Okukungubaga 2 – LCB & NIRV

Luganda Contemporary Bible

Okukungubaga 2:1-22

12:1 a Kgb 3:44 b Zab 99:5; 132:7Obusungu bwa Mukama nga bubuubuukidde ku Muwala wa Sayuuni

ne bumussa wansi w’ekire!

Ekitiibwa kya Isirayiri, Mukama akissizza wansi

okuva mu ggulu okutuuka ku nsi;

ne yeerabira entebe ey’ebigere bye

ku lunaku lwe yasunguwalirako.

22:2 a Kgb 3:43 b Zab 21:9 c Zab 89:39-40; Mi 5:11 d Is 25:12Mukama azikirizza

abatuula mu Yakobo bonna awatali kubasaasira;

mu busungu bwe amenye

ebigo eby’amaanyi eby’omuwala wa Yuda;

assizza wansi obwakabaka bwe n’abakungu be

n’abamalamu ekitiibwa.

32:3 a Zab 75:5, 10 b Zab 74:11 c Is 42:25; Yer 21:4-5, 14Mu busungu obungi

amaanyi gonna aga Isirayiri agakendeezezza;

bw’alabye omulabe ng’asembera,

n’aggyawo omukono gwe ogwa ddyo;

anyiigidde Yakobo okufaanana ng’omuliro

bwe gubumbujja ne gwokya buli ekiguliraanye.

42:4 a Yob 16:13; Kgb 3:12-13 b Ez 24:16, 25 c Is 42:25; Yer 7:20Anaanudde omutego gwe okufaanana nga ogw’omulabe,

era omukono gwe ogwa ddyo mweteefuteefu.

Azikirizza ebyo byonna ebisanyusa amaaso

mu weema ey’omuwala wa Sayuuni,

okufaanana ng’omulabe bwe yandikoze;

obusungu bwe bubuubuuka ng’omuliro.

52:5 a Yer 30:14 b nny 2 c Yer 9:17-20Mukama afuuse ng’omulabe;

azikirizza Isirayiri,

n’azikiriza embiri ze,

n’azikiriza n’ebifo bye eby’amaanyi.

Aleetedde muwala wa Yuda

okweyongera okukaaba n’okukungubaga.

62:6 a Yer 52:13 b Kgb 1:4; Zef 3:18 c Kgb 4:16Asaanyizzaawo eweema ye n’efaanana ng’ennimiro,

era azikirizza n’ekifo kye eky’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu.

Mukama yeerabizza Sayuuni

embaga ze entukuvu ne ssabbiiti,

era mu busungu bwe obungi

anyoomye kabaka ne kabona.

72:7 Zab 74:7-8; Is 64:11; Yer 33:4-5Mukama atamiddwa ekyoto kye,

n’alekulira n’ekifo kye ekitukuvu.

Awaddeyo bbugwe w’embiri ze eri omulabe;

era baleekaanidde mu nnyumba ya Mukama,

ne baleetamu oluyoogaano

nga ku lunaku olw’embaga entukuvu.

82:8 a 2Bk 21:13; Is 34:11 b Is 3:26Mukama yamalirira okumenya

bbugwe eyeetoolodde muwala wa Sayuuni,

n’agolola omuguwa ogupima,

Omukono gwe ne guteewala kuzikiriza.

Yaleetera enkomera ne bbugwe okukungubaga,

byonna ne biggweerera.

92:9 a Nek 1:3 b Ma 28:36; 2Bk 24:15 c 2By 15:3 d Yer 14:14Emiryango gye gisse mu ttaka,

n’emitayimbwa gyagyo agimenye n’agyonoona.

Kabaka we n’abakungu be baawaŋŋangusizibwa,

eteri mateeka gaabwe agabafuga,

era ne bannabbi be tebakyafuna

kwolesebwa kuva eri Mukama.

102:10 a Yob 2:12 b Is 15:3 c Yob 2:13; Is 3:26Abakadde b’Omuwala wa Sayuuni

batuula wansi ku ttaka nga basiriikiridde;

bayiye enfuufu ku mitwe gyabwe

era beesibye ebibukutu;

n’abawala ba Yerusaalemi

bakotese emitwe gyabwe.

112:11 a Kgb 1:16; 3:48-51 b Kgb 1:20 c nny 19; Zab 22:14 d Kgb 4:4Amaaso gange gakooye olw’okukaaba

n’emmeeme yange enyiikadde

n’omutima gwange gulumwa

olw’okuzikirizibwa kw’abantu bange,

n’olw’abaana abato n’abaana abawere okuzirikira

wakati mu nguudo ez’omu kibuga.

