars.

8He alone stretches out the heavens

and treads on the waves of the sea.

9He is the Maker of the Bear9:9 Or of Leo and Orion,

the Pleiades and the constellations of the south.

10He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed,

miracles that cannot be counted.

11When he passes me, I cannot see him;

when he goes by, I cannot perceive him.

12If he snatches away, who can stop him?

Who can say to him, ‘What are you doing?’

13God does not restrain his anger;

even the cohorts of Rahab cowered at his feet.

14“How then can I dispute with him?

How can I find words to argue with him?

15Though I were innocent, I could not answer him;

I could only plead with my Judge for mercy.

16Even if I summoned him and he responded,

I do not believe he would give me a hearing.

17He would crush me with a storm

and multiply my wounds for no reason.

18He would not let me catch my breath

but would overwhelm me with misery.

19If it is a matter of strength, he is mighty!

And if it is a matter of justice, who can challenge him9:19 See Septuagint; Hebrew me.?

20Even if I were innocent, my mouth would condemn me;

if I were blameless, it would pronounce me guilty.

21“Although I am blameless,

I have no concern for myself;

I despise my own life.

22It is all the same; that is why I say,

‘He destroys both the blameless and the wicked.’

23When a scourge brings sudden death,

he mocks the despair of the innocent.

24When a land falls into the hands of the wicked,

he blindfolds its judges.

If it is not he, then who is it?

25“My days are swifter than a runner;

they fly away without a glimpse of joy.

26They skim past like boats of papyrus,

like eagles swooping down on their prey.

27If I say, ‘I will forget my complaint,

I will change my expression, and smile,’

28I still dread all my sufferings,

for I know you will not hold me innocent.

29Since I am already found guilty,

why should I struggle in vain?

30Even if I washed myself with soap

and my hands with cleansing powder,

31you would plunge me into a slime pit

so that even my clothes would detest me.

32“He is not a mere mortal like me that I might answer him,

that we might confront each other in court.

33If only there were someone to mediate between us,

someone to bring us together,

34someone to remove God’s rod from me,

so that his terror would frighten me no more.

35Then I would speak up without fear of him,

but as it now stands with me, I cannot.