에스라 1 – KLB & NIRV

Korean Living Bible

에스라 1:1-11

바빌론에서의 포로 생활이 끝남

1페르시아의 키루스황제 원년에 여호와께서는 예레미야를 통해 말씀하신 것을 이루시려고 키루스황제의 마음을 감동시키셔서 다음과 같은 조서를 내려 온 땅에 공포하도록 하였다.

2“페르시아의 키루스황제가 말한다. 하늘의 신 여호와께서 세상 모든 나라를 나에게 주셨고 또 유다의 예루살렘에 성전을 건축하라고 나에게 지시하셨다.

3그러므로 너희 중 그의 백성들은 누구든지 다 유다 예루살렘으로 돌아가 이스라엘의 하나님 여호와의 성전을 건축하여라. 그는 예루살렘에 계시는 하나님이시다. 너희 하나님께서 너희와 함께하시기를 원한다.

4또 유다 사람이 어느 곳에 살든지 그가 돌아갈 때 그 이웃 사람들은 그를 도와주고 그에게 은과 금과 그 밖에 필요한 물건과 짐승과 그리고 예루살렘에 있는 하나님의 성전에 바칠 예물을 주도록 하여라.”

5그래서 유다와 베냐민 지파의 족장들과 제사장들과 레위인들, 그리고 하나님의 감동을 받은 모든 사람들이 올라가서 예루살렘 성전을 지을 준비를 하였다.

6그러자 그들의 이웃 사람들은 은그릇, 금, 여러 가지 필수품, 가축, 값진 선물, 그 밖에 성전에 드릴 예물을 그들에게 주었다.

7-8또 키루스황제는 재무관 미드레닷에게 지시하여 느부갓네살왕이 예루살렘에서 가져와 그들의 신전에 둔 성전의 각종 기구들을 끄집어내어 그 명세서를 작성한 다음 귀환자들의 지도자인 세스바살에게 주도록 했는데

9그것은 금접시 30개, 은접시 1,000개, 1:9 원문의뜻이분명치않다.향로 29개,

10금대접 30개, 은대접 410개, 그 밖에 다른 그릇 1,000개였다.

11이상의 금은 그릇은 모두 1:11 원문에는 ‘5,400’ 개2,499개였다. 포로들이 바빌론에서 예루살렘으로 돌아올 때 세스바살은 이 모든 성전 기구도 함께 가지고 왔다.

New International Reader’s Version

Ezra 1:1-11

Cyrus Helps the Jews to Return to Jerusalem

1It was the first year of the rule of Cyrus. He was king of Persia. The Lord inspired him to send a message all through his kingdom. It happened so that what the Lord had spoken through Jeremiah would come true. The message was written down. It said,

2“Cyrus, the king of Persia, says,

“ ‘The Lord is the God of heaven. He has given me all the kingdoms on earth. He has appointed me to build a temple for him at Jerusalem in Judah. 3Any of his people among you may go up to Jerusalem and build the Lord’s temple. He is the God of Israel. He is the God who is in Jerusalem. And may their God be with them. 4The people still left alive in every place must bring gifts to the people going. They must provide silver and gold to the people going up to Jerusalem. The people must bring goods and livestock. They should also bring any offerings they choose to. All those gifts will be for God’s temple in Jerusalem.’ ”

5Then everyone God had inspired prepared to go. They wanted to go up to Jerusalem and build the Lord’s temple there. They included the family leaders of Judah and Benjamin. They also included the priests and Levites. 6All their neighbors helped them. They gave them silver and gold objects. They gave them goods and livestock. And they gave them gifts of great value. All those things were added to the other offerings the people chose to give.

7King Cyrus also brought out the objects that belonged to the Lord’s temple. Nebuchadnezzar had carried them off from Jerusalem. He had put them in the temple of his own god. 8Cyrus, the king of Persia, told Mithredath to bring them out. Mithredath was in charge of the temple treasures. He counted those objects. Then he gave them to Sheshbazzar, the prince of Judah.

9Here is a list of the objects.

There were 30 gold dishes.

There were 1,000 silver dishes.

There were 29 silver pans.

10There were 30 gold bowls.

There were 410 matching silver bowls.

There were 1,000 other objects.

11The total number of gold and silver objects was 5,400.

Sheshbazzar brought all of these back with him to Jerusalem. So Sheshbazzar and the Jews who had been forced to leave Judah came up from Babylon to Jerusalem.