Engero 30 – LCB & NIRV

Luganda Contemporary Bible

Engero 30:1-33

Ebigambo ba Aguli

1Bino bye bigambo bya Aguli mutabani wa Yake; obubaka bwe yawa bwe buno:

Bw’ati omusajja ono bwe yagamba Isiyeri, Isyeri ono ne Ukali.

2Ddala Ayi Katonda wange nze nsinga obutategeera,

sirina kutegeera kwa bantu.

330:3 Nge 9:10Siyize magezi,

so n’oyo Omutukuvu simumanyi.

430:4 a Zab 24:1-2; Yk 3:13; Bef 4:7-10 b Zab 104:3; Is 40:12 c Yob 26:8; 38:8-9 d Lub 1:2 e Kub 19:12Ani eyali alinnye mu ggulu n’akka?

Ani eyali akuŋŋaanyiza empewo mu kibatu ky’engalo ze?

Ani eyali asibye amazzi mu kyambalo kye?

Ani eyatonda enkomerero zonna ez’ensi?

Erinnya lye y’ani, ne mutabani we y’ani?

Mbulira obanga obimanyi.

530:5 a Zab 12:6; 18:30 b Lub 15:1; Zab 84:11Buli kigambo kya Katonda kya mazima,

era aba ngabo eri abo abamwesiga.

630:6 Ma 4:2; 12:32; Kub 22:18Toyongeranga ku bigambo bye,

alemenga okukunenya naawe olabike ng’omulimba.

7Ebintu bibiri bye nkusaba; Ayi Mukama,

tobinnyimanga nga sinnafa:

830:8 Mat 6:11Ebigambo eby’obutaliimu n’eby’obulimba binteeke wala,

ate era tonjavuwazanga wadde okungaggawaza,

naye ndiisanga emmere eya buli lunaku.

930:9 a Yos 24:27; Is 1:4; 59:13 b Ma 6:12; 8:10-14; Kos 13:6 c Ma 8:12Nneme okukkutanga ne nkwegaana

ne njogera nti, “Mukama ye y’ani?”

Era nnemenga okuba omwavu ne nziba,

ne nvumisa erinnya lya Katonda wange.

10Tosekeetereranga muweereza eri mukama we,

alemenga okukukolimira, naawe omusango ne gukusinga.

1130:11 Nge 20:20Waliwo abo abakolimira bakitaabwe

ne batasabira na bannyaabwe mukisa;

1230:12 a Nge 16:2; Luk 18:11 b Yer 2:23, 35abo abeeraba ng’abatuukirivu bo mu maaso gaabwe,

ate nga tebanaazibwangako bibi byabwe.

1330:13 2Sa 22:28; Yob 41:34; Zab 131:1; Nge 6:17Waliwo abo ab’amalala amayitirivu,

abatunuza okwemanya okw’ekitalo,

1430:14 a Yob 4:11; 29:17; Zab 3:7 b Zab 57:4 c Yob 24:9; Zab 14:4 d Am 8:4; Mi 2:2 e Yob 19:22n’ebeerayo abo abalina amannyo agali ng’ebitala,

n’emba zaabwe nga zirimu ebiso,

okusaanyaawo abaavu mu nsi,

n’abo abali mu kwetaaga.

1530:15 Nge 27:20Ekinoso kirina bawala baakyo babiri

abaleekaana nti, “Mpa! mpa!”

Waliwo ebintu bisatu ebitakkuta,

weewaawo bina ebitagamba nti, “Matidde,”

1630:16 Nge 27:20; Is 5:14; 14:9, 11; Kbk 2:5Amagombe,

olubuto olugumba,

ettaka eritakutta mazzi,

n’omuliro ogutayogera nti, “Ebyo binaamala!”

1730:17 a Ma 21:18-21; Nge 23:22 b Yob 15:23Eriiso ly’oyo anyooma kitaawe,

era n’atagondera nnyina,

liriggibwamu bannamuŋŋoona ab’omu kiwonvu,

ne liriibwa ensega.

18Waliwo ebigambo bisatu eby’ekitalo ennyo gye ndi,

weewaawo bina bye sitegeera:

19Empungu engeri gye yeeyisaamu mu bbanga,

n’omusota engeri gye gwewalulamu wakati mu mayinja,

n’ekyombo gye kiseeyeeyamu ku nnyanja,

n’engeri omusajja gye yeeyisaamu ng’ali n’embeerera.

2030:20 Nge 5:6Bw’ati bwe yeeyisa omukazi omwenzi:

alya n’asiimuula emimwa gye

n’agamba nti, “Sirina kibi kye nkoze.”

21Ensi ekankanira wansi w’ebintu bisatu

weewaawo bina:

2230:22 Nge 19:10; 29:2omuweereza bw’afuuka kabaka,

n’omusirusiru bw’akutta emmere;

23n’omukazi eyadibira mu ddya;

n’omuweereza omuwala bw’afumbirwa bba wa mugole we.

