መዝሙር 35 – NASV & NIVUK

New Amharic Standard Version

መዝሙር 35:1-28

መዝሙር 35

የተጨቈነ ሰው ጸሎት

የዳዊት መዝሙር።

1እግዚአብሔር ሆይ፤ የሚታገሉኝን ታገላቸው፤

የሚዋጉኝንም ተዋጋቸው።

2ትልቁንና ትንሹን ጋሻ ያዝ፤

እኔንም ለመርዳት ተነሥ።

3በሚያሳድዱኝ ላይ፣

ጦርና ጭሬ ምዘዝ፤35፥3 ወይም …መንገድ ዝጋ


“የማድንሽ እኔ ነኝ” በላት።

4ሕይወቴን የሚፈልጓት፣

ይቅለሉ፣ ይዋረዱ፤

እኔን ለማጥፋት የሚያሤሩ፣

ዐፍረው ወደ ኋላቸው ይመለሱ።

5በነፋስ ፊት እንዳለ እብቅ ይሁኑ፤

የእግዚአብሔር መልአክ ያሳድዳቸው።

6መንገዳቸው ጨለማና ድጥ ይሁን፤

የእግዚአብሔር መልአክ ያባርራቸው።

7ያለ ምክንያት ወጥመዳቸውን በስውር አስቀምጠውብኛልና፤

ያለ ምክንያት ለነፍሴ ጕድጓድ ቈፍረውላታል።

8ያልታሰበ ጥፋት ይምጣባቸው፤

የሰወሩት ወጥመድ ይያዛቸው፤

ይጠፉም ዘንድ ወደ ጕድጓዱ ይውደቁ።

9ነፍሴም በእግዚአብሔር ደስ ይላታል፤

በማዳኑም ሐሤት ታደርጋለች።

10የሠራ አካላቴ እንዲህ ይልሃል፤

እግዚአብሔር ሆይ፤ እንደ አንተ ማን አለ?

ድኻውን ከእርሱ ከሚበረቱ፣

ችግረኛውንና ምስኪኑን ከቀማኞች ታድናለህ።”

11ጨካኝ ምስክሮች ተነሡ፤

ስለማላውቀውም ነገር ጠየቁኝ።

12በበጎ ፈንታ ክፉ መለሱልኝ፤

ነፍሴንም ብቸኛ አደረጓት።

13እኔ ግን እነርሱ በታመሙ ጊዜ ማቅ ለበስሁ፤

ነፍሴንም በጾም አደከምኋት፤

ጸሎቴም መልስ ዐጥቶ ወደ ጕያዬ ተመለሰ።

14ለወዳጄ ወይም ለወንድሜ እንደማደርግ፣

እየተንቈራጠጥሁ አለቀስሁ፤

ለእናቴም እንደማለቅስ፣

በሐዘን ዐንገቴን ደፋሁ።

15እነርሱ ግን እኔ ስሰናከል በእልልታ ተሰበሰቡ፤

ግፈኞች በድንገት ተሰበሰቡብኝ፤

ያለ ዕረፍትም ቦጫጨቁኝ።

16እንደ ምናምንቴዎች አፌዙብኝ፤35፥16 ሰብዓ ሊቃናት እንዲሁ ሲሆን፣ በዕብራይስጥ ግን ምናምንቴ ፌዘኞች ማለት ሊሆን ይችላል።

ጥርሳቸውንም አፋጩብኝ።

17ጌታ ሆይ፤ እስከ መቼ ዝም ብለህ ታያለህ?

ነፍሴን ከክፉ ሥራቸው፣

ብርቅ ሕይወቴን ከአንበሶች ታደጋት።

18በታላቅ ጉባኤ መካከል አመሰግንሃለሁ፤

ብዙ ሕዝብ በተሰበሰበበትም አወድስሃለሁ።

19ከምድር ተነሥተው ጠላቶቼ የሆኑት፣

በላዬ ደስ አይበላቸው፤

እንዲያው የሚጠሉኝ፣

በዐይናቸው አይጣቀሱብኝ።

20የሰላም ንግግር ከአፋቸው አይወጣም፤

ዳሩ ግን በምድሪቱ በጸጥታ በሚኖሩት ላይ፣

ነገር ይሸርባሉ።

21አፋቸውን አስፍተው ከፈቱብኝ፤

“ዕሠይ! ዕሠይ! በዐይናችን አየነው” አሉ።

22እግዚአብሔር ሆይ፤ ይህን አይተሃልና ዝም አትበል፤

ጌታ ሆይ፤ ከእኔ አትራቅ።

23አምላኬ፣ ጌታዬ፤ ለእኔ ለመሟገት ተነሥ!

