Yeremiya 51 – LCB & KJV

Luganda Contemporary Bible

Yeremiya 51:1-64

Ekibonerezo kya Babulooni

1Bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama nti,

“Laba, ndiyimusa omwoyo gw’omuzikiriza

alumbe Babulooni n’abantu ba Lebukamaayi.

251:2 Is 41:16; Yer 15:7; Mat 3:12Ndituma abagwira e Babulooni

bamuwewe era bazikirize ensi ye;

balimulumba ku buli luuyi

ku lunaku olw’okuzikirira kwe.

351:3 a Yer 50:29 b Yer 46:4Omulasi talikuba busaale bwe,

taliyambala wadde ebyambalo bye ebyokulwanyisa.

Temusonyiwa batabani be;

muzikiririze ddala amaggye ge.

451:4 a Is 13:15 b Yer 49:26; 50:30Baligwa nga battiddwa e Babulooni,

nga batuusiddwako ebiwundu eby’amaanyi mu nguudo ze.

551:5 a Is 54:6-8 b Kos 4:1Kubanga Yuda ne Isirayiri tebinnalekebwa

Katonda waabwe, oyo Mukama Katonda ow’Eggye,

wadde ng’ensi yaabwe esingiddwa omusango

mu maaso g’Omutukuvu wa Isirayiri.

651:6 a Yer 50:8 b Kbl 16:26; Kub 18:4 c Yer 50:15 d Yer 25:14“Mudduke Babulooni.

Mudduke okuwonya obulamu bwammwe.

Temusaanawo olw’ebibi bye.

Kiseera kya Mukama okwesasuza;

alimusasula ekyo ekimusaanira.

751:7 Yer 25:15-16; Kub 14:8-10; 17:4Babulooni yali kikompe kya zaabu mu mukono gwa Mukama;

yatamiiza ensi yonna.

Amawanga gaanywa wayini we,

kyegavudde galaluka.

851:8 a Is 21:9; Kub 14:8 b Yer 46:11Babulooni kirigwa mangu ago ne kimenyekamenyeka.


Munoonye eddagala olw’obulumi bw’akyo

oboolyawo anaawonyezebwa.

951:9 a Is 13:14; Yer 50:16 b Kub 18:4-5“ ‘Twandiwonyezza Babulooni,

naye tayinza kuwonyezeka.

Leka tumuleke buli muntu adde mu nsi ye,

kubanga omusango gwe gutuuse mu bwengula,

gusituse gulinnye okutuuka ku bire.’

1051:10 a Mi 7:9 b Yer 50:28“ ‘Mukama atulwaniridde,

mujje tukitegeeze mu Sayuuni

ekyo Mukama Katonda waffe ky’akoze.’ 

1151:11 a Yer 50:9 b Yer 46:4 c nny 28 d Yer 50:45 e Yer 50:28“Muwagale obusaale,

mukwate engabo!

Mukama ayungudde bakabaka ab’e Bumeedi,

kubanga ekigendererwa kye kuzikiriza Babulooni.

Mukama aliwalana eggwanga,

aliwalana eggwanga olwa yeekaalu ye.

12Muyimuse bendera mwolekere bbugwe wa Babulooni!

Mwongereko abakuumi,

muteekeko abaserikale,

mutegeke okulumba mbagirawo!

Mukama alituukiriza ekigendererwa bye,

ensala ye okwolekera abantu ba Babulooni.

1351:13 a Kub 17:1, 15 b Is 45:3; Kbk 2:9Gwe abeera okumpi n’amazzi amangi,

omugagga mu bintu eby’omuwendo,

enkomerero yo etuuse,

ekiseera kyo eky’okuzikirizibwa kituuse.

1451:14 a Am 6:8 b nny 27; Nak 3:15 c Yer 50:15Mukama Katonda ow’Eggye yeerayiridde ku lulwe;

ddala ndikujjuza abasajja, ng’ebibinja by’enzige,

era balireekaana nga bakuwangudde.

1551:15 Lub 1:1; Yob 9:8; Zab 104:2“Ensi yagikola n’amaanyi ge;

yagiteekawo n’amagezi ge,

n’ayanjuluza eggulu n’okutegeera kwe.

