መዝሙር 7 – NASV & NIVUK

New Amharic Standard Version

መዝሙር 7:1-17

መዝሙር 7

በስደት ጊዜ የጻድቁ ሰው ጸሎት

ዳዊት በብንያማዊው በኩዝ ምክንያት ለእግዚአብሔር የዘመረው መዝሙር።

1እግዚአብሔር አምላኬ ሆይ፤ አንተ መሸሸጊያዬ ነህ፤

ከሚያሳድዱኝ ሁሉ አድነኝ፤ ታደገኝም፤

2አለዚያ እንደ አንበሳ ይዘነጣጥሉኛል፤

የሚያድነኝ በሌለበትም ይቦጫጭቁኛል።

3እግዚአብሔር አምላኬ ሆይ፤ ይህን አድርጌ ከሆነ፣

በደልም በእጄ ከተገኘ፣

4በጎ ለዋለልኝ ክፉ መልሼ ብሆን፣

ጠላቴንም በከንቱ ዘርፌ ከሆነ፣

5ጠላቴ አሳድዶ ይያዘኝ፤

ሕይወቴን ከምድር ይቀላቅል፤

ክብሬንም ከዐፈር ይደባልቅ። ሴላ

6እግዚአብሔር ሆይ፤ በመዓትህ ተነሥ፤

በቍጣ በተነሡብኝ ላይ ተነሥ፤

አምላኬ ሆይ፤ ንቃ፤ ትእዛዝም አስተላልፍ!

7የሕዝቦች ጉባኤ ይክበብህ፤

አንተም ከላይ ሆነህ ግዛቸው፤

8እግዚአብሔር በሕዝቦች ላይ ይፈርዳል።

እግዚአብሔር ሆይ፤ እንደ ጽድቄ ፍረድልኝ፤

ልዑል ሆይ፤ እንደ ቅን አካሄዴ መልስልኝ።

9ልብንና ኵላሊትን የምትመረምር፣

ጻድቅ አምላክ ሆይ፤

የክፉዎችን ዐመፅ አጥፋ፤

ጻድቁን ግን አጽና።

10ጋሻዬ7፥10 ወይም የእኔ ልዑል ልዑል አምላክ ነው፤

እርሱ ልበ ቅኖችን ያድናቸዋል።

11እግዚአብሔር ጻድቅ ዳኛ ነው፤

ቍጣውንም በየዕለቱ የሚገልጥ አምላክ ነው።

12ሰው በንስሓ የማይመለስ ከሆነ ግን፣

ሰይፉን7፥12 ወይም ሰው ንስሓ ካልገባ፣ እግዚአብሔር ሰይፉን ይስላል፤

ቀስቱን ይገትራል።

13የሚገድሉ ጦር ዕቃዎቹን አሰናድቷል፤

የሚንበለበሉትን ፍላጻዎቹንም አዘጋጅቷል።

14ክፋትን እያማጠ ያለ ሰው፣

ቅጥፈትን አርግዞ፣ ሐሰትን ይወልዳል።

15ጕድጓድ ምሶ ዐፈሩን የሚያወጣ፣

በአዘጋጀው ጕድጓድ ራሱ ይገባበታል።

16ተንኰሉ ወደ ራሱ ይመለሳል፤

ዐመፃውም በገዛ ዐናቱ ላይ ይወርዳል።

17ስለ ጽድቁ ለእግዚአብሔር ምስጋና አቀርባለሁ፤

የልዑል እግዚአብሔርን ስም በመዝሙር አወድሳለሁ።

New International Version – UK

Psalms 7:1-17

Psalm 7In Hebrew texts 7:1-17 is numbered 7:2-18.

A shiggaionTitle: Probably a literary or musical term of David, which he sang to the Lord concerning Cush, a Benjaminite.

1Lord my God, I take refuge in you;

save and deliver me from all who pursue me,

2or they will tear me apart like a lion

and rip me to pieces with no-one to rescue me.

3Lord my God, if I have done this

and there is guilt on my hands –

4if I have repaid my ally with evil

or without cause have robbed my foe –

5then let my enemy pursue and overtake me;

let him trample my life to the ground

and make me sleep in the dust.7:5 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here.

6Arise, Lord, in your anger;

rise up against the rage of my enemies.

Awake, my God; decree justice.

7Let the assembled peoples gather round you,

while you sit enthroned over them on high.

8Let the Lord judge the peoples.

Vindicate me, Lord, according to my righteousness,

according to my integrity, O Most High.

9Bring to an end the violence of the wicked

and make the righteous secure –

you, the righteous God

who probes minds and hearts.

10My shield7:10 Or sovereign is God Most High,

who saves the upright in heart.

11God is a righteous judge,

a God who displays his wrath every day.

12If he does not relent,

he7:12 Or If anyone does not repent, / God will sharpen his sword;

he will bend and string his bow.

13He has prepared his deadly weapons;

he makes ready his flaming arrows.

14Whoever is pregnant with evil

conceives trouble and gives birth to disillusionment.

15Whoever digs a hole and scoops it out

falls into the pit they have made.

16The trouble they cause recoils on them;

their violence comes down on their own heads.

17I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness;

I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High.