ነህምያ 2 – NASV & NIRV

New Amharic Standard Version

ነህምያ 2:1-20

አርጤክስስ ነህምያን ወደ ኢየሩሳሌም እንዲሄድ ፈቀደለት

1በንጉሡ በአርጤክስስ ዘመነ መንግሥት በሃያኛው ዓመት ኒሳን ተብሎ በሚጠራው ወር የወይን ጠጅ በመጣለት ጊዜ፣ የወይን ጠጁን አንሥቼ ለንጉሡ ሰጠሁት። ቀድሞ በፊቱ ዐዝኜ አላውቅም ነበር፤ 2ስለዚህ ንጉሡ፣ “ሳትታመም ፊትህ ለምን እንዲህ ዐዘነ? መቼም ይህ የልብ ሐዘን እንጂ ሌላ አይደለም” አለኝ።

እኔም በጣም ፈርቼ ነበር፤ 3ለንጉሡም “ንጉሡ ለዘላለም ይኑር፤ አባቶቼ የተቀበሩባት ከተማ ስትፈርስ፣ በሮቿም በእሳት ሲቃጠሉ ለምን ፊቴ አይዘን?” አልሁት።

4ንጉሡም፣ “ታዲያ ምን ትፈልጋለህ?” አለኝ።

ከዚያም ወደ ሰማይ አምላክ ጸለይሁ፤ 5ለንጉሡም፣ “ንጉሡን ደስ የሚያሰኘው ቢሆንና ባሪያህ በፊትህ ሞገስ ቢያገኝ፣ እንደ ገና እንድሠራት አባቶቼ ወደ ተቀበሩባት ወደ ይሁዳ ከተማ እንድሄድ ይፈቀድልኝ” አልሁት።

6ከዚያም ንጉሡ አጠገቡ ከተቀመጠችው ንግሥት ጋር በመሆን፣ “ጕዞህ ምን ያህል ቀን ይፈጃል? መቼስ ትመለሳለህ?” ሲል ጠየቀኝ። ንጉሡም እኔን ለመስደድ ደስ አለው፤ እኔም ጊዜውን ወሰንሁ።

7ደግሞም እንዲህ አልሁት፤ “ንጉሡን ደስ የሚያሰኘው ቢሆን፣ ይሁዳ እስክደርስ ድረስ በደኅና እንዲያሳልፉኝ ከኤፍራጥስ ማዶ ላሉት አገረ ገዦች ደብዳቤ ይሰጠኝ፤ 8እንዲሁም ለንጉሡ ደን ጠባቂ ለአሳፍ፣ በቤተ መቅደሱ አጠገብ ላለው ግንብ በሮች፣ ለከተማዪቱ ቅጥርና እኔም ለምገባበት ቤት ሠረገላ የሚሆን ዕንጨት እንዲሰጠኝ ደብዳቤ ይጻፍልኝ፤” መልካሚቱ የአምላኬ እጅ በእኔ ላይ ነበረችና ንጉሡም ፈቀደልኝ። 9ስለዚህ በኤፍራጥስ ማዶ ወደሚገኙት አገረ ገዦች ሄጄ የንጉሡን ደብዳቤዎች ሰጠኋቸው፤ ንጉሡም የጦር አለቆችና ፈረሰኞች አብረውኝ እንዲሄዱ አድርጎ ነበር።

10ሖሮናዊው ሰንባላጥና አሞናዊው ሹም ጦብያ ይህን በሰሙ ጊዜ፣ ስለ እስራኤላውያን ደኅንነት የሚቈረቈር ሰው በመምጣቱ እጅግ ተበሳጩ።

ነህምያ የኢየሩሳሌምን ቅጥሮች ተዘዋውሮ ተመለከተ

11እኔም ወደ ኢየሩሳሌም ሄድሁ፤ በዚያም ሦስት ቀን ከቈየሁ በኋላ፣ 12ከጥቂት ሰዎች ጋር በሌሊት ወጣሁ። ለኢየሩሳሌም አደርገው ዘንድ እግዚአብሔር በልቤ ያኖረውን ነገር ለማንም አልነገርሁም፤ ከተቀመጥሁበት እንስሳ በቀር ከእኔ ጋር ሌሎች እንስሳት አልነበሩም።

13በሌሊትም ወጥቼ በሸለቆው በር በኩል አድርጌ ወደ ዘንዶው2፥13 ወይም ቀበሮ ወይም በለሱ የውሃ ጕድጓድና ወደ ቈሻሻ መድፊያው በር ሄድሁ፤ የፈረሱትንም የኢየሩሳሌምን ቅጥሮችና በእሳት የወደሙትን በሮች ተመለከትሁ። 14ከዚያም ወደ ውሃ ምንጭ በርና ወደ ንጉሡ ኵሬ ሄድሁ፤ ይሁን እንጂ የተቀመጥሁበትን እንስሳ ማሳለፍ የሚያስችል በቂ ቦታ አልነበረም። 15ስለዚህ ቅጥሩን እየተመለከትሁ ሌሊቱን ሸለቆውን ዐልፌ ወደ ላይ ወጣሁ፤ በመጨረሻም ተመልሼ በሸለቆው በር በኩል ገባሁ። 16ለአይሁድ ወይም ለካህናቱ ወይም ለመኳንንቱ ወይም ለሹማምቱ ወይም ሥራውን ለሚሠሩት ሰዎች ገና ምንም የተናገርሁት ነገር ስላልነበረ፣ ወዴት እንደ ሄድሁ ወይም ምን እንዳደረግሁ ሹማምቱ አላወቁም።

