ኢዮብ 26 – NASV & NIRV

New Amharic Standard Version

ኢዮብ 26:1-14


1ኢዮብም እንዲህ ሲል መለሰ፤

2“ኀይል የሌለውን ምንኛ ረዳኸው!

ደካማውንስ ምንኛ አዳንኸው!

3ጥበብ የሌለውን ምንኛ መከርኸው!

ታላቅ ዕውቀትንስ ምንኛ ገለጥህለት!

4ይህን ቃል እንድትናገር የረዳህ ማን ነው?

የማንስ መንፈስ በአንደበትህ ተጠቀመ?

5“ከውሆችና በውስጣቸው ከሚኖሩ በታች ያሉ፣

የሙታን መንፈስ በጭንቅ ላይ ናቸው።

6ሲኦል26፥6 የዕብራይስጡ ቅጅ ከዚህ ጋር ይስማማል፤ አንዳንድ ቅጆች ግን፣ ሞት ይላሉ። በእግዚአብሔር ፊት ዕራቍቷን ናት፤

የጥፋትንም26፥6 ዕብራይስጡ፣ አባዶን ይላል። ስፍራ የሚጋርድ የለም።

7የሰሜንን ሰማይ በሕዋው ላይ ዘረጋው፤

ምድርንም እንዲያው በባዶው ላይ አንጠለጠላት።

8ውሆችን በደመናዎቹ ይጠቀልላል፤

ክብደታቸውም ደመናዎቹን አይሸነቍርም።

9ደመናዎቹን በላዩ ዘርግቶ፣

የሙሉውን ጨረቃ ፊት ይጋርዳል።

10ለብርሃንና ለጨለማ ድንበር ይሆን ዘንድ፣

በውሆች ላይ የአድማስ ክበብ አበጀ።

11የሰማይ ምሰሶዎች ይንቀጠቀጣሉ፤

በተግሣጹም ይደነግጣሉ።

12በኀይሉ ባሕርን ያናውጣል፤

በጥበቡም ረዓብን ይቈራርጣል።

13በእስትንፋሱ ሰማያትን አጠራ፤

እጁም ተወርዋሪውን እባብ ወጋች።

14እነዚህ የሥራው ዳር ዳር ናቸው፤

ስለ እርሱ የሰማነው ምንኛ አነስተኛ ነው!

የኀይሉንስ ነጐድጓድ ማን ሊያስተውል ይችላል?”

New International Reader’s Version

Job 26:1-14

Job’s Reply

1Job replied,

2“Bildad, you haven’t helped people who aren’t strong!

You haven’t saved people who are weak!

3You haven’t offered advice to those who aren’t wise!

In fact, you haven’t understood anything at all!

4Who helped you say these things?

Whose spirit was speaking through you?

5“The spirits of the dead are suffering greatly.

So are those that are under the waters.

And so are all those that live in them.

6The place of the dead is naked in the sight of God.

The grave lies open in front of him.

7He spreads out the northern skies over empty space.

He hangs the earth over nothing.

8He wraps up water in his clouds.

They are heavy, but they don’t burst.

9He covers the face of the full moon.

He spreads his clouds over it.

10He marks out the place where the sky meets the sea.

He marks out the boundary between light and darkness.

11The pillars of the heavens shake.

They are terrified when his anger blazes out.

12With his power he stirred up the oceans.

In his wisdom he cut the sea monster Rahab to pieces.

13His breath made the skies bright and clear.

His hand wounded the serpent that glides through the sea.

14Those are only on the edges of what he does.

They are only the soft whispers that we hear from him.

So who can understand how very powerful he is?”