1651:16 a Zab 18:11-13 b Zab 135:7; Yon 1:4Bw’abwatuka, amazzi ag’omu ggulu gawuluguma;

ayimusa ebire okuva ku nkomerero y’ensi.

Amyansisa eggulu mu nkuba

era n’aggya empewo mu mawanika ge.

1751:17 Is 44:20; Kbk 2:18-19“Buli muntu talina magezi wadde okutegeera;

Buli muweesi aswadde olw’ebifaananyi bya bakatonda by’akoze n’emikono gye.

Ebifaananyi bye bya bulimba;

tebirina mukka.

1851:18 Yer 18:15Tebiriiko kye bigasa, ebisaanye okunyoomebwa

ebirizikirizibwa nga Mukama azze okusala omusango.

19Oyo omugabo gwa Yakobo tali nga bano,

kubanga yakola ebintu byonna,

nga mwotwalidde n’eggwanga ly’omugabo gwe,

n’erinnya lye ye Mukama Katonda ow’Eggye.

2051:20 a Is 10:5 b Mi 4:13“Muli mbazzi yange,

ekyokulwanyisa kyange eky’olutalo,

mmwe be nkozesa okubetenta amawanga,

mmwe be nkozesa okuzikiriza obwakabaka,

2151:21 Kuv 15:1era ggwe gwe ndikozesa okubetenta embalaasi n’omwebagazi,

ggwe gwe ndikozesa okubetenta ekigaali n’omuvuzi waakyo,

2251:22 2By 36:17; Is 13:17-18era ggwe gwe ndikozesa okubetenta omusajja n’omukazi,

era ggwe ndikozesa okubetenta omukadde n’omuvubuka,

era ggwe gwe ndikozesa okubetenta omuvubuka n’omuwala omuto.

2351:23 nny 57Ggwe gwe ndikozesa okubetenta omusumba n’ekisibo kye,

ggwe gwe ndikozesa okubetenta omulimi n’ente ennume,

ggwe gwe ndikozesa okubetenta bagavana n’abakungu.

2451:24 Yer 50:15“Ndisasula Babulooni ne bonna ababeeramu nga mulaba olw’ebibi byonna bye baakola mu Sayuuni,” bw’ayogera Mukama.

2551:25 Zek 4:7“Mbalinako ensonga, ggwe olusozi oluzikiriza,

mmwe abazikiriza ensi yonna,”

bw’ayogera Mukama.

“Ndikugolererako omukono gwange,

nkusuule ku mayinja g’ensozi,

nkufuule olusozi olutakyayaka.

2651:26 nny 29; Is 13:19-22; Yer 50:12Tewali jjinja lirikuggibwako kukola jjinja lya ku nsonda,

wadde ejjinja lyonna okukola omusingi,

kubanga olibeera matongo emirembe gyonna,”

bw’ayogera Mukama.

2751:27 a Is 13:2; Yer 50:2 b Yer 25:14 c Lub 8:4 d Lub 10:3“Yimusa bendera mu ggwanga!

Fuuwa omulere mu mawanga!

Tegeka amawanga okumulwanyisa;

koowoola obwakabaka buno bumulumbe:

obwa Alalati ne Mini ne Asukenaazi.

Londa omuduumizi amulumba,

weereza embalaasi eziri ng’ekibinja ky’enzige.

2851:28 nny 11Teekateeka amawanga okumulwanyisa;

bakabaka Abameedi,

bagavana baabwe era n’abakungu baabwe bonna,

n’amawanga ge bafuga.

2951:29 nny 43; Is 13:20Ensi ekankana ne yeenyola olw’obulumi,

kubanga ebigendererwa bya Mukama eri Babulooni tebikyuka,

okuzikiriza ensi ya Babulooni

waleme kubaawo agibeeramu.

3051:30 a Yer 50:36 b Is 19:16 c Is 45:2; Kgb 2:9; Nak 3:13Abalwanyi ba Babulooni balekedde awo okulwana;

basigadde mu bigo byabwe.

Baweddemu amaanyi;

bafuuse nga bakazi.

Ebifo bye mw’abeera byokeddwa omuliro;

emitayimbwa gy’oku nzigi ze gimenyeddwa.