17ከዚያም፣ “ያለንበትን ችግር ይኸው ታያላችሁ፤ ኢየሩሳሌም ፈርሳለች፤ በሮቿም በእሳት ጋይተዋል፤ አሁንም ኑና የኢየሩሳሌምን ቅጥር እንደ ገና እንሥራ፤ ከእንግዲህስ መሣለቂያ አንሆንም” አልኋቸው። 18እንዲሁም መልካሚቱ የአምላኬ እጅ በእኔ ላይ እንደ ነበረችና ንጉሡም ምን እንዳለኝ ነገርኋቸው።

እነርሱም፣ “እንደ ገና መሥራቱን እንጀምር!” ካሉ በኋላ ይህን መልካም ሥራ ጀመሩ።

19ነገር ግን ሖሮናዊው ሰንባላጥ፣ አሞናዊው ሹም ጦብያና ዐረባዊው ጌሳም ይህን ሲሰሙ አፌዙብን፤ አንቋሸሹንም፤ እንዲሁም፣ “የምታደርጉት ይህ ምንድን ነው? በንጉሡ ላይ ልታምፁ ትፈልጋላችሁን?” አሉ።

20እኔም፣ “የሰማይ አምላክ ያከናውንልናል፤ እኛ ባሪያዎቹ እንደ ገና ሥራውን እንጀምራለን፤ እናንተ ግን በኢየሩሳሌም ድርሻ ወይም ይገባናል የምትሉት ወይም የታሪክ መታሰቢያ የላችሁም” ስል መለስሁላቸው።

New International Reader’s Version

Nehemiah 2:1-20

Artaxerxes Sends Nehemiah to Jerusalem

1Wine was brought in for King Artaxerxes. It was the month of Nisan in the 20th year of his rule. I got the wine and gave it to him. I hadn’t been sad in front of him before. But now I was. 2So the king asked me, “Why are you looking so sad? You aren’t sick. You must be feeling very sad.”

I was really afraid. 3But I said to the king, “May you live forever! Why shouldn’t I look sad? The city where my people of long ago are buried has been destroyed. And fire has burned up its gates.”

4The king said to me, “What do you want?”

I prayed to the God of heaven. 5Then I answered the king, “Are you pleased with me, King Artaxerxes? If it pleases you, send me to Judah. Let me go to the city of Jerusalem. That’s where my people are buried. I want to rebuild it.”

6The queen was sitting beside the king. He turned and asked me, “How long will your journey take? When will you get back?” It pleased the king to send me. So I chose a certain time.

7I also said to him, “If it pleases you, may I take some letters with me? I want to give them to the governors of the land west of the Euphrates River. Then they’ll help me travel safely through their territory until I arrive in Judah. 8May I also have a letter to Asaph? He takes care of the royal park. I want him to give me some logs so I can make beams out of them. I want to use them for the gates of the fort that is by the temple. Some of the logs will also be used in the city wall. And I’ll need some for the house I’m going to live in.” God was kind to me and helped me. So the king gave me what I asked for. 9Then I went to the governors of the land west of the Euphrates River. I gave them the king’s letters. He had also sent army officers and horsemen along with me.

10Sanballat and Tobiah heard about what was happening. Sanballat was a Horonite. Tobiah was an official from Ammon. They were very upset that someone had come to help the Israelites.

Nehemiah Checks Out the Walls of Jerusalem

11I went to Jerusalem and stayed there for three days. 12Then at night I took a few other people with me to check out the walls. I hadn’t told anyone what my God wanted me to do for Jerusalem. There weren’t any donkeys with me except the one I was riding on.

13That night I went out through the Valley Gate. I went toward the Jackal Well and the Dung Gate. I checked out the walls of Jerusalem. They had been broken down. I also checked the city gates. Fire had burned them up. 14I moved on toward the Fountain Gate and the King’s Pool. But there wasn’t enough room for my donkey to get through. 15It was still night. I went up the Kidron Valley. I kept checking the wall. Finally, I turned back. I went back in through the Valley Gate. 16The officials didn’t know where I had gone or what I had done. That’s because I hadn’t said anything to anyone yet. I hadn’t told the priests or nobles or officials. And I hadn’t spoken to any other Jews who would be rebuilding the wall.

17I said to them, “You can see the trouble we’re in. Jerusalem has been destroyed. Fire has burned up its gates. Come on. Let’s rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. Then people won’t be ashamed anymore.” 18I also told them how my gracious God was helping me. And I told them what the king had said to me.

They replied, “Let’s start rebuilding.” So they began that good work.

19But Sanballat, the Horonite, heard about it. So did Tobiah, the official from Ammon. Geshem, the Arab, heard about it too. All of them laughed at us. They made fun of us. “What do you think you are doing?” they asked. “Are you turning against the king?”

20I answered, “The God of heaven will give us success. We serve him. So we’ll start rebuilding the walls. But you don’t have any share in Jerusalem. You don’t have any claim to it. You don’t have any right to worship here.”