መዝሙር 126 – NASV & NIVUK

New Amharic Standard Version

መዝሙር 126:1-6

መዝሙር 126

የስደት ተመላሾች መዝሙር

መዝሙረ መዓርግ።

1እግዚአብሔር የጽዮንን ምርኮ126፥1 ወይም እግዚአብሔር ሀብቷን ይመልሳል። በመለሰ ጊዜ፣

ሕልም እንጂ እውን አልመሰለንም።126፥1 ወይም የሰዎቿ ጤንነት ይታደሳል።

2በዚያን ጊዜ አፋችን በሣቅ፣

አንደበታችንም በእልልታ ተሞላ፤

በዚያን ጊዜም በሕዝቦች መካከል፣

እግዚአብሔር ታላቅ ነገር አደረገላቸው” ተባለ።

3እግዚአብሔር ታላቅ ነገር አደረገልን፤

እኛም ደስ አለን።

4እግዚአብሔር ሆይ፤ በኔጌቭ እንዳሉ ጅረቶች፣

ምርኳችንን መልስ።126፥4 ወይም ሀብታችንን መልስ

5በእንባ የሚዘሩ፣

በእልልታ ያጭዳሉ።

6ዘር ቋጥረው፣

እያለቀሱ የተሰማሩ፣

ነዷቸውን ተሸክመው፣

እልል እያሉ ይመለሳሉ።

New International Version – UK

Psalms 126:1-6

Psalm 126

A song of ascents.

1When the Lord restored the fortunes of126:1 Or Lord brought back the captives to Zion,

we were like those who dreamed.126:1 Or those restored to health

2Our mouths were filled with laughter,

our tongues with songs of joy.

Then it was said among the nations,

‘The Lord has done great things for them.’

3The Lord has done great things for us,

and we are filled with joy.

4Restore our fortunes,126:4 Or Bring back our captives Lord,

like streams in the Negev.

5Those who sow with tears

will reap with songs of joy.

6Those who go out weeping,

carrying seed to sow,

will return with songs of joy,

carrying sheaves with them.