መዝሙር 72 – NASV & NIV

New Amharic Standard Version

መዝሙር 72:1-20

መዝሙር 72

በተስፋ የሚጠባበቀው ንጉሥ

ስለ ሰሎሞን።

1እግዚአብሔር ሆይ፤ ፍትሕን ለንጉሥ፣

ጽድቅህንም ለንጉሥ ልጅ ዐድል፤

2እርሱም ሕዝብህን በጽድቅ ይዳኛል፤72፥2 ወይም እርሱ ሕዝቡን በጽድቅ ይዳኝ

ለተቸገሩትም በትክክል ይፈርዳል።

3ተራሮች ብልጽግናን፣

ኰረብቶችም የጽድቅን ፍሬ ለሕዝቡ ያመጣሉ።

4ለተቸገረው ሕዝብ ይሟገታል፤

የድኾችን ልጆች ያድናል፤

ጨቋኙንም ያደቅቀዋል።

5ፀሓይ እስካለች ድረስ፣

ጨረቃም በምትኖርበት ዘመን ሁሉ፣ ከትውልድ እስከ ትውልድ ይኖራል።72፥5 ወይም የተፈራ ይሆናል

6እንደ ዝናብ በታጨደ መስክ ላይ ይወርዳል፤

እንደ ካፊያም ምድርን ያረሰርሳል።

7በዘመኑ ጽድቅ ይሰፍናል፤

ጨረቃ ከስፍራዋ እስከምትታጣ ድረስም ሰላም ይበዛል።

8ከባሕር እስከ ባሕር ድረስ፣

ከታላቁም ወንዝ72፥8 የኤፍራጥስ ወንዝ ነው። እስከ ምድር ዳርቻ ይገዛል።

9የበረሓ ዘላኖች በፊቱ ይሰግዳሉ፤

ጠላቶቹም ዐፈር ይልሳሉ።

10የተርሴስና የደሴቶች ነገሥታት፣

ግብር ያመጡለታል፤

የዐረብና የሳባ ነገሥታት፣

እጅ መንሻ ያቀርባሉ።

11ነገሥታት ሁሉ ይሰግዱለታል፤

ሕዝቦችም ሁሉ ይገዙለታል።

12ችግረኛው በጮኸ ጊዜ፣

ምስኪኑንና ረዳት የሌለውን ይታደገዋል።

13ለድኾችና ለችግረኞች ይራራል፤

ምስኪኖችንም ከሞት ያድናል።

14ሕይወታቸውን ከጭቈናና ከግፍ ያድናል፤

ደማቸውም በእርሱ ፊት ክቡር ነው።

15ዕድሜው ይርዘም!

ከዐረብ ወርቅ ይምጣለት፤

ዘወትር ይጸልዩለት፤

ቀኑንም ሙሉ ይባርኩት።

16በምድሪቱ ላይ እህል ይትረፍረፍ፤

በተራሮችም ዐናት ላይ ይወዛወዝ።

ፍሬው እንደ ሊባኖስ ይንዠርገግ፤

በከተማ ያለውም እንደ ሜዳ ሣር እጅብ ብሎ ይውጣ።

17ስሙ ለዘላለም ጸንቶ ይኑር፤

ዝናው ፀሓይ የምትኖረውን ዘመን ያህል ይዝለቅ።

ሕዝቦች ሁሉ በእርሱ ይባረኩ፤

ሕዝቡ ሁሉ ቡሩክ ነህ ይበለው።

18ብቻውን ድንቅ ነገር የሚያደርግ፣

የእስራኤል አምላክ እግዚአብሔር ይባረክ።

19ክቡር ስሙ ለዘላለም ይባረክ፤

ምድርም ሁሉ በክብሩ ይሞላ።

አሜን፤ አሜን።

20የእሴይ ልጅ የዳዊት ጸሎት እዚህ ላይ ተፈጸመ።

New International Version

Psalms 72:1-20

Psalm 72

Of Solomon.

1Endow the king with your justice, O God,

the royal son with your righteousness.

2May he judge your people in righteousness,

your afflicted ones with justice.

3May the mountains bring prosperity to the people,

the hills the fruit of righteousness.

4May he defend the afflicted among the people

and save the children of the needy;

may he crush the oppressor.

5May he endure72:5 Septuagint; Hebrew You will be feared as long as the sun,

as long as the moon, through all generations.

6May he be like rain falling on a mown field,

like showers watering the earth.

7In his days may the righteous flourish

and prosperity abound till the moon is no more.

8May he rule from sea to sea

and from the River72:8 That is, the Euphrates to the ends of the earth.

9May the desert tribes bow before him

and his enemies lick the dust.

10May the kings of Tarshish and of distant shores

bring tribute to him.

May the kings of Sheba and Seba

present him gifts.

11May all kings bow down to him

and all nations serve him.

12For he will deliver the needy who cry out,

the afflicted who have no one to help.

13He will take pity on the weak and the needy

and save the needy from death.

14He will rescue them from oppression and violence,

for precious is their blood in his sight.

15Long may he live!

May gold from Sheba be given him.

May people ever pray for him

and bless him all day long.

16May grain abound throughout the land;

on the tops of the hills may it sway.

May the crops flourish like Lebanon

and thrive72:16 Probable reading of the original Hebrew text; Masoretic Text Lebanon, / from the city like the grass of the field.

17May his name endure forever;

may it continue as long as the sun.

Then all nations will be blessed through him,72:17 Or will use his name in blessings (see Gen. 48:20)

and they will call him blessed.

18Praise be to the Lord God, the God of Israel,

who alone does marvelous deeds.

19Praise be to his glorious name forever;

may the whole earth be filled with his glory.

Amen and Amen.

20This concludes the prayers of David son of Jesse.