3151:31 2Sa 18:19-31Matalisi omu agoberera omulala,

omubaka omu n’agoberera munne,

okulangirira eri kabaka w’e Babulooni nti

ekibuga kye kyonna kiwambiddwa,

3251:32 Yer 50:36entindo z’emigga baziwambye,

ensenyi ziyidde omuliro,

n’abaserikale batidde.”

3351:33 a Is 21:10 b Is 17:5; Kos 6:11Bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama ow’Eggye, Katonda wa Isirayiri nti,

“Muwala wa Babulooni ali ng’egguuliro,

mu kiseera w’analinnyiririrwa;

ebiseera eby’okumukungula binaatera okutuuka.”

3451:34 Yer 50:17“Nebukadduneeza kabaka w’e Babulooni atukubyekubye,


tufuuse ekikompe ekyereere.

Atumize ng’omusota

n’olubuto lwe n’alujjuza ebyassava byaffe ebiwooma,

ffe n’atusesema.

3551:35 nny 24; Zab 137:8Leka okubonaabona okututuuseeko kubeere ku Babulooni,”

bwe boogera abatuula mu Sayuuni.

“Leka omusaayi gubeere ku abo ababeera mu Babulooni,”

bwayogera Yerusaalemi.

3651:36 a Zab 140:12; Yer 50:34; Kgb 3:58 b nny 6; Bar 12:19 c Yer 50:38Mukama kyava ayogera nti,

“Laba ndikulwanirira era ndikuwolerera eggwanga;

Ndikaliza ennyanja ye

n’ensulo ze.

3751:37 a Is 13:22; Kub 18:2 b Yer 50:13, 39Babulooni kirifuuka bifunvu,

mpuku ya bibe,

ekintu ekyenyinyalwa n’okusekererwa,

ekifo omutali abeeramu.

38Abantu baakyo bonna bawuluguma ng’empologoma ento,

bavuumira wamu ng’abaana b’empologoma.

3951:39 nny 57Naye nga bakyabuguumirira,

ndibategekera ekijjulo,


balyoke balekaane nga baseka,

olwo beebake emirembe gyonna nga tebazuukuse,”

bw’ayogera Mukama.


ng’abaana b’endiga, battibwe,

ng’endiga n’embuzi.

4151:41 a Yer 25:26 b Is 13:19“Sesaki nga kiriwambibwa,

okujaguza kw’ensi yonna kugwewo.

Babulooni kifuuse matongo eri amawanga!

4251:42 Is 8:7Ennyanja eribuutikira Babulooni;

amayengo gaayo agawuluguma galigisaanikira.

4351:43 nny 29, 62; Is 13:20; Yer 2:6Ebibuga bye birisigala matongo,

ensi enkalu ey’eddungu,

ensi eteriimu muntu,

eteyitamu muntu yenna.

4451:44 a Is 46:1 b nny 34 c nny 58; Yer 50:15Ndibonereza Beri mu Babulooni,

mmusesemye bye yali amize.

Amawanga nga tegakyesomba kugenda gyali.

Ne bbugwe wa Babulooni aligwa.

4551:45 a Kub 18:4 b nny 6; Is 48:20; Yer 50:8“Mukiveemu, abantu bange!

Mudduke muwonye obulamu bwammwe!

Mudduke muwone obusungu bwa Mukama obubuubuuka.

4651:46 a Yer 46:27 b 2Bk 19:7Temutya wadde okuggwaamu amaanyi

ng’eŋŋambo ziyitiŋŋana mu nsi;

olugambo olumu lujja omwaka guno, olulala omwaka ogujja,

eŋŋambo z’entalo mu ggwanga,

era ez’omufuzi ng’alwana ne mufuzi munne.

4751:47 a nny 52; Is 46:1-2; Yer 50:2 b Yer 50:12Kubanga ekiseera kijja

lwe ndibonereza ebifaananyi bya bakatonda ba Babulooni abaakolebwa n’emikono;

ensi eyo yonna eritabanguka,

n’emirambo gy’abantu baayo abattiddwa gyonna gibeere omwo.

4851:48 a Is 44:23; Kub 18:20 b nny 11Eggulu n’ensi ne byonna ebibirimu

birireekana olw’essanyu olwa Babulooni,

abalimuzikiriza balimulumba

okuva mu bukiikakkono,”

bw’ayogera Mukama.

