ናሆም 3 – NASV & NIRV

New Amharic Standard Version

ናሆም 3:1-19


1ለደም ከተማ ወዮላት!

ሐሰት፣ ዘረፋም ሞልቶባታል፤

ብዝበዛዋ ተግዞ አያልቅም።

2የጅራፍ ድምፅ፣

የመንኰራኵር ኳኳቴ፣

የፈጣን ፈረስ ኰቴ፣

የሠረገሎች ድምፅ ተሰምቷል።

3ፈረሰኛው ይጋልባል፤

ሰይፍ ይንቦገቦጋል፤

ጦር ያብረቀርቃል።

የሞተው ብዙ ነው፤

ሬሳ በሬሳ ሆኗል፤

ስፍር ቍጥር የለውም፤

መተላለፊያ አልተገኘም።

4ይህ ሁሉ የሆነው ቅጥ ባጣች፣

አሳሳችና መተተኛ በሆነች ዘማዊት ምክንያት ነው፤

እርሷም በዝሙቷ አሕዛብን፣

በጥንቈላዋም ሕዝቦችን ባሪያ ያደረገች ናት።

5የሰራዊት ጌታ እግዚአብሔር እንዲህ ይላል፤

“እኔ በጠላትነት ተነሥቼብሻለሁ፤

ቀሚስሽን እስከ ፊትሽ እገልበዋለሁ፤

ዕርቃንሽን ለአሕዛብ፣

ኀፍረትሽንም ለነገሥታት አሳያለሁ።

6ቈሻሻ እደፋብሻለሁ፤


ማላገጫም አደርግሻለሁ።

7የሚያዩሽ ሁሉ ከአንቺ እየሸሹ፣

‘ነነዌ ፈራርሳለች፤ ማን ያለቅስላታል?’ ይላሉ፤

የሚያጽናናሽንስ ከወዴት አገኛለሁ?”

8አንቺ በአባይ ወንዝ አጠገብ ካለችው፣

በውሃ ከተከበበችው፣

ከኖእ አሞን3፥8 አንዳንዶች ቴብስ ይላሉ። ትበልጫለሽን?

ወንዙ መከላከያዋ፣

ውሃውም ቅጥሯ ነው።

9ኢትዮጵያና ግብፅ ወሰን የለሽ ኀይሏ ናቸው፤

ፉጥና ሊቢያም ረዳቶቿ ነበሩ።

10ይሁን እንጂ በምርኮ ተወሰደች፤

ተሰድዳም ሄደች።

በየመንገዱ ማእዘን ላይ፣

ሕፃናቷ ተፈጠፈጡ፤

በመሳፍንቷ ላይ ዕጣ ተጣለ፤

ታላላቅ ሰዎቿ ሁሉ በሰንሰለት ታሰሩ።

11አንቺ ደግሞ ትሰክሪአለሽ፤


ከጠላትም መሸሸጊያ ትፈልጊአለሽ።

12ምሽጎችሽ ሁሉ ሊበሉ እንደ ደረሱ

የመጀመሪያ በለስ ፍሬ ናቸው፤

በሚወዛወዙበት ጊዜ፣

ፍሬዎቹ በበላተኛው አፍ ውስጥ ይወድቃሉ።

13እነሆ፤ ጭፍሮችሽ፣

ሁሉም ሴቶች ናቸው!

