민수기 4 – KLB & NIRV

Korean Living Bible

민수기 4:1-49

고핫 자손들의 임무

1여호와께서 4:1 원문에는 ‘모세와 아론에게’모세에게 말씀하셨다.

2-3“너는 레위 지파의 고핫 집안 가운 데 30세부터 50세까지 성막에서 일할 수 있는 남자가 몇 명이나 되는지 가족별로 조사하여라.

4고핫 자손이 할 일은 성막의 가장 거룩한 비품을 관리하는 것이다.

5“진영을 이동할 때에는 아론과 그의 아들들이 먼저 성막 안으로 들어가 휘장을 거둬서 법궤를 덮게 하라.

6그리고 그 위에 바닷소의 가죽을 덮고 그 가죽 위를 순청색 천으로 덮은 다음 운반채를 법궤 고리에 꿰게 하라.

7“상에는 푸른 천을 깔고 그 위에다 대접과 국자와 잔과 주전자와 항상 차려 놓는 빵을 놓아라.

8그리고 그것을 붉은 천으로 덮고 다시 바닷소의 가죽으로 덮은 다음 운반채를 상 고리에 꿰어라.

9“다음에는 청색 천으로 등대와 등잔과 심지 자르는 가위와 불똥 그릇과 모든 기름 그릇을 싸야 한다.

10이 모든 것을 싼 다음에는 다시 바닷소의 가죽으로 싸서 들것 위에 놓아라.

11“그리고 청색 천을 향단 위에 깔고 다시 바닷소의 가죽으로 그 위를 덮은 다음 운반채를 그 고리에 꿰어라.

12성막의 나머지 기구들도 청색 천으로 싼 다음 바닷소의 가죽으로 덮어 들것에 놓아라.

13“번제단은 먼저 거기 있는 재를 다 퍼낸 후에 자색 천을 그 위에 펴고

14제단에서 사용되는 모든 기구, 곧 불 옮기는 그릇과 고기 갈고리와 부삽과 피를 담는 그릇을 놓은 다음 바닷소의 가죽을 덮고 운반채를 번제단 고리에 꿰어라.

15“아론과 그의 아들들이 이 거룩한 물건들과 기구들을 다 꾸려 놓은 후에 진영이 이동할 준비가 완료되면 고핫 자손들이 그것을 운반하게 하라. 그러나 고핫 자손들은 이 거룩한 기구들을 만져서는 안 된다. 만일 그들이 그것을 만지면 죽을 것이다. 성막 물건 중에서 이것들은 고핫 자손들이 운반해야 한다.

16“아론의 아들인 제사장 엘르아살은 불이 꺼지지 않도록 기름을 붓고 분향할 향품과 날마다 드리는 소제물과 거룩한 기름과 성막 전체와 그 안에 있는 모든 거룩한 기구들을 맡아 관리해야 한다.”

17여호와께서 다시 4:17 원문에는 ‘모세와 아론에게’모세에게 말씀하셨다.

18“너는 레위인 중에서 고핫 자손이 끊어지지 않도록 하라.

19그들이 가장 거룩한 물건에 접근할 때 죽지 않도록 아론과 그의 아들들이 그들과 함께 성소에 들어가서 그들이 각자 해야 할 일과 운반할 물건을 지시하도록 하라.

20그러나 고핫 자손들은 성소에 들어가서 잠시라도 거룩한 물건을 보아서는 안 된다. 그렇지 않으면 죽을 것이다.”

게르손 자손들의 임무

21여호와께서 모세에게 이렇게 말씀하셨다.

22-23“너는 게르손 집안 가운데서도 30세 부터 50세까지 성막에서 일할 수 있는 남자가 몇 명이나 되는지 가족별로 조사하여라.

24“게르손 자손이 해야 할 일은

25성막 휘장, 성막과 그 덮개들, 바닷소의 가죽으로 된 제일 윗덮개, 성막 출입구 휘장,

26성막과 제단을 둘러 친 포장, 뜰의 출입구 막, 밧줄, 그리고 이 모든 것에 사용되는 기구를 운반하는 것이다.

27게르손 자손이 하는 모든 일은 아론과 그의 아들들의 지시를 받아야 한다. 그리고 너는 그들이 운반할 물건을 하나하나 지정해 주어라.

28이상은 게르손 자손들이 성막에서 해야 할 일이다. 그들은 아론의 아들인 제사장 이다말의 지시를 직접 받도록 하라.”

므라리 자손들의 임무

29-30“너는 므라리 집안 가운데서 30세부터 50세까지 성막에서 일할 수 있는 남자가 몇 명이나 되는지 가족별로 조사하여라.

31므라리 자손이 해야 할 일은 성막 널빤지, 가로대, 기둥과 그 받침들,

32성막 뜰 기둥과 그 받침, 말뚝과 줄, 그리고 이 모든 것에 사용되는 기구를 운반하는 일이다. 너는 그들에게 각자 운반할 물건을 지정해 주어라.

33이상은 아론의 아들인 제사장 이다말의 지시를 받아 므라리 자손이 성막에서 해야 할 일이다.”

레위인들의 인구 조사

34-48모세와 아론과 다른 지도자들은 여호 와의 명령에 따라 고핫 자손과 게르손 자손과 므라리 자손 가운데 30세부터 50세까지 성막에서 일할 수 있는 남자들을 각 집안과 가족 단위로 조사했는데 그들이 조사한 것을 보면

고핫 자손 가운데 2,750명게르손 자손 가운데 2,630명므라리 자손 가운데 3,200명

모두 8,580명이었다.

49이와 같이 모세는 여호와의 명령에 따라 그들을 조사하여 각자 해야 할 일과 운반할 물건을 정해 주었다.