4951:49 Zab 137:8; Yer 50:29“Babulooni kirigwa olw’Abayisirayiri abaafa,

nga bonna abaafa mu nsi yonna

bwe baweddewo olwa Babulooni.

5051:50 a nny 45 b Zab 137:6Mmwe abawonye ekitala,

mwanguwe okugenda!

Mujjukire Mukama nga muli mu nsi ey’ewala,

mulowooze ku Yerusaalemi.”

5151:51 a Zab 44:13-16; 79:4 b Kgb 1:10“Tuweddemu amaanyi

kubanga tuvumiddwa

era tukwatiddwa ensonyi,

kubanga abagwira bayingidde

mu bifo ebitukuvu eby’ennyumba ya Mukama.”

5251:52 nny 47“Naye ennaku zijja,” bw’ayogera Mukama,

“lwe ndibonereza ebifaananyi bya bakatonda be, be yakola n’emikono,

era mu nsi ye yonna,

abaliko ebisago balisinda.

5351:53 a Lub 11:4; Is 14:13-14 b Yer 49:16Newaakubadde nga Babulooni atuuka ku bire

era ne yeenyweza n’ebigo bye eby’amaanyi,

ndimusindikira abazikiriza,”

bw’ayogera Mukama.

5451:54 Yer 50:22“Eddoboozi ly’okukaaba liva mu Babulooni,

eddoboozi ery’okuzikirira okunene

okuva mu nsi y’Abakaludaaya.

5551:55 Zab 18:4Mukama alizikiriza Babulooni,

alizikiza oluyoogaano lwakyo olunene.

Amayengo g’abalabe galijja ng’amazzi amangi;

okuwuluguma kw’amaloboozi kuliwulirwa.

5651:56 a nny 48 b Zab 46:9 c Zab 46:6; 94:1-2; Kbk 2:8Omuzikiriza alirumba Babulooni;

abalwanyi be baliwambibwa,

n’emitego gyabwe girimenyebwa.

Kubanga Mukama Katonda asasula,

alisasula mu bujjuvu.

5751:57 a Zab 76:5; Yer 25:27 b Yer 46:18; 48:15Nditamiiza abakungu be n’abasajja be abajjudde amagezi,

ne bagavana, ab’ebitongole awamu n’abalwanyi;

balyebaka emirembe gyonna era tebalizuukuka,”

bw’ayogera Kabaka ayitibwa Mukama Katonda ow’Eggye.

5851:58 a nny 44 b nny 64 c Kbk 2:13Bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda ow’Eggye nti,

“Bbugwe wa Babulooni omunene alisendebwa

era n’emiryango gye emiwanvu gyokebwe;

abantu beetawanyiza bwerere nga bafuba,

okutawaana kw’eggwanga kuliba nku za muliro.”

5951:59 a Yer 36:4 b Yer 52:1 c Yer 28:1Buno bwe bubaka Yeremiya bwe yawa omukungu Seraya mutabani wa Neriya, mutabani wa Maseya, bwe yagenda e Babulooni ne Zeddekiya kabaka wa Yuda, nga Zeddekiya afuga mu mwaka gwe ogwokuna. Seraya ye yali omu ku bakungu abakulu. 6051:60 Yer 30:2; 36:2Yeremiya yali awandiise mu muzingo ebikangabwa byonna ebyali bigenda okutuuka ku Babulooni, byonna ebyali biwandiikiddwa ebyali bikwata ku Babulooni. 61Yagamba Seraya nti, “Bw’otuuka mu Babulooni, laba ng’osoma mu ddoboozi ery’omwanguka ebigambo bino byonna. 6251:62 Is 13:20; Yer 50:13, 39Olwo ogambe nti, ‘Ayi Mukama, ogambye nti olizikiriza ekifo kino, nti tewali nsolo oba muntu alikibeeramu; kibeere matongo emirembe gyonna.’ 63Bw’omalanga okusoma omuzingo guno gusibeeko ejjinja ogukanyuge mu mugga Fulaati. 6451:64 a nny 58 b Yob 31:40Olyoke ogambe nti, ‘Bw’ati Babulooni bwalisaanawo aleme kubbulukuka olw’akabi ke ndimuleetako. N’abantu be balizikirira.’ ”

Ebigambo bya Yeremiya bikoma awo.

