ኢሳይያስ 33 – NASV & NIV

New Amharic Standard Version

ኢሳይያስ 33:1-24

የጭንቅ ጊዜና ርዳታ

1አንተ ሳትጠፋ የምታጠፋ፣

አንት አጥፊ፣ ወዮልህ!

አንተ ሳትካድ የምትክድ፣

አንት ከዳተኛ፣ ወዮልህ!

ማጥፋትን በተውህ ጊዜ፣


ክሕደትህንም በተውህ ጊዜ ትከዳለህ።

2እግዚአብሔር ሆይ፤ ማረን፤

አንተን ተስፋ አድርገናል።

በየማለዳው ብርታት፣

በጭንቅ ጊዜም ድነት ሁነን።

3ሕዝቦች በድምፅህ ነጐድጓድ ይሸሻሉ፤

መንግሥታት ስትነሣ ይበተናሉ።

4ሕዝቦች ሆይ፤ አንበጣ እንደሚሰበስብ ብዝበዛችሁም ይሰበሰባል፤

ሰዎችም እንደ ኵብኵባ ይጨፍሩበታል።

5እግዚአብሔር በአርያም ተቀምጧልና ከፍ ከፍ አለ፤

ጽዮንን በጽድቅና በፍትሕ ይሞላታል።

6እርሱ ለዘመንህ የሚያስተማምን መሠረት፣

የድነት፣ የዕውቀትና የጥበብ መዝገብ ይሆናል፤

እግዚአብሔርንም መፍራት የዚህ ሀብት ቍልፍ ነው33፥6 ወይም እግዚአብሔርን መፍራት ከእግዚአብሔር የሆነ ሀብት ነው

7እነሆ፤ ጐበዞቻቸው በየመንገዱ ይጮኻሉ፤

የሰላም መልእክተኞችም አምርረው ያለቅሳሉ።

8አውራ ጐዳናዎች ባዶ ናቸው፤

በመንገድ ላይ ሰው የለም፤

ስምምነቱ ፈርሷል፤

መካሪዎቹ33፥8 የሙት ባሕር ጥቅልሎች ከዚህ ጋር ይስማማሉ፤ የማሶሬቱ ቅጅ ግን፣ ከተሞች ይላል። ተንቀዋል፤

የሚከበርም የለም።

9ምድሪቱ አለቀሰች33፥9 ወይም ደረቀች (ጠወለገች)፤ መነመነች፤

ሊባኖስ ዐፈረች፤ ጠወለገች፤

ሳሮን እንደ ዓረባ ምድረ በዳ ሆነች፤

ባሳንና ቀርሜሎስ ቅጠላቸውን አረገፉ።

10እግዚአብሔር እንዲህ ይላል፤ “አሁን እነሣለሁ፤

አሁን ከፍ ከፍ እላለሁ፤

አሁን እከብራለሁ።

11ገለባን ፀነሳችሁ፤

እብቅንም ወለዳችሁ፤

እስትንፋሳችሁም የሚበላችሁ እሳት ነው።

12ሕዝቦች ኖራ እንደሚወጣው ድንጋይ ይቃጠላሉ፤

እንደ እሾኽ ቍጥቋጦ በእሳት ይጋያሉ።”

13እናንት በሩቅ ያላችሁ ያደረግሁትን ስሙ፤

እናንት በቅርብ ያላችሁ ኀይሌን ዕወቁ!

14በጽዮን ያሉ ኀጢአተኞች ደነገጡ፤

አምላክ የሌላቸውም ፍርሀት ይዟቸው፣

“ከእኛ መካከል ከሚባላ እሳት ጋር ማን መኖር ይችላል፣

ከዘላለም እሳትስ ጋር ማን መኖር ይችላል?” አሉ።

15በጽድቅ የሚራመድ፣

ቅን ነገር የሚናገር፣

በሽንገላ የሚገኝን ትርፍ የሚንቅ፣

መማለጃን ላለመቀበል እጁን የሚሰበስብ፣

የግድያን ሤራ ላለመስማት ጆሮውን የሚደፍን፣

ክፋትን ላለማየት ዐይኑን የሚጨፍን፣

16ይህ ሰው በከፍታ ላይ ይኖራል፤

የተራራም ምሽግ መጠጊያው ይሆናል፤

እንጀራ ይሰጠዋል፣

ውሃውም አይቋረጥበትም።

17ዐይኖችህ ንጉሡን በውበቱ ያዩታል፤

በሩቅ የተዘረጋችውንም ምድር ይመለከታሉ።

18የቀደመው መከራ ትዝ እያለህ፣

“ያ ዋና አለቃ የት አለ?

ግብር ተቀባዩስ ወዴት ሄደ?

