1 Kings 5 – KJV & NASV

King James Version

1 Kings 5:1-18

1And Hiram king of Tyre sent his servants unto Solomon; for he had heard that they had anointed him king in the room of his father: for Hiram was ever a lover of David.5.1 Hiram: also called, Huram 2And Solomon sent to Hiram, saying, 3Thou knowest how that David my father could not build an house unto the name of the LORD his God for the wars which were about him on every side, until the LORD put them under the soles of his feet. 4But now the LORD my God hath given me rest on every side, so that there is neither adversary nor evil occurrent. 5And, behold, I purpose to build an house unto the name of the LORD my God, as the LORD spake unto David my father, saying, Thy son, whom I will set upon thy throne in thy room, he shall build an house unto my name.5.5 purpose: Heb. say 6Now therefore command thou that they hew me cedar trees out of Lebanon; and my servants shall be with thy servants: and unto thee will I give hire for thy servants according to all that thou shalt appoint: for thou knowest that there is not among us any that can skill to hew timber like unto the Sidonians.5.6 appoint: Heb. say

7¶ And it came to pass, when Hiram heard the words of Solomon, that he rejoiced greatly, and said, Blessed be the LORD this day, which hath given unto David a wise son over this great people. 8And Hiram sent to Solomon, saying, I have considered the things which thou sentest to me for: and I will do all thy desire concerning timber of cedar, and concerning timber of fir.5.8 considered: Heb. heard 9My servants shall bring them down from Lebanon unto the sea: and I will convey them by sea in floats unto the place that thou shalt appoint me, and will cause them to be discharged there, and thou shalt receive them: and thou shalt accomplish my desire, in giving food for my household.5.9 appoint: Heb. send

10So Hiram gave Solomon cedar trees and fir trees according to all his desire. 11And Solomon gave Hiram twenty thousand measures of wheat for food to his household, and twenty measures of pure oil: thus gave Solomon to Hiram year by year.5.11 measures: Heb. cors 12And the LORD gave Solomon wisdom, as he promised him: and there was peace between Hiram and Solomon; and they two made a league together.

13¶ And king Solomon raised a levy out of all Israel; and the levy was thirty thousand men.5.13 levy: Heb. tribute of men 14And he sent them to Lebanon, ten thousand a month by courses: a month they were in Lebanon, and two months at home: and Adoniram was over the levy. 15And Solomon had threescore and ten thousand that bare burdens, and fourscore thousand hewers in the mountains; 16Beside the chief of Solomon’s officers which were over the work, three thousand and three hundred, which ruled over the people that wrought in the work. 17And the king commanded, and they brought great stones, costly stones, and hewed stones, to lay the foundation of the house. 18And Solomon’s builders and Hiram’s builders did hew them, and the stonesquarers: so they prepared timber and stones to build the house.5.18 stonesquarers: or, Giblites

New Amharic Standard Version

1 ነገሥት 5:1-18

ቤተ መቅደሱን ለመሥራት የተደረገ ዝግጅት

5፥1-16 ተጓ ምብ – 2ዜና 2፥1-18

1የጢሮስ ንጉሥ ኪራም በዘመኑ ሁሉ ለዳዊት ወዳጅ ስለ ነበር፣ ሰሎሞን በአባቱ እግር ለመተካት መቀባቱን በሰማ ጊዜ፣ መልእክተኞቹን ወደ ሰሎሞን ላከ። 2ሰሎሞንም እንዲህ የሚል መልእክት ወደ ኪራም መልሶ ላከ፤

3“አባቴ ዳዊት በዙሪያው ሁሉ ከገጠመው ጦርነት የተነሣ፣ እግዚአብሔር ጠላቶቹን ከእግሩ በታች እስኪጥልለት ድረስ ለአምላኩ ለእግዚአብሔር ስም ቤተ መቅደስ መሥራት እንዳልቻለ ታውቃለህ። 4አሁን ግን አምላኬ እግዚአብሔር በዙሪያዬ ሁሉ ሰላም ሰጥቶኛል፤ ጠላትም የለብኝም። 5እነሆ፣ እግዚአብሔር ለአባቴ ለዳዊት፣ ‘ለስሜ ቤተ መቅደስ የሚሠራልኝ ከአንተ ቀጥሎ በዙፋንህ የማስቀምጠው ልጅህ ነው’ ብሎ እንደ ነገረው፣ ለአምላኬ ለእግዚአብሔር ስም ቤተ መቅደስ ለመሥራት ዐስቤአለሁ።