King James Version

Jeremiah 51:1-64

1Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will raise up against Babylon, and against them that dwell in the midst of them that rise up against me, a destroying wind;51.1 midst: Heb. heart 2And will send unto Babylon fanners, that shall fan her, and shall empty her land: for in the day of trouble they shall be against her round about. 3Against him that bendeth let the archer bend his bow, and against him that lifteth himself up in his brigandine: and spare ye not her young men; destroy ye utterly all her host. 4Thus the slain shall fall in the land of the Chaldeans, and they that are thrust through in her streets. 5For Israel hath not been forsaken, nor Judah of his God, of the LORD of hosts; though their land was filled with sin against the Holy One of Israel. 6Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniquity; for this is the time of the LORD’s vengeance; he will render unto her a recompence. 7Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD’s hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad. 8Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed: howl for her; take balm for her pain, if so be she may be healed. 9We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed: forsake her, and let us go every one into his own country: for her judgment reacheth unto heaven, and is lifted up even to the skies. 10The LORD hath brought forth our righteousness: come, and let us declare in Zion the work of the LORD our God. 11Make bright the arrows; gather the shields: the LORD hath raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes: for his device is against Babylon, to destroy it; because it is the vengeance of the LORD, the vengeance of his temple.51.11 bright: Heb. pure 12Set up the standard upon the walls of Babylon, make the watch strong, set up the watchmen, prepare the ambushes: for the LORD hath both devised and done that which he spake against the inhabitants of Babylon.51.12 ambushes: Heb. liers in wait 13O thou that dwellest upon many waters, abundant in treasures, thine end is come, and the measure of thy covetousness. 14The LORD of hosts hath sworn by himself, saying, Surely I will fill thee with men, as with caterpillers; and they shall lift up a shout against thee.51.14 by himself: Heb. by his soul51.14 lift up: Heb. utter 15He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heaven by his understanding. 16When he uttereth his voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens; and he causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth: he maketh lightnings with rain, and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures.51.16 multitude: or, noise 17Every man is brutish by his knowledge; every founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them.51.17 is brutish…: or, is more brutish than to know 18They are vanity, the work of errors: in the time of their visitation they shall perish. 19The portion of Jacob is not like them; for he is the former of all things: and Israel is the rod of his inheritance: the LORD of hosts is his name. 20Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms;51.20 with thee: or, in thee, or, by thee 21And with thee will I break in pieces the horse and his rider; and with thee will I break in pieces the chariot and his rider; 22With thee also will I break in pieces man and woman; and with thee will I break in pieces old and young; and with thee will I break in pieces the young man and the maid; 23I will also break in pieces with thee the shepherd and his flock; and with thee will I break in pieces the husbandman and his yoke of oxen; and with thee will I break in pieces captains and rulers. 24And I will render unto Babylon and to all the inhabitants of Chaldea all their evil that they have done in Zion in your sight, saith the LORD. 25Behold, I am against thee, O destroying mountain, saith the LORD, which destroyest all the earth: and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burnt mountain. 26And they shall not take of thee a stone for a corner, nor a stone for foundations; but thou shalt be desolate for ever, saith the LORD.51.26 desolate…: Heb. everlasting desolations 27Set ye up a standard in the land, blow the trumpet among the nations, prepare the nations against her, call together against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashchenaz; appoint a captain against her; cause the horses to come up as the rough caterpillers. 28Prepare against her the nations with the kings of the Medes, the captains thereof, and all the rulers thereof, and all the land of his dominion. 29And the land shall tremble and sorrow: for every purpose of the LORD shall be performed against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant. 30The mighty men of Babylon have forborn to fight, they have remained in their holds: their might hath failed; they became as women: they have burned her dwellingplaces; her bars are broken. 31One post shall run to meet another, and one messenger to meet another, to shew the king of Babylon that his city is taken at one end, 32And that the passages are stopped, and the reeds they have burned with fire, and the men of war are affrighted. 