የመጠበቂያ ማማ ኀላፊውስ የት አለ?” ትላለህ።

19እነዚያ ንግግራቸው የማይገባ፣

የሚሉትም የማይታወቅ፣

ሊረዱት የማይቻል ቋንቋ የሚናገሩትን ጋጠወጥ ሕዝብ ከእንግዲህ አታያቸውም።

20በዓላታችንን የምናከብርባትን ከተማ ጽዮንን ተመልከት፤

ሰላማዊ መኖሪያ፣ የማትነቃነቅ ድንኳን የሆነችውን፣

ካስማዋ የማይነቀል፣

ከገመዷ አንዱ እንኳ የማይበጠሰውን፣

ኢየሩሳሌምን ዐይኖችህ ያያሉ።

21እግዚአብሔር በዚያ ኀይላችን ይሆናል፤

ባለ መቅዘፊያ ጀልባዎች እንደማያልፉባቸው፣

ታላላቅ መርከቦችም እንደማይሻገሯቸው፣

ሰፋፊ ወንዞችና ጅረቶች ይሆንልናል።

22እግዚአብሔር ዳኛችን ነው፤

እግዚአብሔር ሕግ ሰጪያችን ነው፤

እግዚአብሔር ንጉሣችን ነው፤

የሚያድነንም እርሱ ነውና።

23መወጠሪያ ገመድህ ላልቷል፤

ምሰሶው ጠብቆ አልተተከለም፤

ሸራው አልተወጠረም፤

በዚያ ጊዜ ታላቅ ምርኮ ይከፋፈላል፤

ዐንካሳ እንኳ ሳይቀር ምርኮ ይወስዳል።

24በጽዮን ተቀምጦ፣ “ታምሜአለሁ” የሚል አይኖርም፤

በዚያ የሚኖሩ ሰዎች ኀጢአትም ይቅር ይባላል።

New International Version

Isaiah 33:1-24

Distress and Help

1Woe to you, destroyer,

you who have not been destroyed!

Woe to you, betrayer,

you who have not been betrayed!

When you stop destroying,

you will be destroyed;

when you stop betraying,

you will be betrayed.

2Lord, be gracious to us;

we long for you.

Be our strength every morning,

our salvation in time of distress.

3At the uproar of your army, the peoples flee;

when you rise up, the nations scatter.

4Your plunder, O nations, is harvested as by young locusts;

like a swarm of locusts people pounce on it.

5The Lord is exalted, for he dwells on high;

he will fill Zion with his justice and righteousness.

6He will be the sure foundation for your times,

a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge;

the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.33:6 Or is a treasure from him

7Look, their brave men cry aloud in the streets;

the envoys of peace weep bitterly.

8The highways are deserted,

no travelers are on the roads.

The treaty is broken,

its witnesses33:8 Dead Sea Scrolls; Masoretic Text / the cities are despised,

no one is respected.

9The land dries up and wastes away,

Lebanon is ashamed and withers;

Sharon is like the Arabah,

and Bashan and Carmel drop their leaves.

10“Now will I arise,” says the Lord.

“Now will I be exalted;

now will I be lifted up.

11You conceive chaff,

you give birth to straw;

your breath is a fire that consumes you.

12The peoples will be burned to ashes;

like cut thornbushes they will be set ablaze.”

13You who are far away, hear what I have done;

you who are near, acknowledge my power!

14The sinners in Zion are terrified;

trembling grips the godless:

“Who of us can dwell with the consuming fire?

Who of us can dwell with everlasting burning?”

15Those who walk righteously

and speak what is right,

who reject gain from extortion

and keep their hands from accepting bribes,

who stop their ears against plots of murder

and shut their eyes against contemplating evil—

16they are the ones who will dwell on the heights,

whose refuge will be the mountain fortress.

Their bread will be supplied,

and water will not fail them.

17Your eyes will see the king in his beauty

and view a land that stretches afar.

18In your thoughts you will ponder the former terror:

“Where is that chief officer?

Where is the one who took the revenue?

Where is the officer in charge of the towers?”

19You will see those arrogant people no more,

people whose speech is obscure,

whose language is strange and incomprehensible.

20Look on Zion, the city of our festivals;

your eyes will see Jerusalem,

a peaceful abode, a tent that will not be moved;

its stakes will never be pulled up,

nor any of its ropes broken.

21There the Lord will be our Mighty One.

It will be like a place of broad rivers and streams.

No galley with oars will ride them,

no mighty ship will sail them.

22For the Lord is our judge,

the Lord is our lawgiver,

the Lord is our king;

it is he who will save us.

23Your rigging hangs loose:

The mast is not held secure,

the sail is not spread.

Then an abundance of spoils will be divided

and even the lame will carry off plunder.

24No one living in Zion will say, “I am ill”;

and the sins of those who dwell there will be forgiven.