አሞጽ 6 – NASV & NIRV

New Amharic Standard Version

አሞጽ 6:1-14

ተዘልላ ላለችው እስራኤል የተሰጠ ማስጠንቀቂያ

1በጽዮን ተዘልላችሁ የምትቀመጡ፣

በሰማርያ ተራራ ያለ ሥጋት የምትኖሩ፣

የእስራኤልም ሕዝብ ለርዳታ ወደ እናንተ የሚመጡባችሁ፣

እናንት የአሕዛብ አለቆች ሆይ፤ ወዮላችሁ!

2ወደ ካልኔ ሂዱ፤ እርሱንም ተመልከቱ፤

ከዚያም ወደ ታላቂቱ ሐማት ሂዱ፤

ወደ ፍልስጥኤም ከተማ ወደ ጌትም ውረዱ፤

እነዚህ ከሁለቱ መንግሥታታችሁ ይሻላሉን?

የምድራቸውስ ስፋት ከእናንተ ይበልጣልን?

3ክፉውን ቀን ለምታርቁ፣

የግፍንም ወንበር ለምታቀርቡ ወዮላችሁ!

4በዝኆን ጥርስ ባጌጠ ዐልጋ ላይ ለምትተኙ፤

በድንክ ዐልጋችሁ ላይ ለምትዝናኑ፣

ከበጎች መንጋ ጠቦትን፣

ከጋጣም ጥጃን ለምትበሉ፤

5ባልተቃኘ በገና ለምትዘፍኑ፣

በሙዚቃ መሣሪያ ለመጫወት ለምትሹ፣

6በፋጋ የወይን ጠጅ ለምትጠጡ፣

ምርጥ ሽቱም ለምትቀቡ፣

ስለ ዮሴፍ መከራ ግን ለማታዝኑ ወዮላችሁ!

7ስለዚህ እናንተ በመጀመሪያ በምርኮ ከሚወሰዱት መካከል ናችሁ፤

መፈንጠዛችሁና መዝናናታችሁም ያበቃል።

እግዚአብሔር የእስራኤልን ትዕቢት ይጸየፋል

8ጌታ እግዚአብሔር

“የያዕቆብን ትዕቢት ተጸይፌአለሁ፤

ምሽጎቹንም ጠልቻለሁ፤

ከተማዪቱንና በውስጧ ያለውን ሁሉ፣

አሳልፌ እሰጣለሁ”

ሲል በራሱ ምሏል፤ ይላል የሰራዊት አምላክ እግዚአብሔር

9በአንድ ቤት ውስጥ ዐሥር ሰዎች ቢቀሩ እነርሱም ይሞታሉ። 10በድኖቹንም ከቤት አውጥቶ ማቃጠል ያለበት አንድ ዘመድ መጥቶ ተደብቆ ያለውን ሰው፣ “ከአንተ ጋር የቀረ ሌላ ሰው አለን?” ሲለው፣ እርሱም “የለም” ይለዋል፤ ከዚያም በኋላ፣ “ዝም በል፤ የእግዚአብሔርን ስም መጥራት አይገባንም” ይለዋል።

11እነሆ፤ እግዚአብሔር ትእዛዝ ሰጥቷልና፤

ታላላቅ ቤቶችን ያወድማቸዋል፤

ትንንሾቹንም ያደቅቃቸዋል።

12ፈረሶች በጭንጫ ላይ ይሮጣሉን?

ሰውስ እዚያ ላይ በበሬ ያርሳልን?

እናንተ ግን ፍትሕን ወደ መርዝነት፣

የጽድቅንም ፍሬ ወደ መራራነት ለወጣችሁ።

13እናንተ ሎዶባርን6፥13 ትርጕሙ ምንም ማለት ነው። በማሸነፋችሁ ደስ ያላችሁ፣

“ቃርናይምን6፥13 ቃርናይም ትርጕሙ ቀንዶች ማለት ነው፤ ቀንድ የጥንካሬ ምልክት ነው። በራሳችን ብርታት ይዘናል” የምትሉ።

14ሁሉን የሚገዛ አምላክ እግዚአብሔር እንዲህ ይላልና፣

“የእስራኤል ሕዝብ ሆይ፤ እነሆ፤ እኔ ከሐማት መግቢያ6፥14 ወይም ከመግቢያው ጀምሮ እስከ ዓረባ ሸለቆ ድረስ፣

የሚያስጨንቃችሁን ሕዝብ፣ በእናንተ

ላይ አስነሣለሁ።”

New International Reader’s Version

Amos 6:1-14

How Terrible for Those Who Feel Secure When They Shouldn’t

1How terrible it will be for you men

who are so contented on Mount Zion!

How terrible for you who feel secure

on the hill of Samaria!

You are famous men from the greatest nation.

The people of Israel come to you

for help and advice.

2Go and look at the city of Kalneh.

Go from there to the great city of Hamath.

Then go down to Gath in Philistia.

Are those places better off than your two kingdoms?

Is their land larger than yours?

3You are trying to avoid the time

when trouble will come.

But you are only bringing closer

the Assyrian rule of terror.

4You lie down on beds

that are decorated with ivory.

You rest on your couches.

You eat the best lambs

and the fattest calves.

5You pluck away on your harps as David did.

You play new songs on musical instruments.

6You drink wine by the bowlful.

You use the finest lotions.

But Joseph’s people will soon be destroyed.

And you aren’t even sad about it.

7So you will be among the first

to be taken away as prisoners.

You won’t be able to enjoy good food.

You won’t lie around on couches anymore.

The Lord Hates the Pride of Israel

8The Lord and King has made a promise in his own name. He is the Lord God who rules over all. He announces,

“I hate the pride of Jacob’s people.

I can’t stand their forts.

I will hand the city of Samaria

and everything in it over to their enemies.”

9Ten people might be left in one house. If they are, they will die there. 10Relatives might come to burn the dead bodies. If they do, they’ll have to carry them out of the house first. They might ask someone still hiding there, “Is anyone else here with you?” If the answer is no, the relatives will go on to say, “Be quiet! We must not pray in the Lord’s name.”

11That’s because the Lord has already given an order.

He will smash large houses to pieces.

He will crush small houses to bits.

12Horses don’t run on rocky ground.

People don’t plow the sea with oxen.

But you have turned fair treatment into poison.

You have turned the fruit of right living into bitterness.

13You are happy because you captured the town of Lo Debar.

You say, “We were strong enough to take Karnaim too.”

14But the Lord God rules over all. He announces, “People of Israel,

I will stir up a nation against you.

They will crush you from Lebo Hamath

all the way down to the Arabah Valley.”