33For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; The daughter of Babylon is like a threshingfloor, it is time to thresh her: yet a little while, and the time of her harvest shall come.51.33 it is…: or, in the time that he thresheth her 34Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon hath devoured me, he hath crushed me, he hath made me an empty vessel, he hath swallowed me up like a dragon, he hath filled his belly with my delicates, he hath cast me out. 35The violence done to me and to my flesh be upon Babylon, shall the inhabitant of Zion say; and my blood upon the inhabitants of Chaldea, shall Jerusalem say.51.35 The violence…: Heb. My violence51.35 flesh: or, remainder51.35 inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress 36Therefore thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will plead thy cause, and take vengeance for thee; and I will dry up her sea, and make her springs dry. 37And Babylon shall become heaps, a dwellingplace for dragons, an astonishment, and an hissing, without an inhabitant. 38They shall roar together like lions: they shall yell as lions’ whelps.51.38 yell: or, shake themselves 39In their heat I will make their feasts, and I will make them drunken, that they may rejoice, and sleep a perpetual sleep, and not wake, saith the LORD. 40I will bring them down like lambs to the slaughter, like rams with he goats. 41How is Sheshach taken! and how is the praise of the whole earth surprised! how is Babylon become an astonishment among the nations! 42The sea is come up upon Babylon: she is covered with the multitude of the waves thereof. 43Her cities are a desolation, a dry land, and a wilderness, a land wherein no man dwelleth, neither doth any son of man pass thereby. 44And I will punish Bel in Babylon, and I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he hath swallowed up: and the nations shall not flow together any more unto him: yea, the wall of Babylon shall fall. 45My people, go ye out of the midst of her, and deliver ye every man his soul from the fierce anger of the LORD. 46And lest your heart faint, and ye fear for the rumour that shall be heard in the land; a rumour shall both come one year, and after that in another year shall come a rumour, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler.51.46 lest: or, let not 47Therefore, behold, the days come, that I will do judgment upon the graven images of Babylon: and her whole land shall be confounded, and all her slain shall fall in the midst of her.51.47 do…: Heb. visit upon 48Then the heaven and the earth, and all that is therein, shall sing for Babylon: for the spoilers shall come unto her from the north, saith the LORD. 49As Babylon hath caused the slain of Israel to fall, so at Babylon shall fall the slain of all the earth.51.49 As…: or, Both Babylon is to fall, O ye slain of Israel, and with Babylon, etc51.49 the earth: or, the country 50Ye that have escaped the sword, go away, stand not still: remember the LORD afar off, and let Jerusalem come into your mind. 51We are confounded, because we have heard reproach: shame hath covered our faces: for strangers are come into the sanctuaries of the LORD’s house. 52Wherefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will do judgment upon her graven images: and through all her land the wounded shall groan. 53Though Babylon should mount up to heaven, and though she should fortify the height of her strength, yet from me shall spoilers come unto her, saith the LORD. 54A sound of a cry cometh from Babylon, and great destruction from the land of the Chaldeans: 55Because the LORD hath spoiled Babylon, and destroyed out of her the great voice; when her waves do roar like great waters, a noise of their voice is uttered: 56Because the spoiler is come upon her, even upon Babylon, and her mighty men are taken, every one of their bows is broken: for the LORD God of recompences shall surely requite. 57And I will make drunk her princes, and her wise men, her captains, and her rulers, and her mighty men: and they shall sleep a perpetual sleep, and not wake, saith the King, whose name is the LORD of hosts. 58Thus saith the LORD of hosts; The broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly broken, and her high gates shall be burned with fire; and the people shall labour in vain, and the folk in the fire, and they shall be weary.51.58 The broad…: or, The walls of broad Babylon51.58 broken: or, made naked

59¶ The word which Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah the son of Neriah, the son of Maaseiah, when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah into Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. And this Seraiah was a quiet prince.51.59 with: or, on the behalf of51.59 quiet…: or, prince of Menucha, or, chief chamberlain 60So Jeremiah wrote in a book all the evil that should come upon Babylon, even all these words that are written against Babylon. 61And Jeremiah said to Seraiah, When thou comest to Babylon, and shalt see, and shalt read all these words; 62Then shalt thou say, O LORD, thou hast spoken against this place, to cut it off, that none shall remain in it, neither man nor beast, but that it shall be desolate for ever.51.62 desolate: Heb. desolations 63And it shall be, when thou hast made an end of reading this book, that thou shalt bind a stone to it, and cast it into the midst of Euphrates: 64And thou shalt say, Thus shall Babylon sink, and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her: and they shall be weary. Thus far are the words of Jeremiah.