24Waliwo ebintu ebitono bina ku nsi,

ebirina amagezi amangi ennyo.

2530:25 Nge 6:6-8Enkolooto bye biwuka ebitalina maanyi mangi,

naye byeterekera emmere yaabyo mu kyeya;

2630:26 Zab 104:18obumyu busolo bunafu

naye bwezimbira ennyumba zaabwo mu mayinja;

2730:27 Kuv 10:4enzige tezirina kabaka,

kyokka zitabaala zonna mu bibiina byazo;

28omunya oyinza okugukwasa engalo,

naye mu mbiri za bakabaka gusangibwamu.

29Waliwo ebintu bisatu ebyesimba obulungi mu kitiibwa nga bitambula,

weewaawo bina ebitambulira mu kitiibwa:

30empologoma esinga ensolo zonna amaanyi era kabaka waazo, so tewali gy’esegulira yonna;


n’embuzi ennume,

ne kabaka eyeetooloddwa eggye lye.

3230:32 Yob 21:5; 29:9Bw’oba ng’obadde okoze eby’obusirusiru ne weegulumiza,

obanga obadde oteekateeka okukola ebibi,

weekomeko weekwate ku mumwa.

33Kubanga okusunda amata kuzaala omuzigo,

n’okunyiga ennyindo kuleeta omusaayi,

okutankuula obusungu, bwe kutyo kuleeta entalo.

New International Reader’s Version

Proverbs 30:1-33

The Sayings of Agur

1These sayings are the words of Agur, son of Jakeh. These sayings came from God.

This man said to Ithiel:

“I am weary, God.

But I can still have success.

2Surely I am only a dumb animal and not a man.

I don’t understand as other men do.

3I haven’t learned wisdom.

And I don’t know the things the Holy One knows.

4Who has gone up to heaven and come down?

Whose hands have gathered up the wind?

Who has wrapped up the waters in a coat?

Who has set in place all the boundaries of the earth?

What is his name? What is his son’s name?

Surely you know!

5“Every word of God is perfect.

He is like a shield to those who trust in him.

He keeps them safe.

6Don’t add to his words.

If you do, he will correct you.

He will prove that you are a liar.

7Lord, I ask you for two things.

Don’t refuse me before I die.

8Keep lies far away from me.

Don’t make me either poor or rich,

but give me only the bread I need each day.

9If you don’t, I might have too much.

Then I might say I don’t know you.

I might say, ‘Who is the Lord?’

Or I might become poor and steal.

Then I would bring shame to the name of my God.

10“Don’t tell lies about a servant when you talk to their master.

If you do, they will curse you, and you will pay for your lies.

11“Some people curse their fathers.

Others don’t bless their mothers.

12Some are pure in their own eyes.

But their dirty sins haven’t been washed away.

13Some have eyes that are very proud.

They look down on others.

14Some people have teeth like swords.

The teeth in their jaws are as sharp as knives.

They are ready to eat up the poor people of the earth.

They are ready to eat up those who are the most needy.

15“A leech has two daughters.

They cry out, ‘Give! Give!’

“Three things are never satisfied.

Four things never say, ‘Enough!’

16The first is the grave.

The second is a woman who can’t have a baby.

The third is land, which never gets enough water.

And the fourth is fire, which never says, ‘Enough!’

17“One person makes fun of their father.

Another doesn’t honor their mother when she is old.

The ravens of the valley will peck out their eyes.

Then the vultures will eat them.

18“Three things are too amazing for me.

There are four things I don’t understand.

19The first is the way of an eagle in the sky.

The second is the way of a snake on a rock.

The third is the way of a ship on the ocean.

And the fourth is the way of a man with a young woman.

20“This is the way of a woman who commits adultery.

She eats and wipes her mouth.

Then she says, ‘I haven’t done anything wrong.’

21“Under three things the earth shakes.

Under four things it can’t stand up.

22The first is a servant who becomes a king.

The second is a foolish and ungodly person who gets plenty to eat.

23The third is a mean woman who gets married.

And the fourth is a servant who takes the place of the woman she works for.

24“Four things on earth are small.

But they are very wise.

25The first are ants, which aren’t very strong.

But they store up their food in the summer.

26The second are hyraxes, which aren’t very powerful.

But they make their home among the rocks.

27The third are locusts, which don’t have a king.

But they all march forward in ranks.

28And the fourth are lizards, which your hand can catch.

But you will find them in kings’ palaces.

29“Three things walk as if they were kings.

Four things move as kings do.

30The first is a lion, which is mighty among the animals. It doesn’t back away from anything.

31The second is a rooster, which walks proudly.

The third is a billy goat.

And the fourth is a king, who is secure against any who might oppose him.

32“Do you do foolish things?

Do you think you are better than others?

Do you plan evil?

If you do, put your hand over your mouth and stop talking!

33If you churn cream, you will produce butter.

If you twist a nose, you will produce blood.

And if you stir up anger, you will produce a fight.”