6“ስለዚህ የሊባኖስ ዝግባ እንዲቈረጥልኝ ትእዛዝ ስጥ፤ ሰዎቼ ከሰዎችህ ጋር አብረው ይሠራሉ፤ የሰዎችህንም ደመወዝ አንተ በወሰንኸው እከፍልሃለሁ፤ ከሰዎቼ መካከል እንደ ሲዶናውያን ዕንጨት በመቍረጥ እስከዚህ የሠለጠነ ሰው አለመኖሩን ራስህም ታውቃለህና።”

7ኪራም የሰሎሞን መልእክት በደረሰው ጊዜ እጅግ ደስ ስላለው፣ “ይህን ታላቅ ሕዝብ እንዲመራ ለዳዊት ጥበበኛ ልጅ ሰጥቶታልና ዛሬ ምስጋና ለእግዚአብሔር ይግባው” አለ።

8ስለዚህ ኪራም፣ ለሰሎሞን እንዲህ ሲል ላከበት፤

“የላክኸው መልእክት ደርሶኛል፤ የዝግባውንና የጥዱን ግንድ በማቅረብ ረገድ የምትፈልገውን ሁሉ ለማድረግ ዝግጁ ነኝ፤ 9ሰዎቼ ግንዱን ከሊባኖስ እስከ ባሕሩ ድረስ ጐትተው ያወርዳሉ፤ እኔም ግንዱ ሁሉ ታስሮ አንተ እስከ ወሰንኸው ስፍራ በባሕር ተንሳፍፎ እንዲደርስ አደርጋለሁ፤ እዚያም እኔ እፈታዋለሁ፤ አንተም ትወስደዋለህ፤ አንተም ለቤተ ሰቤ ቀለብ በመስጠት ፍላጎቴን ታሟላለህ።”

10በዚህ ሁኔታ ኪራም ለሰሎሞን የሚያስፈልገውን የዝግባና የጥድ ግንድ በሙሉ ያቀርብለት ጀመር፤ 11ሰሎሞን ደግሞ ለኪራም ቤተ ሰው ቀለብ እንዲሆን ሃያ ሺሕ የቆሮስ መስፈሪያ5፥11 4400000 ኪሎ ሊትር ያህል ነው። ስንዴ፣ ሃያ ሺሕ ኮር5፥11 ዕብራይስጡና የሰብዓ ሊቃናት ትርጕም ሃያ ኮር ይላሉ (2ዜና 2፥10 ይመ) ንጹሕ5፥11 440 ኪሎ ሊትር ያህል ነው። የወይራ ዘይት ሰጠው፤ ይህን ባለማቋረጥ በየዓመቱ ለኪራም ይሰጥ ነበር። 12እግዚአብሔርም በገባለት ተስፋ መሠረት ለሰሎሞን ጥበብን ሰጠው፤ በኪራምና በሰሎሞን መካከልም መልካም ግንኙነት ነበር፤ ሁለቱም ቃል ኪዳን አደረጉ።

13ንጉሥ ሰሎሞን ከመላው እስራኤል የጕልበት ሠራተኞችን መለመለ፤ ቍጥራቸውም ሠላሳ ሺሕ ነበር። 14እነዚህንም አንድ ወር በሊባኖስ እንዲሠሩ፣ ሁለት ወር በቤታቸው እንዲያርፉ በማድረግ፣ ዐሥር ዐሥር ሺዉን ወር ተራ አግብቶ ላካቸው። የጕልበት ሠራተኞቹም አለቃ አዶኒራም ነበር። 15ሰሎሞንም በኰረብታማው አገር ሰባ ሺሕ ተሸካሚዎችና ሰማንያ ሺሕ ድንጋይ ጠራቢዎች ነበሩት፤ 16እንዲሁም ሥራውን የሚቈጣጠሩ ሦስት ሺሕ ሦስት መቶ5፥16 ዕብራይስጡና አንዳንድ የሰብዓ ሊቃናት ትርጕም ሦስት ሺሕ ስድስት መቶ ይላሉ። ኀላፊዎች ነበሩ። 17እነርሱም በንጉሡ ትእዛዝ ለቤተ መቅደሱ መሠረት የሚሆን ታላላቅና ምርጥ ድንጋይ ፈልፍለው በማውጣት የተጠረበ ድንጋይ አዘጋጁ። 18የሰሎሞንና የኪራም የእጅ ባለሙያዎች እንዲሁም የጌባል ