ኢዮብ 40 – NASV & NIRV

New Amharic Standard Version

ኢዮብ 40:1-24

1እግዚአብሔርም ኢዮብን እንዲህ አለው፤

2“ሁሉን ከሚችል አምላክ ጋር ተከራክሮ የሚረታው አለን?

እግዚአብሔርን የሚወቅሥ እርሱ መልስ ይስጥ!”

3ኢዮብም ለእግዚአብሔር እንዲህ ሲል መለሰ፤

4“እኔ ከንቱ ሰው፣ ምን እመልስልሃለሁ?

እጄን በአፌ ላይ እጭናለሁ።

5አንድ ጊዜ ተናገርሁ፤ የምመልሰው የለኝም፤

ሁለተኛም ተናገርሁ፤ ከእንግዲህ አንዳች አልጨምርም።”

6እግዚአብሔርም በዐውሎ ነፋስ ውስጥ ሆኖ፣ ለኢዮብ እንዲህ ሲል ተናገረ፤

7“እንግዲህ እንደ ወንድ ወገብህን ታጠቅ፤

እኔ እጠይቅሃለሁ፤

አንተም መልስልኝ።

8“ፍርዴን ታቃልላለህን?

ወይስ አንተ ጻድቅ ለመሆን እኔን ትኰንናለህ?

9እንደ እግዚአብሔር ክንድ ያለ ክንድ አለህን?

ድምፅህስ እንደ እርሱ ድምፅ ሊያንጐደጕድ ይችላልን?

10እንግዲያስ ክብርንና ልዕልናን ተጐናጸፍ፤

ግርማ ሞገስንም ተላበስ፤

11ቍጣህን አፍስስ፤

ትዕቢተኛውን ሁሉ ተመልክተህ አዋርደው፤

12ትዕቢተኛውን ሰው ሁሉ ተመልክተህ ዝቅ አድርገው፤

ክፉዎችንም በቆሙበት ስፍራ አድቅቃቸው።

13ሁሉንም በአንድ ላይ ከዐፈር ደባልቃቸው፤

ፊታቸውንም በመቃብር ውስጥ ሸፍን።

14እኔም ቀኝ እጅህ እንደምታድንህ፣

በዚያን ጊዜ አረጋግጬ እቀበላለሁ።

15“አንተን እንደ ፈጠርሁ፣ የፈጠርሁትን

‘ብሄሞት’40፥15 ጕማሬ ወይም ዝሆን ተመልከት፤

እንደ በሬ ሣር ይበላል፤

16ብርታቱ ወገቡ ውስጥ፣

ኀይሉም በሆዱ ጡንቻ ላይ ነው።

17ጅራቱ40፥17 ምናልባት ግንዱ ማለት ሊሆን ይችላል። እንደ ጥድ ዛፍ ይወዛወዛል፤

የወርቹ ጅማት የተጐነጐነ ነው።

18ዐጥንቱ እንደ ናስ ቱቦ፣

እጅና እግሮቹም እንደ ብረት ዘንግ ናቸው።

19እርሱ የእግዚአብሔር ሥራ አውራ ነው፤

በሰይፍ ሊቀርበውም የሚችል ፈጣሪው ብቻ ነው።

20ኰረብቶች ምግቡን ያበቅሉለታል፤

አውሬዎችም ሁሉ በዙሪያው ይፈነጫሉ።

21በውሃ ላይ በሚያድጉ ዕፀዋት ጥላ ሥር ይተኛል፤

በረግረግ ስፍራ ደንገል መካከል ይደበቃል።

22በውሃ ላይ የሚያድጉ ዕፀዋት በጥላቸው ይጋርዱታል፤

የወንዝ አኻያ ዛፎች ይሸፍኑታል።

23ወንዙ በኀይል ቢጐርፍም፣ አይደነግጥም፤

ዮርዳኖስ እስከ አፉ ቢሞላም፣ እርሱ ተረጋግቶ ይቀመጣል።

24ዐይኑን ሸፍነህ ልትይዘው፣

አጥምደህም አፍንጫውን ልትበሳ ትችላለህ?

New International Reader’s Version

Job 40:1-24

1The Lord continued,

2“I am the Mighty One.

Will the man who argues with me correct me?

Let him who brings charges against me answer me!”

3Job replied to the Lord,

4“I’m not worthy. How can I reply to you?

I’m putting my hand over my mouth. I’ll stop talking.

5I spoke once. But I really don’t have any answer.

I spoke twice. But I won’t say anything else.”

6Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm. He said,

7“Get ready to stand up for yourself.

I will ask you some more questions.

Then I want you to answer me.

8“Would you dare to claim that I am not being fair?

Would you judge me in order to make yourself seem right?

9Is your arm as powerful as mine is?

Can your voice thunder as mine does?

10Then put on glory and beauty as if they were your clothes.

Also put on honor and majesty.

11Let loose your great anger.

Look at those who are proud and bring them low.

12Look at proud people and make them humble.

Crush evil people right where they are.

13Bury their bodies together in the dust.

Cover their faces in the grave.

14Then I myself will admit to you

that your own right hand can save you.

15“Look at Behemoth. It is a huge animal.

I made both of you.

It eats grass like an ox.

16Look at the strength it has in its hips!

What power it has in the muscles of its stomach!

17Its tail sways back and forth like a cedar tree.

The tendons of its thighs are close together.

18Its bones are like tubes made out of bronze.

Its legs are like rods made out of iron.

19It ranks first among my works.

I made it. I can approach it with my sword.

20The hills produce food for it.

All the other wild animals play near it.

21It lies under lotus plants.

It hides in tall grass in the swamps.

22The lotus plants hide it in their shade.

Poplar trees near streams surround it.

23It is not afraid when the river roars.

It is secure even when the Jordan River rushes against its mouth.

24Can anyone capture it by its eyes?

Can anyone trap it and poke a hole through its nose?