ምሳሌ 14 – NASV & NIRV

New Amharic Standard Version

ምሳሌ 14:1-35

1ጠቢብ ሴት ቤቷን ትሠራለች፤

ተላላ ሴት ግን በገዛ እጇ ታፈርሰዋለች።

2አካሄዱ ቅን የሆነ ሰው እግዚአብሔርን ይፈራል፤

መንገዱ ጠማማ የሆነ ግን ይንቀዋል።

3የተላላ ሰው ንግግር ለጀርባው በትር ታስከትልበታለች፤

የጥበበኛ ከንፈር ግን ትጠብቃቸዋለች።

4በሬዎች በሌሉበት ገንዳው ባዶ ይሆናል፤

በበሬ ጕልበት ግን ብዙ ምርት ይገኛል።

5ታማኝ ምስክር አይዋሽም፤

ሐሰተኛ ምስክር ግን ውሸትን ይዘከዝካል።

6ፌዘኛ ጥበብን ይሻል፤ ሆኖም አያገኛትም፤

ዕውቀት ግን ለአስተዋዮች በቀላሉ ትገኛለች።

7ከተላላ ሰው ራቅ፣

ከከንፈሮቹ ዕውቀት አታገኝምና።

8የአስተዋዮች ጥበብ መንገዳቸውን ልብ ማለት ነው፤

የተላሎች ሞኝነት ግን መታለል ነው።

9ተላሎች በሚያቀርቡት የበደል ካሳ ያፌዛሉ፤

በቅኖች መካከል ግን በጎ ፈቃድ ትገኛለች።

10እያንዳንዱ ልብ የራሱን መራራ ሐዘን ያውቃል፤

ደስታውንም ማንም ሊጋራው አይችልም።

11የክፉዎች ቤት ይፈርሳል፤

የቅኖች ድንኳን ግን ይስፋፋል።

12ለሰው ቀና መስሎ የሚታይ መንገድ አለ፤

በመጨረሻ ግን ወደ ሞት ያደርሳል።

13በሣቅ ጊዜ እንኳ ልብ ይተክዛል፤

ደስታም በሐዘን ሊፈጸም ይችላል።

14ልባቸውን ከጽድቅ የሚመልሱ የእጃቸውን ሙሉ ዋጋ ይቀበላሉ፤

ደግ ሰውም ወሮታውን ያገኛል።

15ተላላ ሰው ሁሉን ያምናል፤

አስተዋይ ግን ርምጃውን ያስተውላል።

16ጠቢብ ሰው ጥንቁቅ ነው፤ ከክፉም ይርቃል፤

ተላላ ግን ችኵልና ደንታ ቢስ ነው።

17ግልፍተኛ ሰው የቂል ተግባር ይፈጽማል፤

መሠሪም ሰው አይወደድም።

18ብስለት የሌላቸው ተላላነትን ይወርሳሉ፤

አስተዋዮች ግን ዕውቀትን እንደ ዘውድ ይጭናሉ።

19ክፉዎች በደጎች ፊት፣

ኀጥኣንም በጻድቃን ደጅ ያጐነብሳሉ።

20ድኾችን ወዳጆቻቸው እንኳ ይጠሏቸዋል፤

ባለጠጎች ግን ብዙ ወዳጆች አሏቸው።

21ጎረቤቱን የሚንቅ ኀጢአት ይሠራል፤

ለተቸገሩት የሚራራ ግን ቡሩክ ነው።

22ክፉ ነገር የሚያቅዱ ከትክክለኛው መንገድ ይወጡ የለምን?