የምድርሽ በሮች፣

ለጠላቶችሽ ወለል ብለው ተከፍተዋል፤

መዝጊያዎቻቸውንም እሳት በልቷቸዋል።

14ለከበባው ውሃ ቅጅ፤

መከላከያሽን አጠናክሪ፤

የሸክላውን ዐፈር ፈልጊ፤

ጭቃውን ርገጪ፤

ጡቡንም ሥሪ።

15በዚያ እሳት ይበላሻል፤

ሰይፍ ይቈርጥሻል፤

እንደ ኵብኵባም ይግጥሻል።

እንደ ኵብኵባ እርቢ፤

እንደ አንበጣም ተባዢ።

16ከሰማይ ከዋክብት እስኪበልጡ ድረስ፣

የነጋዴዎችሽን ቍጥር አበዛሽ፤

ምድሪቱን ግን እንደ አንበጣ ግጠው አሟጠጡ፤

ከዚያም በርረው ሄዱ።

17ጠባቂዎችሽ እንደ አንበጣ፣

መኳንንትሽም በብርድ ቀን

በቅጥር ሥር እንደሚቀመጥ ኵብኵባ ናቸው፤

ፀሓይ ሲወጣ ግን ይበርራሉ፤

የት እንደሚበርሩም አይታወቅም።

18የአሦር ንጉሥ ሆይ፤ እረኞችህ3፥18 ገዦች ማለት ነው። አንቀላፉ፤

መኳንንትህ ዐርፈው ተኙ፤

ሕዝብህ ሰብሳቢ ዐጥተው፣

በተራራ ላይ ተበትነዋል።

19ቍስልህን ሊፈውስ የሚችል የለም፤

ስብራትህም ለሞት የሚያደርስ ነው።

ስለ አንተ የሰማ ሁሉ፣

በውድቀትህ ደስ ብሎት ያጨበጭባል፤

ወሰን የሌለው ጭካኔህ

ያልነካው ማን አለና?

New International Reader’s Version

Nahum 3:1-19

The Lord Will Judge Nineveh

1How terrible it will be for Nineveh!

It is a city of murderers!

It is full of liars!

It is filled with stolen goods!

The killing never stops!

2Whips crack!

Wheels clack!

Horses charge!

Chariots rumble!

3Horsemen attack!

Swords flash!

Spears gleam!

Many people die.

Dead bodies pile up.

They can’t even be counted.

People trip over them.

4All of that was caused by the evil desires

of the prostitute Nineveh.

That woman who practiced evil magic

was very beautiful.

She used her sinful charms

to make slaves out of the nations.

She worshiped evil powers

in order to trap others.

5“Nineveh, I am against you,”

announces the Lord who rules over all.

“I will pull your skirts up over your face.

I will show the nations your naked body.

Kingdoms will make fun of your shame.

6I will throw garbage at you.

I will look down on you.

I will make an example out of you.

7All those who see you will run away from you.

They will say, ‘Nineveh is destroyed.

Who will mourn over it?’

Where can I find someone

to comfort your people?”

8Nineveh, are you better than Thebes

on the Nile River?

There was water all around that city.

The river helped to keep it safe.

The waters were like a wall around it.

9Cush and Egypt gave it all the strength it needed.

Put and Libya also helped it.

10But Thebes was captured anyway.

Its people were taken away as prisoners.

Its babies were smashed to pieces

at every street corner.

The Assyrian soldiers cast lots

for all its nobles.

They put them in chains

and made slaves out of them.

11People of Nineveh, you too will get drunk.

You will try to hide from your enemies.

You will look for a place of safety.

12All your forts are like fig trees

that have their first ripe fruit on them.

When the trees are shaken,

the figs fall into the mouths

of those who eat them.

13Look at your troops.

All of them are weak.

The gates of your forts

are wide open to your enemies.

Fire has destroyed the bars that lock your gates.

14Prepare for the attack by storing up water!

Make your walls as strong as you can!

Make some bricks out of clay!

Mix the mud to hold them together!

Use them to repair the walls!

15In spite of all your hard work,

fire will burn you up inside your city.

Your enemies will cut you down with their swords.

They will destroy you

just as a swarm of locusts eats up crops.

Multiply like grasshoppers!

Increase your numbers like locusts!

16You have more traders

than the number of stars in the sky.

But like locusts they strip the land.

Then they fly away.

17Your guards are like grasshoppers.

Your officials are like swarms of locusts.

They settle in the walls on a cold day.

But when the sun appears, they fly away.

And no one knows where they go.

18King of Assyria, your leaders are asleep.

Your nobles lie down to rest.

Your people are scattered on the mountains.

No one is left to gather them together.

19Nothing can heal your wounds.

You will die of them.

All those who hear the news about you clap their hands.

That’s because you have fallen from power.

Is there anyone who has not suffered

because of how badly you treated them?