1 Bassekabaka 11 – LCB & NIVUK

Luganda Contemporary Bible

1 Bassekabaka 11:1-43

Abakazi ba Sulemaani

111:1 Ma 17:17; Nek 13:26Kabaka Sulemaani yayagala abakazi bannaggwanga bangi: Abamowaabu, n’Abamoni, n’Abayedomu, n’Abasidoni, n’Abakiiti, ng’okwo kw’ogasse muwala wa Falaawo, 211:2 Kuv 34:16; Ma 7:3-4nga bava mu mawanga Mukama ge yayogerako ng’alabula Abayisirayiri nti, “Temufumbiriganwanga nabo kubanga tebalirema kukyusa mitima gyammwe okugoberera bakatonda baabwe.” Naye omutima gwa Sulemaani ne guwugulwa, era naabagala. 3Sulemaani yalina abakyala lusanvu abambejja, n’abakazi abalala ebikumi bisatu, era abo bonna ne bamuwabya. 411:4 1Bk 8:61; 9:4Mu bisera bya Sulemaani eby’obukadde, bakyala be ne basendasenda omutima gwe okugoberera bakatonda abalala. 511:5 a nny 33; Bal 2:13; 2Bk 23:13 b Bal 2:7N’atanula okusinza Asutoleesi katonda omukazi ow’Abasidoni, ne Mirukomu katonda ow’omuzizo ow’Abamoni. 6Sulemaani n’akola ebitaali bya butuukirivu mu maaso ga Mukama n’atagobererera ddala Mukama, n’atakola nga Dawudi kitaawe bwe yakola.

711:7 a 2Bk 23:13 b Kbl 21:29; Bal 11:24 c Lv 20:2-5; Bik 7:43Sulemaani n’azimba ebifo ebigulumivu ku kasozi11:7 Akasozi akali ebuvanjuba w’e Yerusaalemi lwe lusozi lw’Emizeeyituuni, oluyitibwa Olusozi olw’Obwonoonefu (2Bk 23:13) akali ebuvanjuba w’e Yerusaalemi, ng’abizimbira Kemosi katonda ow’omuzizo ow’Abamowaabu, ne Moleki katonda ow’omuzizo ow’Abamoni. 8Bakyala be bonna bannamawanga, abaayoterezanga obubaane eri bakatonda baabwe, nabo n’abakolera bw’atyo. 911:9 nny 2-3; 1Bk 3:5; 9:2Mukama n’asunguwalira Sulemaani kubanga omutima gwe gwava ku Mukama Katonda wa Isirayiri, eyamulabikira emirundi ebiri. 1011:10 a 1Bk 9:6 b 1Bk 6:12Newaakubadde nga Mukama yali alabudde Sulemaani obutagoberera bakatonda abalala, Sulemaani teyagondera kiragiro kya Mukama. 1111:11 nny 31; 1Bk 12:15-16; 2Bk 17:21Mukama kyeyava agamba Sulemaani nti, “Olw’empisa zo, n’obutakuuma ndagaano yange newaakubadde okugondera amateeka gange ge nakulagira, ndikuggyako obwakabaka, ne mbuwa omu ku baddu bo. 12Naye olwa Dawudi kitaawo, ekyo sirikikola mu biro byo, ndikikola, mutabani wo atandise okufuga. 1311:13 a 1Bk 12:20 b 2Sa 7:15 c Ma 12:11Ate era sirimuggyako bwakabaka bwonna, naye ndimuwa ekika kimu ku lwa Dawudi omuddu wange, n’olwa Yerusaalemi, kye neerondera.”