122:12 Kgb 4:4Bakaabirira bannyaabwe nga bwe boogera nti,

“Omugaati n’envinnyo biri ludda wa?”

nga bwe bazirika okufaanana ng’abaliko ebiwundu

mu nguudo ez’ekibuga,

nga bwe bakaabira

mu bifuba bya bannyaabwe.

132:13 a Is 37:22 b Yer 14:17; Kgb 1:12Nnyinza kugamba ki,

era kiki kye nnyinza okukugeraageranyaako

ggwe Omuwala wa Yerusaalemi?

Kiki kye nnyinza okukufaananya,

okukusanyusa ggwe

Omuwala Embeerera owa Sayuuni?

Ekiwundu kyo kinene nnyo,

kale ani ayinza okukiwonya?

142:14 a Is 58:1 b Yer 2:8; 23:25-32, 33-40; 29:9; Ez 13:3; 22:28Okwolesebwa bannabbi bo kwe baafuna,

kwali kwa bulimba era kwa butaliimu;

tebaakutegeeza obutali butuukirivu bwo

okukuwonya obusibe.

Engero ze baabanyumizanga

zaali za bulimba era eziwabya.

152:15 a Ez 25:6 b Yer 19:8 c Zab 50:2 d Zab 48:2Bonna abayitawo

babakubira mu ngalo

ne bafuuwa empa ne banyeenyeza

omuwala wa Yerusaalemi emitwe gyabwe nga boogera nti,

“Kino kye kibuga ekyayitibwanga


era essanyu ly’ensi zonna?”

162:16 a Zab 56:2; Kgb 3:46 b Yob 16:9 c Zab 35:25Abalabe bo bonna

baasaamiridde nga beewuunya;

nga bafuuwa empa, era baluma amannyo

nga boogera nti, “Tumuzikirizza.

Luno lwe lunaku lwe twalindirira,

kaakano lutuukiridde, era tululabye.”

172:17 a Ma 28:15-45 b nny 2; Ez 5:11 c Zab 89:42Mukama akoze kye yateekateeka,

era atuukirizza ekigambo kye

kye yalagira mu nnaku ez’edda.

Akuzikirizza awatali kukusaasira,

aleetedde omulabe wo okukusekerera,

n’amaanyi g’abalabe bo agagulumizza.

182:18 a Zab 119:145 b Kgb 1:16 c Yer 9:1 d Kgb 3:49Kaabirira Mukama

n’eddoboozi ery’omwanguka

ggwe Omuwala wa Sayuuni.

Leka amaziga go gakulukute ng’omugga

emisana n’ekiro.

Teweewummuza so toganya

maaso go kuwummula.

192:19 a 1Sa 1:15; Zab 62:8 b Is 26:9 c Is 51:20Golokoka, okaabe ekiro

obudde nga bwa kaziba;

Fuka emmeeme yo ng’amazzi

mu maaso ga Mukama.

Yimusa emikono gyo gy’ali,

olw’obulamu bw’abaana bo abato

abazirise olw’enjala

mu buli luguudo.

202:20 a Ma 28:53; Yer 19:9 b Kgb 4:10 c Zab 78:64; Yer 14:15“Tunula, Ayi Mukama Katonda osaasire!

Ani gwe wali obonerezza bw’otyo?

Ddala, abakyala balye ebibala by’embuto zaabwe,

abaana be bakuzizza?

Ddala, bakabona ne bannabbi battibwe

mu watukuvu wa Mukama?

212:21 a 2By 36:17; Zab 78:62-63; Yer 6:11 b Yer 13:14; Kgb 3:43; Zek 11:6“Abato n’abakulu bonna bafiiridde wamu

mu nfuufu ey’enguudo;

abavubuka bange ne bawala bange

battiddwa n’ekitala;

obattidde ku lunaku olw’obusungu bwo,

era obasse awatali kusaasira.

222:22 a Zab 31:13; Yer 6:25 b Kos 9:13“Nga bw’oyita abantu ku lunaku olw’embaga,

bw’otyo bw’ompitidde ebikemo ku njuyi zonna;

era ku lunaku olw’obusungu bwa Mukama,

tewali n’omu eyasimattuka newaakubadde eyasigalawo;

abo be nalabirira ne nkuza,

omulabe wange be yazikiriza.”

