ኢዮብ 14 – NASV & NIV

New Amharic Standard Version

ኢዮብ 14:1-22

1“ከሴት የተወለደ ሰው፣

ዘመኑ ዐጭርና በመከራ የተሞላ ነው፤

2እንደ አበባ ይፈካል፤ ይረግፋልም፤

እንደ ጥላ ይፈጥናል፤ አይጸናምም።

3እንደዚህ ባለ ሰው ላይ ዐይንህን ታሳርፋለህን?

ለፍርድስ በፊትህ ታቀርበዋለህን?14፥3 ሰብዓ ሊቃናት፣ ቩልጌትና ሱርስት እንዲሁ ሲሆን ዕብራይስጡ ግን ታቀርበኛለህን? ይላል

4ከርኩስ ነገር ውስጥ ንጹሕን ማን ሊያወጣ ይችላል?

አንድ እንኳ የሚችል የለም!

5የሰው ዕድሜ አስቀድሞ የተወሰነ ነው፤

የወራቱንም ብዛት ወስነህ አስቀምጠሃል፤

ሊያልፈው የማይችለውንም ገደብ አኖርህለት።

6እንግዲህ ዘመኑን እንደ ምንደኛ እስኪፈጽም ድረስ፣

ፊትህን ከእርሱ መልስ፤ ተወው።

7“ዛፍ እንኳ ቢቈረጥ፣

እንደ ገና ሊያቈጠቍጥ፣

አዳዲስ ቅርንጫፍም ሊያበቅል ተስፋ አለው።

8ሥሩ በምድር ውስጥ ቢያረጅ፣

ጕቶው በመሬት ውስጥ ቢበሰብስም፣

9የውሃ ሽታ ባገኘ ጊዜ ያቈጠቍጣል፤

እንደ ተተከለም ችግኝ ቅርንጫፍ ያወጣል።

10ሰው ግን ይሞታል፤ ክንዱንም ይንተራሳል፤

ነፍሱም ትወጣለች፤ ከእንግዲህስ የት ይገኛል?

11ውሃ ከባሕር ውስጥ እንደሚያልቅ፣

የወንዝ ውሃም ጠፍቶ እንደሚደርቅ፣

12እንደዚሁም ሰው ይተኛል፤ ቀናም አይልም፤

ሰማይ እስከሚያልፍ ድረስ አይነቃም፤

ከእንቅልፉም አይነሣም።

13“ምነው መቃብር14፥13 በዕብራይስጥ ሲኦል ማለት ነው። ውስጥ በሰወርኸኝ!

ቍጣህም እስከሚያልፍ በሸሸግኸኝ!

ምነው ቀጠሮ ሰጥተህ፣

ከዚያ በኋላ ባስታወስኸኝ!

14ሰው ከሞተ በኋላ ተመልሶ በሕይወት ይኖራል?

እድሳቴ14፥14 ወይም መፈታቴ እስከሚመጣ ድረስ፣

ተጋድሎ የሞላበትን ዘመኔን ሁሉ እታገሣለሁ።

15ትጠራኛለህ፤ እኔም እመልስልሃለሁ፤

የእጅህንም ሥራ ትናፍቃለህ።

16በዚያን ጊዜ በርግጥ ርምጃዬን ትከታተላለህ፤

ነገር ግን ኀጢአቴን አትቈጣጠርም።

17መተላለፌ በከረጢት ይቋጠራል፤

ኀጢአቴንም ትሸፍናለህ።

18“ተራራ እንደሚሸረሸርና እንደሚወድቅ፣

ዐለትም ከስፍራው እንደሚወገድ፣

19ውሃ ድንጋይን እንደሚቦረቡር፣

ጐርፍም ዐፈርን ዐጥቦ እንደሚወስድ፣

አንተም የሰውን ተስፋ ታጠፋለህ።

20አንድ ጊዜ ፈጽመህ ትበረታለህ፤ እርሱም ያልፋል፤

ገጽታውን ትቀይራለህ፤ ትሸኘዋለህም።

21ልጆቹ ቢከበሩ አያውቅም፤

ቢዋረዱም አያይም።

22የገዛ አካሉ ሕመም ብቻ ይሰማዋል፤

ለራሱም ብቻ ያለቅሳል።”

New International Version

Job 14:1-22

1“Mortals, born of woman,

are of few days and full of trouble.

2They spring up like flowers and wither away;

like fleeting shadows, they do not endure.

3Do you fix your eye on them?

Will you bring them14:3 Septuagint, Vulgate and Syriac; Hebrew me before you for judgment?

4Who can bring what is pure from the impure?

No one!

5A person’s days are determined;

you have decreed the number of his months

and have set limits he cannot exceed.

6So look away from him and let him alone,

till he has put in his time like a hired laborer.

7“At least there is hope for a tree:

If it is cut down, it will sprout again,

and its new shoots will not fail.

8Its roots may grow old in the ground

and its stump die in the soil,

9yet at the scent of water it will bud

and put forth shoots like a plant.

10But a man dies and is laid low;

he breathes his last and is no more.

11As the water of a lake dries up

or a riverbed becomes parched and dry,

12so he lies down and does not rise;

till the heavens are no more, people will not awake

or be roused from their sleep.

13“If only you would hide me in the grave

and conceal me till your anger has passed!

If only you would set me a time

and then remember me!

14If someone dies, will they live again?

All the days of my hard service

I will wait for my renewal14:14 Or release to come.

15You will call and I will answer you;

you will long for the creature your hands have made.

16Surely then you will count my steps

but not keep track of my sin.

17My offenses will be sealed up in a bag;

you will cover over my sin.

18“But as a mountain erodes and crumbles

and as a rock is moved from its place,

19as water wears away stones

and torrents wash away the soil,

so you destroy a person’s hope.

20You overpower them once for all, and they are gone;

you change their countenance and send them away.

21If their children are honored, they do not know it;

if their offspring are brought low, they do not see it.

22They feel but the pain of their own bodies

and mourn only for themselves.”