ኢዮብ 27 – NASV & NIRV

New Amharic Standard Version

ኢዮብ 27:1-23

1ኢዮብም እንዲህ ሲል ንግግሩን ቀጠለ፤

2“ፍትሕ የነሣኝ ሕያው እግዚአብሔርን!

ነፍሴንም መራራ ያደረጋት፣ ሁሉን ቻይ አምላክን!

3በውስጤ የሕይወት እስትንፋስ፣

በአፍንጫዬም ውስጥ የእግዚአብሔር መንፈስ እስካለ ድረስ፣

4ከንፈሬ ኀጢአትን አትናገርም፤

አንደበቴም ሽንገላ አይወጣውም።

5እናንተን እንደ ቅኖች መቍጠር፣

የማላደርገው ነገር ነው፤ ጨዋነቴንም እስክሞት ድረስ አልጥልም።

6ጽድቄን አጥብቄ እይዛለሁ፤ አልለቀውምም፤

በዘመኔም ሁሉ ኅሊናዬ አይወቅሠኝም።

7“ጠላቴ እንደ በደለኛ፣

ባላንጣዬም እንደ ክፉ ይሁን።

8እግዚአብሔር ሲያስወግደው፣

ነፍሱንም ሲወስድበት ዐመፀኛ ምን ተስፋ አለው?

9በውኑ መከራ በገጠመው ጊዜ፣

እግዚአብሔር ጩኸቱን ይሰማልን?

10ሁሉን በሚችል አምላክ ደስ ይለዋልን?

ዘወትርስ እግዚአብሔርን ይጠራልን?

11“ስለ እግዚአብሔር ክንድ አስተምራችኋለሁ፤

የሁሉን ቻዩንም አምላክ ዕቅድ አልሸሽግም።

12ሁላችሁ ይህን አይታችኋል፤

ታዲያ፣ ይህ ከንቱ ንግግር ምንድን ነው?

13“እግዚአብሔር ለክፉው የመደበው ዕድል ፈንታ፣

ግፈኛም ሁሉን ከሚችል አምላክ የሚቀበለው ቅርስ ይህ ነው፦

14ልጆቹ የቱንም ያህል ቢበዙም ለሰይፍ ይዳረጋሉ፤

ዘሩም ጠግቦ አያድርም።

15የተረፉለትም በመቅሠፍት ዐልቀው ይቀበራሉ፤

መበለቶቻቸውም አያለቅሱላቸውም።

16ብርን እንደ ዐፈር ቢከምር፣

ልብስንም እንደ ሸክላ ጭቃ ቢያከማች፣

17እርሱ ያከማቸውን ጻድቃን ይለብሱታል፤

ብሩንም ንጹሓን ይከፋፈሉታል።

18የሚሠራው ቤት እንደ ሸረሪት ድር፣

እህል ጠባቂም እንደ ቀለሰው መጠለያ ነው።

19ሀብታም ሆኖ ይተኛል፤ ዘለቄታ ግን የለውም፤

ዐይኑን በገለጠ ጊዜ ሀብቱ ሁሉ በቦታው የለም።

20ድንጋጤ እንደ ጐርፍ ድንገት ያጥለቀልቀዋል፤

ዐውሎ ነፋስም በሌሊት ይዞት ይሄዳል።

21የምሥራቅ ነፋስ ይወስደዋል፤ እርሱም አይገኝም፤

ከስፍራውም ይጠርገዋል።

22ከነፋሱ ብርታት ለማምለጥ ይሮጣል፤

ነገር ግን እየተወረወረ ያለ ርኅራኄ ይደርስበታል፤

23እጁንም እያጨበጨበ ያሾፍበታል፤

በፉጨትም ከስፍራው ያሽቀነጥረዋል።”

New International Reader’s Version

Job 27:1-23

Job’s Final Reply to His Friends

1Job continued to speak. He said,

2“God hasn’t treated me fairly.

The Mighty One has made my life bitter.

You can be sure that God lives.

And here’s something else you can be sure of.

3As long as I have life

and God gives me breath,

4my mouth won’t say evil things.

My lips won’t tell lies.

5I’ll never admit you people are right.

Until I die, I’ll say I’m telling the truth.

6I’ll continue to say I’m right.

I’ll never let go of that.

I won’t blame myself as long as I live.

7“May my enemies suffer like sinful people!

May my attackers be punished like those who aren’t fair!

8What hope do ungodly people have when their lives are cut short?

What hope do they have when God takes away their lives?

9God won’t listen to their cry

when trouble comes on them.

10They won’t take delight in the Mighty One.

They’ll never call out to God.

11“I’ll teach all of you about God’s power.

I won’t hide the things the Mighty One does.

12You have seen those things yourselves.

So why do you continue your useless talk?

13“Here’s what God does to sinful people.

Here’s what those who are mean receive from the Mighty One.

14All their children will be killed by swords.

They’ll never have enough to eat.

15A plague will kill those who are left alive.

The widows of sinful men

won’t even weep over their own children.

16Sinners might store up silver like dust

and clothes like piles of clay.

17But people who do what is right will wear those clothes.

People who haven’t done anything wrong

will divide up that silver.

18The house an evil person builds is like a moth’s cocoon.

It’s like a hut that’s made by someone on guard duty.

19Sinful people lie down wealthy, but their wealth is taken away.

When they open their eyes, everything is gone.

20Terrors sweep over them like a flood.

A storm takes them away during the night.

21The east wind carries them off, and they are gone.

It sweeps them out of their houses.

22It blows against them without mercy.

They try to escape from its power.

23It claps its hands and makes fun of them.

It hisses them out of their houses.”