Oluyimba 8 – LCB & NIV

Luganda Contemporary Bible

Oluyimba 8:1-14

1Singa wali muganda wange eyakuzibwa mmange

era eyayonka amabeere ga mmange,

nandikusanze ebweru


ne wataba n’omu annyooma.

28:2 Lu 3:4Nandikukulembedde

ne nkuleeta mu nnyumba ya mmange,

oyo eyangigiriza.

Nandikuwadde wayini okunywa ng’alimu ebyakaloosa,

omubisi ogw’amakomamawanga gange.

38:3 Lu 2:6Omukono gwe ogwa kkono guli wansi wa mutwe gwange

n’omukono gwe ogwa ddyo gumpambaatira.

48:4 Lu 2:7; 3:5Mmwe abawala ba Yerusaalemi mbakuutira,

temusiikuula newaakubadde okuzuukusa okwagala

okutuusa ng’ekiseera ekituufu kituuse.


58:5 a Lu 3:6 b Lu 3:4Ani oyo gwe tulengera ng’ava mu ddungu

nga yeesigamye muganzi we?


Nakuzuukusa ng’oli wansi w’omuti ogw’omucungwa.

Eyo maama wo gye yafunira olubuto era eyo

maama wo gye yakuzaalira mu bulumi obungi.

68:6 a Lu 1:2 b Kbl 5:14Nteeka ng’akabonero ku mutima gwo,

era ng’akabonero ku mukono gwo,

kubanga okwagala kwa maanyi ng’okufa,

obuggya bwakwo buli ng’obusungu obw’emagombe.

Kwaka ng’ennimi ez’omuliro,

omuliro ogwaka n’amaanyi ennyo.

78:7 Nge 6:35Amazzi amangi tegamalaawo nnyonta ya kwagala

n’emigga tegiyinza kukumalawo.

Singa omuntu awaayo

obugagga bwe bwonna obw’ennyumba ye okufuna okwagala,

asekererwa nnyo.


8Tulina muto waffe

atannamera mabeere,

naye tulikola tutya

bw’alituuka okwogerezebwa?

9Singa abadde bbugwe

twandimuzimbyeko eminaala egya ffeeza,

singa abadde luggi

twandimuggalidde na mivule.


10Ndi bbugwe

era n’amabeere gange gali ng’ekitikkiro,

noolwekyo mu maaso ge,

mmufuukidde aleeta emirembe.

118:11 a Mub 2:4 b Is 7:23Sulemaani yalina ennimiro y’emizabbibu e Baaluka Kamooni,

n’agisigira abalimi.

Buli omu ku bo yamusalira

ebitundu bya ffeeza lukumi.

128:12 Lu 1:6Ennimiro yange ey’emizabbibu, yange,

ebitundu olukumi bibyo ggwe Sulemaani,

ebitundu ebikumi bibiri by’abo abalabirira ennimiro.


13Ggwe abeera mu nnimiro

ne mikwano gyo nga weebali,

ka mpulire eddoboozi lyo.


148:14 a Nge 5:19 b Lu 2:9 c Lu 2:8, 17Yanguwa okuvaayo eyo,

odduke mangu ng’empeewo

oba ng’ennangaazi ento,

oddukire ku nsozi ezijjudde ebyakaloosa.

New International Version

Song of Songs 8:1-14

1If only you were to me like a brother,

who was nursed at my mother’s breasts!

Then, if I found you outside,

I would kiss you,

and no one would despise me.

2I would lead you

and bring you to my mother’s house—

she who has taught me.

I would give you spiced wine to drink,

the nectar of my pomegranates.

3His left arm is under my head

and his right arm embraces me.

4Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you:

Do not arouse or awaken love

until it so desires.


5Who is this coming up from the wilderness

leaning on her beloved?


Under the apple tree I roused you;

there your mother conceived you,

there she who was in labor gave you birth.

6Place me like a seal over your heart,

like a seal on your arm;

for love is as strong as death,

its jealousy8:6 Or ardor unyielding as the grave.

It burns like blazing fire,

like a mighty flame.8:6 Or fire, / like the very flame of the Lord

7Many waters cannot quench love;

rivers cannot sweep it away.

If one were to give

all the wealth of one’s house for love,

it8:7 Or he would be utterly scorned.


8We have a little sister,

and her breasts are not yet grown.

What shall we do for our sister

on the day she is spoken for?

9If she is a wall,

we will build towers of silver on her.

If she is a door,

we will enclose her with panels of cedar.


10I am a wall,

and my breasts are like towers.

Thus I have become in his eyes

like one bringing contentment.

11Solomon had a vineyard in Baal Hamon;

he let out his vineyard to tenants.

Each was to bring for its fruit

a thousand shekels8:11 That is, about 25 pounds or about 12 kilograms; also in verse 12 of silver.

12But my own vineyard is mine to give;

the thousand shekels are for you, Solomon,

and two hundred8:12 That is, about 5 pounds or about 2.3 kilograms are for those who tend its fruit.


13You who dwell in the gardens

with friends in attendance,

let me hear your voice!


14Come away, my beloved,

and be like a gazelle

or like a young stag

on the spice-laden mountains.