ሕዝቅኤል 19 – NASV & NIV

New Amharic Standard Version

ሕዝቅኤል 19:1-14

ስለ እስራኤል መሳፍንት የወጣ ሙሾ

1“ስለ እስራኤል መሳፍንት ሙሾ አውጣ፤ 2እንዲህም በል፤

“ ‘እናትህ በአንበሶች መካከል እንዴት

ያለች አንበሳ ነበረች!

በደቦል አንበሶች መካከል ተጋደመች፤

ግልገሎቿንም በዚያ አሳደገች።

3ከግልገሎቿ መካከል አንዱን አሳደገችው፤

እርሱም ብርቱ አንበሳ ሆነ።

ግዳይ መንጠቅን ተማረ፤

ሰዎችንም በላ።

4አሕዛብም ስለ እርሱ ሰሙ፤

በጕድጓዳቸውም ገብቶ ተያዘ፤

እነርሱም በስናግ ጐትተው፣

ወደ ግብፅ ምድር ወሰዱት።

5“ ‘ተስፋዋ መጨናገፉን፣

የጠበቀችውም አለመሳካቱን ባየች ጊዜ፣

ከግልገሎቿ ሌላውን ወስዳ፣

ብርቱ አንበሳ አድርጋ አሳደገችው።

6እርሱም በአንበሶች መካከል ተጐማለለ፤

እየበረታም ሄደ፤

ግዳይ መንጠቅን ተማረ፤

ሰዎችንም በላ።

7ምሽጎቻቸውን አወደመ፤19፥7 ከታርጕም (ሰብዐ ሊቃናት ይመ) ጋር ተመሳሳይ ሲሆን፣ ዕብራይስጡ ግን ምሽጎቻቸውን ያውቃል ይላል።

ከተሞቻቸውንም ባድማ አደረገ፤

ምድሪቷና በውስጧ ያሉት ሁሉ፣

ከግሣቱ የተነሣ ተንቀጠቀጡ።

8በዙሪያው ያሉ አሕዛብ ተነሡበት፤

ከየአገሩም ሁሉ ተሰበሰቡበት፤

መረባቸውን ዘረጉበት፤

በጕድጓዳቸውም ገብቶ ተያዘ።

9በስናግም በመጐተት ቀፎ ውስጥ ከትተው፣

ወደ ባቢሎን ንጉሥ አመጡት፤

ድምፁ በእስራኤል ተራሮች ላይ፣

ዳግመኛ እንዳይሰማ፣

በእስር ቤት አኖሩት።

10“ ‘እናትህ በውሃ አጠገብ የተተከለ፣

በዕርሻ ውስጥ ያለ፣19፥10 ከሁለት የጥንት የዕብራይስጥ ቅጆች ጋር ተመሳሳይ ሲሆን አብዛኛዎቹ የጥንት ቅጆች ግን ያንተ ደም ይላሉ።

ከውሃም ብዛት የተነሣ፣

ያፈራና የተንሰራፋ የወይን ተክል


11ቅርንጫፎቿ ለበትረ መንግሥት

የሚሆኑ፣ ጠንካሮች ነበሩ፤

ጥቅጥቅ ባሉ ቅጠሎች መካከል፣

በቁመቷና በብዙ ቅርንጫፎቿ፣

ዘለግ ብላ፣ ጐልታ ትታይ ነበር።

12ነገር ግን በቍጣ ተነቀለች፤

ወደ ምድርም ተጣለች።

የምሥራቅ ነፋስ አደረቃት፤

ፍሬዎቿንም አረገፈባት።

ብርቱዎቹ ቅርንጫፎቿ ክው አሉ፤

እሳትም በላቸው።

13አሁን ውሃ በተጠማ ደረቅ ምድር፣

በበረሓ ውስጥ ተተከለች።

14ከዋና ቅርንጫፎቿ19፥14 ወይም ከዋና ቅርንጫፎቿ ሥር ከአንዱ እሳት ወጣ፤

ፍሬዋንም በላ።

በትረ መንግሥት የሚሆን፣

አንድም ጠንካራ ቅርንጫፍ አልተረፈም።’

ይህ ሙሾ ነው፤ ለሐዘን እንጕርጕሮም ይሆናል።”

New International Version

Ezekiel 19:1-14

A Lament Over Israel’s Princes

1“Take up a lament concerning the princes of Israel 2and say:

“ ‘What a lioness was your mother

among the lions!

She lay down among them

and reared her cubs.

3She brought up one of her cubs,

and he became a strong lion.

He learned to tear the prey

and he became a man-eater.

4The nations heard about him,

and he was trapped in their pit.

They led him with hooks

to the land of Egypt.

5“ ‘When she saw her hope unfulfilled,

her expectation gone,

she took another of her cubs

and made him a strong lion.

6He prowled among the lions,

for he was now a strong lion.

He learned to tear the prey

and he became a man-eater.

7He broke down19:7 Targum (see Septuagint); Hebrew He knew their strongholds

and devastated their towns.

The land and all who were in it

were terrified by his roaring.

8Then the nations came against him,

those from regions round about.

They spread their net for him,

and he was trapped in their pit.

9With hooks they pulled him into a cage

and brought him to the king of Babylon.

They put him in prison,

so his roar was heard no longer

on the mountains of Israel.

10“ ‘Your mother was like a vine in your vineyard19:10 Two Hebrew manuscripts; most Hebrew manuscripts your blood

planted by the water;

it was fruitful and full of branches

because of abundant water.

11Its branches were strong,

fit for a ruler’s scepter.

It towered high

above the thick foliage,

conspicuous for its height

and for its many branches.

12But it was uprooted in fury

and thrown to the ground.

The east wind made it shrivel,

it was stripped of its fruit;

its strong branches withered

and fire consumed them.

13Now it is planted in the desert,

in a dry and thirsty land.

14Fire spread from one of its main19:14 Or from under its branches

and consumed its fruit.

No strong branch is left on it

fit for a ruler’s scepter.’

“This is a lament and is to be used as a lament.”