መዝሙር 73 – NASV & NIVUK

New Amharic Standard Version

መዝሙር 73:1-28

ሦስተኛ መጽሐፍ

ከመዝሙር 73–89

መዝሙር 73

የፍትሕ አሸናፊነት

የአሳፍ መዝሙር።

1እግዚአብሔር ልባቸው ንጹሕ ለሆነ፣

ለእስራኤል እንዴት ቸር ነው!

2እኔ ግን እግሬ ሊሰናከል፣

አዳልጦኝም ልወድቅ ጥቂት ቀረኝ።

3ክፉዎች ሲሳካላቸው አይቼ፣

በዐመፀኞች ቀንቼ ነበርና።

4አንዳች ጣር የለባቸውም፤

ሰውነታቸውም ጤናማና የተደላደለ ነው።

5በሰዎች የሚደርሰው ጣጣ አይደርስባቸውም፤

እንደ ማንኛውም ሰው መከራ አያገኛቸውም።

6ስለዚህ ትዕቢት የዐንገት ጌጣቸው ነው፤

ዐመፅንም እንደ ልብስ ተጐናጽፈዋል።

7የሠባ ዐይናቸው ይጕረጠረጣል፤73፥7 የዕብራይስጡ ከዚህ ጋር ይስማማል፤ የሱርስቱና የሰብዓ ሊቃናት ትርጕም ግን፣ ከደነደነው ልባቸው በደል ይወጣል ይላል።

ልባቸውም በከንቱ ሐሳብ ተሞልቶ ይፈስሳል።

8በፌዝና በክፋት ይናገራሉ፤

ቀና ቀና ብለውም በዐመፅ ይዝታሉ።

9አፋቸውን በሰማይ ላይ ያላቅቃሉ፤

አንደበታቸውም ምድርን ያካልላል።

10ስለዚህ ሕዝቡ ወደ እነርሱ ይነጕዳል፤

ውሃቸውንም በገፍ73፥10 በዕብራይስጡ የዚህ ሐረግ ትርጕም በትክክል አይታወቅም። ይጠጣሉ።

11“ለመሆኑ እግዚአብሔር እንዴት ያውቃል?

በልዑልስ ዘንድ ዕውቀት አለ?” ይላሉ።

12እንግዲህ፣ ክፉዎች ይህን ይመስላሉ፤

ሁልጊዜ ግድ የለሽና ሀብት በሀብት ናቸው።

13ለካ ልቤን ንጹሕ ያደረግሁት በከንቱ ነው፤

እጄንም በየዋህነት የታጠብሁት በከንቱ ኖሯል!

14ቀኑን ሙሉ ተቀሠፍሁ፤

ጧት ጧትም ተቀጣሁ።

15“እኔ እንደዚህ እናገራለሁ” ብልማ ኖሮ፣

የልጆችህን ትውልድ በከዳሁ ነበር።

16ይህን ነገር ለመረዳት በሞከርሁ ጊዜ፣

አድካሚ ተግባር መስሎ ታየኝ።

17ይኸውም ወደ አምላክ መቅደስ እስክገባ፣

መጨረሻቸውንም እስካይ ድረስ ነበር።

18በርግጥ በሚያዳልጥ ስፍራ አስቀመጥሃቸው፤

ወደ ጥፋትም አወረድሃቸው።

19እንዴት ፈጥነው በቅጽበት ጠፉ!

በድንጋጤ ፈጽመው ወደሙ።

20ሰው ከሕልሙ ሲነቃ እንደሚሆነው፣

ጌታ ሆይ፤ አንተም በምትነሣበት ጊዜ፣

እንደ ቅዠት ከንቱ ታደርጋቸዋለህ።

21ነፍሴ በተማረረች ጊዜ፣

ልቤም በተቀሠፈ ጊዜ፣

22ስሜት የሌለውና አላዋቂ ሆንሁ፤

በፊትህም እንደ እንስሳ ሆንሁ።

23ይህም ሆኖ ዘወትር ከአንተ ጋር ነኝ፤

አንተም ቀኝ እጄን ይዘኸኛል።

24በምክርህ መራኸኝ፤

ኋላም ወደ ክብር ታስገባኛለህ።

25በሰማይ ከአንተ በቀር ማን አለኝ?

በምድርም ከአንተ ሌላ የምሻው የለኝም።

26ሥጋዬና ልቤ ሊደክሙ ይችላሉ፤

እግዚአብሔር ግን የልቤ ብርታት፣

የዘላለም ዕድል ፈንታዬ ነው።

27እነሆ፤ ከአንተ የሚርቁ ይጠፋሉና፤

አንተ ታማኞች ያልሆኑልህን ሁሉ ታጠፋቸዋለህ።

28ለእኔ ግን ወደ እግዚአብሔር መቅረብ ይሻለኛል፤

ጌታ እግዚአብሔርን መጠጊያዬ አድርጌዋለሁ፤

ስለ ሥራህም ሁሉ እናገር ዘንድ።

New International Version – UK

Psalms 73:1-28

Book III

Psalms 73–89

Psalm 73

A psalm of Asaph.

1Surely God is good to Israel,

to those who are pure in heart.

2But as for me, my feet had almost slipped;

I had nearly lost my foothold.

3For I envied the arrogant

when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

4They have no struggles;

their bodies are healthy and strong.73:4 With a different word division of the Hebrew; Masoretic Text struggles at their death; / their bodies are healthy

5They are free from common human burdens;

they are not plagued by human ills.

6Therefore pride is their necklace;

they clothe themselves with violence.

7From their callous hearts comes iniquity73:7 Syriac (see also Septuagint); Hebrew Their eyes bulge with fat;

their evil imaginations have no limits.

8They scoff, and speak with malice;

with arrogance they threaten oppression.

9Their mouths lay claim to heaven,

and their tongues take possession of the earth.

10Therefore their people turn to them

and drink up waters in abundance.73:10 The meaning of the Hebrew for this verse is uncertain.

11They say, ‘How would God know?

Does the Most High know anything?’

12This is what the wicked are like –

always free of care, they go on amassing wealth.

13Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure

and have washed my hands in innocence.

14All day long I have been afflicted,

and every morning brings new punishments.

15If I had spoken out like that,

I would have betrayed your children.

16When I tried to understand all this,

it troubled me deeply

17till I entered the sanctuary of God;

then I understood their final destiny.

18Surely you place them on slippery ground;

you cast them down to ruin.

19How suddenly are they destroyed,

completely swept away by terrors!

20They are like a dream when one awakes;

when you arise, Lord,

you will despise them as fantasies.

21When my heart was grieved

and my spirit embittered,

22I was senseless and ignorant;

I was a brute beast before you.

23Yet I am always with you;

you hold me by my right hand.

24You guide me with your counsel,

and afterwards you will take me into glory.

25Whom have I in heaven but you?

And earth has nothing I desire besides you.

26My flesh and my heart may fail,

but God is the strength of my heart

and my portion for ever.

27Those who are far from you will perish;

you destroy all who are unfaithful to you.

28But as for me, it is good to be near God.

I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge;

I will tell of all your deeds.