베드로후서 2 – KLB & NIRV

Korean Living Bible

베드로후서 2:1-22

거짓 선생과 그 대책

1전에 이스라엘 백성 가운데 거짓 예언자들이 있었듯이 여러분 가운데도 거짓 선생이 나타날 것입니다. 그들은 파괴적인 이단을 몰래 끌어들여 자기들을 사신 주님을 모른다고 잡아떼며 임박한 멸망을 스스로 불러들이는 자들입니다.

2많은 사람이 그들의 방탕한 길을 따를 것이며 그들 때문에 진리가 훼방을 받게 될 것입니다.

3또 그들은 욕심을 채우려고 거짓말로 여러분을 착취할 것입니다. 그러나 그들은 반드시 하나님의 심판을 받아 멸망하고 말 것입니다.

4하나님은 범죄한 천사들을 용서하지 않으시고 2:4 헬 ‘탈타로스’깊은 지옥에 던져 심판 때까지 어두운 구덩이에 가두어 두셨습니다.

5또 하나님은 옛 세상을 용서하지 않으시고 경건치 않은 사람들을 홍수로 쓸어 버리셨으나 의의 전도자 노아와 그의 일곱 식구를 구원하셨습니다.

6그리고 죄악의 도시 소돔과 고모라 성을 잿더미가 되게 하셔서 훗날 경건치 않은 사람들에 대한 본보기로 삼으셨습니다.

7그러나 악한 자들의 방탕으로 큰 고통을 받던 의로운 롯은 구원하셨습니다.

8(롯은 그들의 악한 짓을 날마다 보고 들으면서 몹시 괴로워했습니다.)

9하나님은 경건한 사람을 시험에서 건져내시고 악한 사람은 심판 날까지 계속 벌을 받게 하는 방법을 알고 계십니다.

10특별히 육체의 정욕대로 살며 2:10 또는 ‘주관하는 이를 멸시하는’하나님의 권위를 멸시하는 사람에게는 더욱 큰 벌을 내리실 것입니다. 그들은 대담하고 거만하여 두려움 없이 하늘의 존재들을 욕합니다.

11그러나 그들보다 더 큰 힘과 능력을 가진 천사들도 주님 앞에서 그들을 헐뜯어 고소하지는 않습니다.

12그들은 본래 잡혀 죽기 위해 태어난 이성 없는 짐승 같아서 알지도 못하는 것을 욕하니 그들도 짐승처럼 멸망하고 말 것입니다.

13결국 그들은 악한 짓을 한 그 대가를 받을 것입니다. 그들은 대낮에 흥청대는 것을 낙으로 여기며 여러분과 함께 앉은 잔치 자리에서까지 속이고 쾌락을 즐기는 더러운 사람들입니다.

14그들의 눈은 음란으로 가득 차서 끊임없이 죄를 짓습니다. 그들은 믿음이 약한 사람들을 꾀어 욕심을 채우는 데 단련된 저주받은 자식들인 것입니다.

15그들은 바른 길을 버리고 잘못된 길에 빠져 브올의 아들 발람의 길을 따르고 있습니다. 발람은 악한 방법으로 얻은 재물을 사랑하다가

16그의 잘못에 대하여 책망을 받았습니다. 말 못하는 나귀가 사람의 음성으로 말하여 이 예언자의 미친 행동을 막은 것입니다.

17이 사람들은 물 없는 샘과 폭풍에 밀려가는 안개와 같으며 그들에게는 칠흑 같은 어두움만이 있을 뿐입니다.

18그들은 헛된 말로 자랑하며 잘못된 길에서 겨우 빠져나온 사람들을 육체의 정욕으로 꾀어 죄를 짓게 합니다.

19그들은 사람들에게 자유를 준다고 하면서 자신들은 2:19 또는 ‘부패의 종’멸망의 종이 되어 있습니다. 누구든지 정복을 당하면 그는 정복자의 종이 되는 것입니다.