New International Reader’s Version

Lamentations 2:1-22

1See how the Lord covered the city of Zion

with the cloud of his anger!

He threw Israel’s glory down

from heaven to earth.

When he was angry, he turned his back

on his own city.

2Without pity the Lord swallowed up

all the homes of Jacob’s people.

When he was angry, he tore down

the forts of the people of Judah.

He brought down their kingdom and princes

to the ground in dishonor.

3When he was very angry,

he took away Israel’s power.

He pulled back his powerful right hand

as the enemy approached.

His burning anger blazed out in Jacob’s land.

It burned up everything near it.

4Like an enemy the Lord got his bow ready to use.

He had a sword in his right hand.

Like an enemy he destroyed

everything that used to be pleasing to him.

His anger blazed out like fire.

It burned up the homes in the city of Zion.

5The Lord was like an enemy.

He swallowed up Israel.

He swallowed up all of its palaces.

He destroyed its forts.

He filled the people of Judah

with sorrow and sadness.

6The Lord’s temple was like a garden.

But he completely destroyed it.

He destroyed the place

where he used to meet with his people.

He made Zion’s people forget

their appointed feasts and Sabbath days.

When he was very angry, he turned his back on

king and priest alike.

7The Lord deserted his altar.

He left his temple.

He gave the walls of Jerusalem’s palaces

into the hands of her enemies.

They shouted loudly in the house of the Lord.

You would have thought it was the day

of an appointed feast.

8The Lord decided to tear down

the walls around the city of Zion.

He measured out what he wanted to destroy.

Then he destroyed Jerusalem by his power.

He made even her towers and walls sing songs of sadness.

All of them fell down.

9Her gates sank down into the ground.

He broke the metal bars that locked her gates, and he destroyed them.

Her king and princes were taken away to other nations.

There is no law anymore.

Jerusalem’s prophets no longer receive

visions from the Lord.

10The elders of the city of Zion

sit silently on the ground.

They have sprinkled dust on their heads.

They’ve put on the clothes of sadness.

The young women of Jerusalem

have bowed their heads toward the ground.

11I’ve cried so much I can’t see very well.

I’m suffering deep down inside.

My heart is broken

because my people are destroyed.

Children and babies are fainting

in the streets of the city.

12They say to their mothers,

“Where can we find something to eat and drink?”

They faint like wounded soldiers

in the streets of the city.

Their lives are slipping away

in their mothers’ arms.

13City of Jerusalem, what can I say about you?

What can I compare you to?

People of Zion, what are you like?

I want to comfort you.

Your wound is as deep as the ocean.

Who can heal you?

14The visions of your prophets were lies.

They weren’t worth anything.

They didn’t show you the sins you had committed.

So that’s why you were captured.

The messages they gave you were lies.

They led you astray.

15All those who pass by

clap their hands and make fun of you.

They laugh at you and shake their heads

at the city of Jerusalem.

They say, “Could that be the city

that was called perfect and beautiful?

Is that the city that brought joy to everyone on earth?”

16All your enemies open their mouths

wide against you.

They laugh at you and grind their teeth.

They say, “We have swallowed up Jerusalem’s people.

This is the day we’ve waited for.

And we’ve lived to see it.”

17The Lord has done what he planned to do.

He has made what he said come true.

He gave the command long ago.

He has destroyed you without pity.

He has let your enemies laugh at you.

He has made them stronger than you are.

18People in the city of Zion,

cry out from your heart to the Lord.

Let your tears flow like a river

day and night.

Don’t stop at all.

Don’t give your eyes any rest.

19Get up. Cry out as the night begins.

Tell the Lord all your troubles.

Lift up your hands to him.

Pray that the lives of your children will be spared.

At every street corner they faint

because they are so hungry.

20Jerusalem says, “Lord, look at me.

Think about my condition.

Have you ever treated anyone else like this?

Should women have to eat their babies?

Should they eat the children they’ve taken care of?

Should priests and prophets be killed

in your own temple?

21“Young people and old people alike

lie dead in the dust of my streets.

My young men and women

have been killed by swords.

You killed them when you were angry.

You put them to death without pity.

22“You sent for terrors to come against me on every side.

It was as if you were inviting people to enjoy a feast day.

Because you were angry, no one escaped.

No one was left alive.

I took good care of my children and brought them up.

But my enemies have destroyed them.”