ልትከራከርልኝም ተንቀሳቀስ።

24እግዚአብሔር አምላኬ ሆይ፤ በጽድቅህ ፍረድልኝ፤

በእኔም ላይ ደስ አይበላቸው።

25በልባቸው፣ “ዕሠይ! ያሰብነው ተሳካ!

ዋጥ አደረግነውም” አይበሉ።

26በጭንቀቴ ደስ የሚላቸው፣

ይፈሩ፤ ግራም ይጋቡ፤

በእኔ ላይ ራሳቸውን ከፍ ከፍ የሚያደርጉ፣

ዕፍረትንና ውርደትን ይከናነቡ።

27ፍትሕ ማግኘቴን የሚወድዱ፣

እልል ይበሉ፤ ሐሤትም ያድርጉ፤

ዘወትርም፣ “የባሪያው ሰላም ደስ የሚለው፣

እግዚአብሔር ከፍ ከፍ ይበል!” ይበሉ።

28አንደበቴ ጽድቅህን፣

ምስጋናህንም ቀኑን ሙሉ ይናገራል።

New International Version – UK

Psalms 35:1-28

Psalm 35

Of David.

1Contend, Lord, with those who contend with me;

fight against those who fight against me.

2Take up shield and armour;

arise and come to my aid.

3Brandish spear and javelin35:3 Or and block the way

against those who pursue me.

Say to me,

‘I am your salvation.’

4May those who seek my life

be disgraced and put to shame;

may those who plot my ruin

be turned back in dismay.

5May they be like chaff before the wind,

with the angel of the Lord driving them away;

6may their path be dark and slippery,

with the angel of the Lord pursuing them.

7Since they hid their net for me without cause

and without cause dug a pit for me,

8may ruin overtake them by surprise –

may the net they hid entangle them,

may they fall into the pit, to their ruin.

9Then my soul will rejoice in the Lord

and delight in his salvation.

10My whole being will exclaim,

‘Who is like you, Lord?

You rescue the poor from those too strong for them,

the poor and needy from those who rob them.’

11Ruthless witnesses come forward;

they question me on things I know nothing about.

12They repay me evil for good

and leave me like one bereaved.

13Yet when they were ill, I put on sackcloth

and humbled myself with fasting.

When my prayers returned to me unanswered,

14I went about mourning

as though for my friend or brother.

I bowed my head in grief

as though weeping for my mother.

15But when I stumbled, they gathered in glee;

assailants gathered against me without my knowledge.

They slandered me without ceasing.

16Like the ungodly they maliciously mocked;35:16 Septuagint; Hebrew may mean ungodly circle of mockers,

they gnashed their teeth at me.

17How long, Lord, will you look on?

Rescue me from their ravages,

my precious life from these lions.

18I will give you thanks in the great assembly;

among the throngs I will praise you.

19Do not let those gloat over me

who are my enemies without cause;

do not let those who hate me without reason

maliciously wink the eye.

20They do not speak peaceably,

but devise false accusations

against those who live quietly in the land.

21They sneer at me and say, ‘Aha! Aha!

With our own eyes we have seen it.’

22Lord, you have seen this; do not be silent.

Do not be far from me, Lord.

23Awake, and rise to my defence!

Contend for me, my God and Lord.

24Vindicate me in your righteousness, Lord my God;

do not let them gloat over me.

25Do not let them think, ‘Aha, just what we wanted!’

or say, ‘We have swallowed him up.’

26May all who gloat over my distress

be put to shame and confusion;

may all who exalt themselves over me

be clothed with shame and disgrace.

27May those who delight in my vindication

shout for joy and gladness;

may they always say, ‘The Lord be exalted,

who delights in the well-being of his servant.’

28My tongue will proclaim your righteousness,

your praises all day long.