20만일 주 예수 그리스도를 알고 세상의 더러운 것에서 해방된 사람들이 다시 거기에 빠져 정복을 당하면 그들의 마지막 형편은 처음보다 더 비참합니다.

21바른 교훈인 줄 알면서 자신들에게 주어진 거룩한 계명을 저버린다면 그것을 모르는 편이 더 좋습니다.

222:22 잠26:11“개가 토한 것을 다시 먹고 돼지가 몸을 씻고도 다시 진탕에 뒹군다” 는 속담이 그들에게 맞는 말입니다.

New International Reader’s Version

2 Peter 2:1-22

False Teachers Will Be Destroyed

1But there were also false prophets among the people. In the same way there will be false teachers among you. In secret they will bring in teachings that will destroy you. They will even turn against the Lord and Master who died to pay for their sins. So they will quickly destroy themselves. 2Many people will follow their lead. These people will do the same evil things the false teachers do. They will cause people to think badly about the way of truth. 3These teachers are never satisfied. They want to get something out of you. So they make up stories to take advantage of you. They have been under a sentence of death for a long time. The God who will destroy them has not been sleeping.

4God did not spare angels when they sinned. Instead, he sent them to hell. He chained them up in dark prisons. He will keep them there until he judges them. 5God did not spare the world’s ungodly people long ago. He brought the flood on them. But Noah preached about the right way to live. God kept him safe. He also saved seven others. 6God judged the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. He burned them to ashes. He made them an example of what is going to happen to ungodly people. 7God saved Lot, a man who did what was right. Lot was shocked by the evil conduct of people who didn’t obey God’s laws. 8That good man lived among them day after day. He saw and heard the evil things they were doing. They were breaking God’s laws. And the godly spirit of Lot was deeply troubled. 9Since all this is true, then the Lord knows how to save godly people. He knows how to keep them safe in times of testing. The Lord also knows how to keep ungodly people under guard. He will do so until the day they will be judged and punished. 10Most of all, this is true of people who follow desires that come from sin’s power. These people hate to be under authority.

They are bold and proud. So they aren’t even afraid to speak evil things against heavenly beings. 11Now angels are stronger and more powerful than these people. But even angels don’t speak evil things against heavenly beings. They don’t do this when they bring judgment on them from the Lord. 12These people speak evil about things they don’t understand. They are like wild animals who can’t think. Instead, they do what comes naturally to them. They are born only to be caught and destroyed. Just like animals, these people too will die.

13They will be paid back with harm for the harm they have done. Their idea of pleasure is to have wild parties in the middle of the day. They are like dirty spots and stains. They enjoy their sinful pleasures while they eat with you. 14They stare at women who are not their wives. They want to sleep with them. They never stop sinning. They trap those who are not firm in their faith. They have mastered the art of getting what they want. God has placed them under his judgment. 15They have left God’s way. They have wandered off. They follow the way of Balaam, son of Beor. He loved to get paid for doing his evil work. 16But a donkey corrected him for the wrong he did. Animals don’t speak. But the donkey spoke with a human voice. It tried to stop the prophet from doing a very dumb thing.

17These people are like springs without water. They are like mists driven by a storm. The blackest darkness is reserved for them. 18They speak empty, bragging words. They make their appeal to the evil desires that come from sin’s power. They tempt new believers who are just escaping from the company of sinful people. 19They promise to give freedom to these new believers. But they themselves are slaves to sinful living. That’s because “people are slaves to anything that controls them.” 20They may have escaped the sin of the world. They may have come to know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But what if they are once again caught up in sin? And what if it has become their master? Then they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. 21Suppose they had not known the way of godliness. This would have been better than to know godliness and then turn away from it. The way of godliness is the sacred command passed on to them. 22What the proverbs say about them is true. “A dog returns to where it has thrown up.” (Proverbs 26:11) And, “A pig that is washed goes back to rolling in the mud.”