በጎ ነገር የሚያቅዱ ግን ፍቅርንና ታማኝነትን ያተርፋሉ።14፥22 ወይም ታማኝነትን ያሳያሉ

23ለፍተው የሠሩት ሁሉ ትርፍ ያስገኛል፤

ከንቱ ወሬ ግን ወደ ድኽነት ያመራል።

24ጠቢባን ብልጽግና ዘውዳቸው ነው፤

የተላሎች ተላላነት ግን ፍሬው ከንቱነት ነው።

25እውነተኛ ምስክር ሕይወት ያድናል፤

ሐሰተኛ ምስክር ግን አባይ ነው።

26እግዚአብሔርን የሚፈራ ጽኑ ዐምባ አለው፤

ልጆቹም መጠጊያ ይኖራቸዋል።

27እግዚአብሔርን መፍራት የሕይወት ምንጭ ነው፤

ሰውን ከሞት ወጥመድ ያድነዋል።

28የሕዝብ ብዛት የንጉሥ ክብር ሲሆን፣

የዜጎች ማነስ ግን ለገዥ መጥፊያው ነው።

29ታጋሽ ሰው ትልቅ ማስተዋል አለው፤

ግልፍተኛ ሰው ግን ቂልነትን ይገልጣል።

30ሰላም ያለው ልብ ለሰውነት ሕይወት ይሰጣል፤

ቅናት ግን ዐጥንትን ያነቅዛል።

31ድኾችን የሚያስጨንቅ ፈጣሪያቸውን ይንቃል፤

ለተቸገሩ የሚራራ ሁሉ ግን አምላክን ያከብራል።

32ክፉዎች በክፋታቸው ይወድቃሉ፤

ጻድቃን ግን በሞት ጊዜ እንኳ መጠጊያ አላቸው።

33ጥበብ በአስተዋዮች ልብ ታድራለች፤

በተላሎች መካከል ራሷን ትገልጣለች።14፥33 ዕብራይስጡ፣ የሰብዓ ሊቃናትና የሱርሰት ትርጕሞች በተላሎች ልብ ግን አትታወቅም ይላሉ።

34ጽድቅ ሕዝብን ከፍ ከፍ ታደርጋለች፤

ኀጢአት ግን ለየትኛውም ሕዝብ ውርደት ነው።

35ጠቢብ አገልጋይ ንጉሥን ደስ ያሰኛል፤

አሳፋሪ አገልጋይ ግን ቍጣውን በራሱ ላይ ያመጣል።

New International Reader’s Version

Proverbs 14:1-35

1A wise woman builds her house.

But a foolish woman tears hers down with her own hands.

2Whoever has respect for the Lord lives a good life.

But those who hate him walk down an evil path.

3The proud words of a foolish person sting like a whip.

But the things wise people say keep them safe.

4Where there are no oxen, the feed box is empty.

But a strong ox brings in huge harvests.

5An honest witness does not lie.

But a dishonest witness pours out lies.

6Those who make fun of others look for wisdom and don’t find it.

But knowledge comes easily to those who understand what is right.

7Stay away from a foolish person.

You won’t find knowledge in what they say.

8People are wise and understanding when they think about the way they live.

But people are foolish when their foolish ways trick them.

9Foolish people laugh at making things right when they sin.

But honest people try to do the right thing.

10Each heart knows its own sadness.

And no one else can share its joy.

11The houses of sinners will be destroyed.

But the tents of honest people will stand firm.

12There is a way that appears to be right.

But in the end it leads to death.

13Even when you laugh, your heart can be hurting.

And your joy can end in sadness.

14Those who aren’t faithful will be paid back

for what they’ve done.

And good people will receive rewards

for how they’ve lived.

15A childish person believes anything.

But a wise person thinks about how they live.

16A wise person has respect for the Lord and avoids evil.

But a foolish person has a bad temper and yet feels secure.

17Anyone who gets angry quickly does foolish things.

And a person who is tricky is hated.

18Childish people act in keeping with their foolish ways.

But knowledge makes wise people feel like kings.

19Evil people will bow down in front of good people.

And those who do wrong will bow down at the gates of those who do right.

20Poor people are avoided even by their neighbors.

But rich people have many friends.

21It is a sin to hate your neighbor.

But blessed is the person who is kind to those in need.

22Those who plan evil go down the wrong path.

But those who plan good find love and truth.

23All hard work pays off.

But if all you do is talk, you will be poor.

24The wealth of wise people is their crown.

But the foolish ways of foolish people lead to what is foolish.

25An honest witness saves lives.

But a dishonest witness tells lies.

26Anyone who shows respect for the Lord has a strong tower.

It will be a safe place for their children.

27Respect for the Lord is like a fountain that gives life.

It turns you away from the jaws of death.

28A large population is a king’s glory.

But a prince without followers is destroyed.

29Anyone who is patient has great understanding.

But anyone who gets angry quickly shows how foolish they are.

30A peaceful heart gives life to the body.

But jealousy rots the bones.

31Anyone who crushes poor people makes fun of their Maker.

But anyone who is kind to those in need honors God.

32When trouble comes, sinners are brought down.

But godly people seek safety in God even as they die.

33Wisdom rests in the hearts of those who understand what is right.

And even among foolish people she makes herself known.

34Doing what is right lifts people up.

But sin brings judgment to any nation.

35A king is pleased with a wise servant.

But a servant who is full of shame stirs up the king’s anger.