New International Reader’s Version

Numbers 4:1-49

The Families of Kohath

1The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, 2“Count the Levites who belong to the families of Kohath. Make a list of them family by family. 3Count all the men 30 to 50 years old. Those are the men who must come and serve at the tent of meeting.

4“Here is the work the men of Kohath must do at the tent of meeting. They must take care of the things that are very holy. 5When the camp is ready to move, Aaron and his sons must go into the tent. They must take down the curtain that hides the ark where the tablets of the covenant law are kept. They must cover the ark with the curtain. 6Then they must cover that with strong leather. They must spread a solid blue cloth over the leather. And they must put the poles in place.

7“They must spread a blue cloth over the table for the holy bread. They must put the plates, dishes and bowls on the cloth. They must also put the jars for drink offerings on it. The bread that is always kept there must remain on it. 8They must spread a bright red cloth over everything. Then they must cover that with the strong leather. And they must put the poles of the table in place.

9“They must get a blue cloth. With it they must cover the lampstand that gives light. They must also cover its lamps, trays and wick cutters. And they must cover all its jars. The jars are for the olive oil used in the lampstand. 10Then Aaron and his sons must wrap the lampstand and all the things used with it. They must cover it with the strong leather. And they must put it on a frame to carry it.

11“They must spread a blue cloth over the gold altar for burning incense. They must cover that with the strong leather. And they must put the poles of the altar in place.

12“They must get all the things used for serving in the sacred tent. They must wrap them in a blue cloth. They must cover that with the strong leather. Then they must put those things on a frame to carry them.

13“They must remove the ashes from the bronze altar for burnt offerings. They must spread a purple cloth over it. 14Then they must place all the tools on it. The tools are used for serving at the altar. They include the pans for carrying ashes. They also include the meat forks, shovels and sprinkling bowls. Aaron and his sons must cover the altar with the strong leather. And they must put its poles in place.

15“Aaron and his sons must cover all the holy things that belong to the holy tent. Only then are the men of Kohath to come and carry everything. They must do so only when the camp is ready to move. But they must not touch the holy things. If they do, they will die. The men of Kohath must carry everything in the tent of meeting.

16“Eleazar the priest will be in charge of the olive oil for the light. He is the son of Aaron. Eleazar will be in charge of the sweet-smelling incense. He will be in charge of the regular grain offering and the anointing oil. He will be in charge of the entire holy tent. He will also be in charge of everything in it. That includes all the things that belong to the tent.”

17The Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron. He said, 18“Make sure that the Kohath families are not destroyed from among the Levites. 19I want them to live and not die when they come near the very holy things. So here is what you must do for them. Aaron and his sons must go into the sacred tent and tell each man what to do. They must tell each man what to carry. 20But the men of Kohath must not go in and look at the holy things. They must not look at them even for a moment. If they do, they will die.”

The Families of Gershon

21The Lord said to Moses, 22“Count the families of Gershon. Make a list of them family by family. 23Count all the men 30 to 50 years old. Those are the men who must come and serve at the tent of meeting.

24“Here is how the families of Gershon must serve. They must carry things. 25They must carry the curtains of the holy tent of meeting. They must carry its covering and the outside covering of strong leather. They must carry the curtains that cover the entrance to the tent of meeting. 26They must carry the curtains of the courtyard. The courtyard is all around the holy tent and altar. They must carry the curtain for the entrance. They must carry the ropes. They must also carry all the supplies used for any purpose in the tent. The families of Gershon must do everything that needs to be done with those things. 27All their work must be done under the direction of Aaron and his sons. That includes carrying and everything else they do. Aaron and his sons must tell them what to carry. And that will be their work. 28It is what the families of Gershon must do at the tent of meeting. They must work under the direction of Ithamar the priest. He is the son of Aaron.

The Families of Merari

29“Count the families of Merari. Count them family by family. 30Count all the men 30 to 50 years old. Those are the men who must come and serve at the tent of meeting. 31Here is the work they must do at the tent of meeting. They must carry the frames of the holy tent. They must carry its crossbars, posts and bases. 32They must also carry the posts of the courtyard. The courtyard is all around the holy tent. And they must carry the bases for the posts as well as their tent stakes and ropes. They must also carry all the supplies and everything connected with their use. Tell each man exactly what to carry. 33That is the work the families of Merari must do at the tent of meeting. They must work under the direction of Ithamar the priest. He is the son of Aaron.”

Counting the Families of the Levites

34Moses, Aaron and the leaders of the community counted the men of Kohath. They counted them family by family.

35They counted all the men from 30 to 50 years old. They were the men who came and served at the tent of meeting. 36There were 2,750 men. They were counted family by family. 37That was the total of all the men in the families of Kohath who served at the tent of meeting. Moses and Aaron counted them. They did just as the Lord had commanded through Moses.

38The men of Gershon were counted family by family.

39All the men from 30 to 50 years old were counted. They were the men who came and served at the tent of meeting. 40There were 2,630 men. They were counted family by family. 41That was the total of the men in the families of Gershon who served at the tent of meeting. Moses and Aaron counted them. They did just as the Lord had commanded.

42The men of Merari were counted family by family.

43All the men from 30 to 50 years old were counted. They were the men who came and served at the tent of meeting. 44There were 3,200 men. They were counted family by family. 45That was the total of the men in the families of Merari. Moses and Aaron counted them. They did just as the Lord had commanded through Moses.

46So Moses and Aaron counted all the Levites. The leaders of Israel helped them. They counted the Levites family by family. 47All the men from 30 to 50 years old were counted. They were the men who came and served at the tent of meeting. They were also supposed to carry it. 48The total number of men was 8,580. 49Everything was done as the Lord had commanded through Moses. Each man was given his work. And each one was told what to carry.

So they were counted, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.