መዝሙር 147 – NASV & NIRV

New Amharic Standard Version

መዝሙር 147:1-20

መዝሙር 147

መዝሙር ለሁሉን ቻይ አምላክ

1ሃሌ ሉያ።147፥1 አንዳንዶች ከ20 ጭምር እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን ይላሉ።

አምላካችንን በመዝሙር ማወደስ እንዴት መልካም ነው!

እርሱን ማመስገን ደስ ያሰኛል፤ ይህ ተገቢም ነው።

2እግዚአብሔር ኢየሩሳሌምን መልሶ ይሠራታል፤

ከእስራኤል የተበተኑትን ይሰበስባል።

3ልባቸው የተሰበረውን ይፈውሳል፤

ቍስላቸውንም ይጠግናል።

4የከዋክብትን ብዛት ያውቃል፤

እያንዳንዱንም በስሙ ይጠራዋል።

5ጌታችን ታላቅ ነው፤ እጅግ ኀያልም ነው፤

ለጥበቡም ወሰን የለውም።

6እግዚአብሔር ትሑታንን ከፍ ያደርጋል፤

ክፉዎችን ግን ወደ ምድር ይጥላል።

7ለእግዚአብሔር በምስጋና ዘምሩ፤

ለአምላካችንም በመሰንቆ ምስጋና አቅርቡ።

8ሰማይን በደመናት የሚሸፍን እርሱ ነው፤

ለምድርም ዝናብን ይሰጣል፤

በተራሮችም ላይ ሣር ያበቅላል።

9ለእንስሳት ምግባቸውን፣

የቍራ ጫጩቶችም ሲንጫጩ የሚበሉትን ይሰጣቸዋል።

10እርሱ በፈረስ ኀይል አይደሰትም፤

በሯጭም ብርታት ላይ ደስታውን አያደርግም።

11ነገር ግን እግዚአብሔር በሚፈሩት፣

በምሕረቱ በሚታመኑትም ይደሰታል።

12ኢየሩሳሌም ሆይ፤ እግዚአብሔርን አመስግኚ፤

ጽዮን ሆይ፤ አምላክሽን አወድሺ፤

13እርሱ የደጆችሽን መወርወሪያ አጽንቷልና፤

ልጆችሽንም በውስጥሽ ባርኳል።

14በድንበርሽ ውስጥ ሰላም ያሰፍናል፤

ማለፊያ ስንዴም ያጠግብሻል።

15ትእዛዙን ወደ ምድር ይልካል፤

ቃሉም እጅግ በፍጥነት ይሮጣል።

16ዐመዳዩን እንደ በርኖስ ይዘረጋል፤

ውርጩን እንደ ዐመድ ይነሰንሳል።

17የበረዶውን ድንጋይ ቍልቍል ይወረውረዋል፤

በውሽንፍሩስ ቅዝቃዜ ፊት ማን ሊቆም ይችላል?

18ቃሉን ልኮ ያቀልጣቸዋል፤ ነፋሱን ያነፍሳል፤ ውሆችንም ያፈስሳል።

19ቃሉን ለያዕቆብ፣

ሥርዐቱንና ፍርዱን ለእስራኤል ይገልጣል።

20ይህን ለማንኛውም ሌላ ሕዝብ አላደረገም፤

እነርሱም ፍርዱን አላወቁም።

ሃሌ ሉያ።

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 147:1-20

Psalm 147

1Praise the Lord.

How good it is to sing praises to our God!

How pleasant and right it is to praise him!

2The Lord builds up Jerusalem.

He gathers the scattered people of Israel.

3He heals those who have broken hearts.

He takes care of their wounds.

4He decides how many stars there should be.

He gives each one of them a name.

5Great is our Lord. His power is mighty.

There is no limit to his understanding.

6The Lord gives strength to those who aren’t proud.

But he throws evil people down to the ground.

7Sing to the Lord and give him grateful praise.

Make music to our God on the harp.

8He covers the sky with clouds.

He supplies the earth with rain.

He makes grass grow on the hills.

9He provides food for the cattle.

He provides for the young ravens when they cry out.

10He doesn’t take pleasure in the strength of horses.

He doesn’t take delight in the strong legs of warriors.

11The Lord takes delight in those who have respect for him.

They put their hope in his faithful love.

12Jerusalem, praise the Lord.

Zion, praise your God.

13He makes the metal bars of your gates stronger.

He blesses the people who live inside you.

14He keeps your borders safe and secure.

He satisfies you with the finest wheat.

15He sends his command to the earth.

His word arrives there quickly.

16He spreads the snow like wool.

He scatters the frost like ashes.

17He throws down his hail like pebbles.

No one can stand his icy blast.

18He gives his command, and the ice melts.

He stirs up his winds, and the waters flow.

19He has made his word known to the people of Jacob.

He has made his laws and rules known to Israel.

20He hasn’t done that for any other nation.

They don’t know his laws.

Praise the Lord.