Abalabe ba Sulemaani

14Awo Mukama n’ayimusiza Sulemaani omulabe erinnya lye Kadadi Omwedomu, ow’olulyo olulangira mu Edomu. 1511:15 Ma 20:13; 2Sa 8:14; 1By 18:12Emabegako Dawudi bwe yali alwana ne Edomu, Yowaabu omuduumizi w’eggye eyali agenze okuziika Abayisirayiri abaali battiddwa, yasigalayo n’atta abasajja bonna mu Edomu. 16Yowaabu n’Abayisirayiri bonna be yagenda nabo ne babeera eyo okumala emyezi mukaaga, okutuusa lwe baasaanyaawo abasajja bonna mu Edomu. 17Naye Kadadi, ng’akyali mulenzi, yaddukira e Misiri n’abakungu abamu Abayedomu abaweerezanga kitaawe. 1811:18 Kbl 10:12Ne bagolokoka okuva mu Midiyaani okugenda e Palani. Ne bafuna abasajja okuva mu Palani, ne bagenda e Misiri, ewa Falaawo, ye kabaka w’e Misiri, eyamuwa ennyumba ne ttaka, era n’amuwanga n’emmere ey’okulya.

19Awo Kadadi n’alaba ekisa mu maaso ga Falaawo n’okumuwa n’amuwa mulamu we, muganda wa Tapenesi kaddulubaale, okumufumbirwa. 20Muganda wa Tapenesi n’azaalira Kadadi omwana wabulenzi n’amutuuma Genubasi, era Tapenesi n’amutwala mu lubiri okumulabirira. Genubasi n’akulira eyo wamu n’abaana ba Falaawo.

21Kadadi bwe yali mu Misiri, n’awulira nti Dawudi yeebakira wamu ne bajjajjaabe era nga ne Yowaabu omuduumizi w’eggye yafa, n’agamba Falaawo nti, “Ka nzireyo ewaffe mu nsi yange.”

22Falaawo n’amubuuza nti, “Kiki ky’otofunye wano, ekikwagaza okuddayo mu nsi yo?” Kadadi n’amuddamu nti, “Tewali, naye nzikiriza ŋŋende.”

2311:23 a nny 14 b 2Sa 8:3Katonda n’ayimusiza Sulemaani, omulabe omulala, erinnya lye Lezoni mutabani wa Eriyada, eyali adduse ku mukama we Kadadezeri kabaka w’e Zoba. 2411:24 2Sa 8:5; 10:8, 18Dawudi bwe yatta eggye ly’e Zoba, Lezoni n’akuŋŋaanya abasajja abajeemu n’afuuka mukulu waabwe, n’addukira e Ddamasiko, n’akiwamba, n’abeera eyo nga gy’afugira. 2511:25 2Sa 10:19Yali mulabe wa Isirayiri ennaku zonna ez’obulamu bwa Sulemaani, ng’okwo kw’otadde emitawaana Kadadi gye yaleetera Isirayiri. Lezoni n’addukira mu Alamu, era n’abeera mulabe wa Isirayiri omuzibu ennyo.

Yerobowaamu Ajeemera Sulemaani

2611:26 2Sa 20:21; 1Bk 12:2; 2By 13:6Yerobowaamu mutabani wa Nebati, Omwefulayimu ow’e Zereda, nnyina nga ye nnamwandu wa Zeruwa, ate nga y’omu ku bakungu ba Sulemaani, n’ajeemera kabaka. 2711:27 1Bk 9:24Eno y’engeri gye yajeemeramu kabaka: Sulemaani yali azimbye obusenge obuwagika, ng’azibye ebituli ebyali mu bbugwe ow’ekibuga kya Dawudi kitaawe. 2811:28 a Lus 2:1 b Nge 22:29Yerobowaamu yali musajja mwesimbu, era Sulemaani bwe yalaba omulimu gwe omulungi, n’amusiima n’amufuula omukulu w’emirimu gyonna egy’amaanyi mu nnyumba ya Yusufu. 2911:29 1Bk 12:15; 14:2; 2By 9:29Awo mu biro ebyo Yerobowaamu bwe yali ng’ava mu Yerusaalemi, n’asisinkana Akiya nnabbi w’e Siiro ng’ayambadde ekyambalo ekiggya, baali bokka ku ttale. 3011:30 1Sa 15:27Akiya n’addira ekyambalo kye n’akiyuzaamu ebitundu kkumi na bibiri. 3111:31 nny 11N’agamba Yerobowaamu nti, “Weetwalire ebitundu kkumi, kubanga bw’atyo bw’ayogera Mukama, Katonda wa Isirayiri nti, ‘Laba, ŋŋenda kuggya ku Sulemaani obwakabaka, nkuweeko ebika kkumi. 32Naye olw’omuddu wange Dawudi n’ekibuga Yerusaalemi, kye neerondera mu bika byonna ebya Isirayiri, alisigazaako ekika kimu. 3311:33 a nny 5-7 b 1Bk 3:3Kino ndikikola kubanga banvuddeko ne basinza Asutoleesi katonda omukazi ow’Abamoni, ne batatambulira mu kkubo lyange, wadde okukola ebituufu mu maaso gange newaakubadde okugondera ebiragiro byange oba amateeka gange, nga Dawudi kitaawe wa Sulemaani bwe yakola.

34“ ‘Naye Sulemaani sirimuggyako bwakabaka bwonna, wabula ndimuleka nga y’afuga ennaku zonna ez’obulamu bwe olw’omuddu wange Dawudi, gwe nalonda era eyagondera amateeka n’ebiragiro byange. 35Ndiggya obwakabaka ku mutabani wa Sulemaani, ne nkuwa ebika kkumi. 3611:36 a nny 13; 1Bk 12:17 b 1Bk 15:4; 2Bk 8:19Ekika ekimu ndikiwa mutabani we, omuddu wange Dawudi abeerenga n’ettabaaza mu maaso gange mu Yerusaalemi, ekibuga kye neeroboza olw’erinnya lyange. 3711:37 2Sa 3:21Wabula, ggwe ndikutwala, era olifuga wonna omutima gwo gye gulisiima, era olibeera kabaka wa Isirayiri. 3811:38 a Ma 17:19 b Yos 1:5; 2Sa 7:11, 27Bw’onoogonderanga byonna bye nkulagira n’otambuliranga mu makubo gange, era n’okolanga ebituufu mu maaso gange ng’okugonderanga ebiragiro n’amateeka gange, nga Dawudi omuddu wange bwe yakola, nnaabeeranga naawe. Ndikukolera ekika eky’enkalakkalira, nga kye nakolera Dawudi, era ndikuwa ne Isirayiri. 39Kyendiva nzikakkanya ezzadde lya Dawudi, naye si bbanga lyonna.’ ”

4011:40 2By 12:2Sulemaani n’agezaako okutta Yerobowaamu, naye Yerobowaamu n’addukira e Misiri, ewa Sisaki11:40 Sisaki ye falaawo eyasooka mu kyasa ky’abafuzi ab’amakumi abiri mu ebiri mu Misiri (945–924 bc). kabaka waayo, n’abeera eyo okutuusa Sulemaani bwe yafa.

Okufa kwa Sulemaani

41Ebyo byonna ebyabaawo ku mulembe gwa Sulemaani, ne byonna bye yakola, n’amagezi ge yalaga, byawandiikibwa mu bitabo eby’ebyafaayo ebya Sulemaani. 42Sulemaani yafuga Isirayiri yonna ng’ali mu Yerusaalemi okumala emyaka amakumi ana. 4311:43 1Bk 14:21; Mat 1:7N’afa n’aziikibwa mu kibuga kya Dawudi kitaawe. Awo Lekobowaamu mutabani we n’amusikira.

New International Version – UK

1 Kings 11:1-43

Solomon’s wives

1King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh’s daughter – Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites. 2They were from nations about which the Lord had told the Israelites, ‘You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.’ Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. 3He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. 4As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been. 5He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. 6So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord; he did not follow the Lord completely, as David his father had done.

7On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. 8He did the same for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and offered sacrifices to their gods.

9The Lord became angry with Solomon because his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice. 10Although he had forbidden Solomon to follow other gods, Solomon did not keep the Lord’s command. 11So the Lord said to Solomon, ‘Since this is your attitude and you have not kept my covenant and my decrees, which I commanded you, I will most certainly tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your subordinates. 12Nevertheless, for the sake of David your father, I will not do it during your lifetime. I will tear it out of the hand of your son. 13Yet I will not tear the whole kingdom from him, but will give him one tribe for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem, which I have chosen.’

Solomon’s adversaries

14Then the Lord raised up against Solomon an adversary, Hadad the Edomite, from the royal line of Edom. 15Earlier when David was fighting with Edom, Joab the commander of the army, who had gone up to bury the dead, had struck down all the men in Edom. 16Joab and all the Israelites stayed there for six months, until they had destroyed all the men in Edom. 17But Hadad, still only a boy, fled to Egypt with some Edomite officials who had served his father. 18They set out from Midian and went to Paran. Then taking people from Paran with them, they went to Egypt, to Pharaoh king of Egypt, who gave Hadad a house and land and provided him with food.

19Pharaoh was so pleased with Hadad that he gave him a sister of his own wife, Queen Tahpenes, in marriage. 20The sister of Tahpenes bore him a son named Genubath, whom Tahpenes brought up in the royal palace. There Genubath lived with Pharaoh’s own children.

21While he was in Egypt, Hadad heard that David rested with his ancestors and that Joab the commander of the army was also dead. Then Hadad said to Pharaoh, ‘Let me go, so that I may return to my own country.’

22‘What have you lacked here that you want to go back to your own country?’ Pharaoh asked.

‘Nothing,’ Hadad replied, ‘but do let me go!’

23And God raised up against Solomon another adversary, Rezon son of Eliada, who had fled from his master, Hadadezer king of Zobah. 24When David destroyed Zobah’s army, Rezon gathered a band of men around him and became their leader; they went to Damascus, where they settled and took control. 25Rezon was Israel’s adversary as long as Solomon lived, adding to the trouble caused by Hadad. So Rezon ruled in Aram and was hostile towards Israel.

Jeroboam rebels against Solomon

26Also, Jeroboam son of Nebat rebelled against the king. He was one of Solomon’s officials, an Ephraimite from Zeredah, and his mother was a widow named Zeruah.

27Here is the account of how he rebelled against the king: Solomon had built the terraces11:27 Or the Millo and had filled in the gap in the wall of the city of David his father. 28Now Jeroboam was a man of standing, and when Solomon saw how well the young man did his work, he put him in charge of the whole labour force of the tribes of Joseph.

29About that time Jeroboam was going out of Jerusalem, and Ahijah the prophet of Shiloh met him on the way, wearing a new cloak. The two of them were alone out in the country, 30and Ahijah took hold of the new cloak he was wearing and tore it into twelve pieces. 31Then he said to Jeroboam, ‘Take ten pieces for yourself, for this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: “See, I am going to tear the kingdom out of Solomon’s hand and give you ten tribes. 32But for the sake of my servant David and the city of Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, he will have one tribe. 33I will do this because they have11:33 Hebrew; Septuagint, Vulgate and Syriac because he has forsaken me and worshipped Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, Chemosh the god of the Moabites, and Molek the god of the Ammonites, and have not walked in obedience to me, nor done what is right in my eyes, nor kept my decrees and laws as David, Solomon’s father, did.

34‘ “But I will not take the whole kingdom out of Solomon’s hand; I have made him ruler all the days of his life for the sake of David my servant, whom I chose and who obeyed my commands and decrees. 35I will take the kingdom from his son’s hands and give you ten tribes. 36I will give one tribe to his son so that David my servant may always have a lamp before me in Jerusalem, the city where I chose to put my Name. 37However, as for you, I will take you, and you will rule over all that your heart desires; you will be king over Israel. 38If you do whatever I command you and walk in obedience to me and do what is right in my eyes by obeying my decrees and commands, as David my servant did, I will be with you. I will build you a dynasty as enduring as the one I built for David and will give Israel to you. 39I will humble David’s descendants because of this, but not for ever.” ’

40Solomon tried to kill Jeroboam, but Jeroboam fled to Egypt, to Shishak the king, and stayed there until Solomon’s death.

Solomon’s death

41As for the other events of Solomon’s reign – all he did and the wisdom he displayed – are they not written in the book of the annals of Solomon? 42Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel for forty years. 43Then he rested with his ancestors and was buried in the city of David his father. And Rehoboam his son succeeded him as king.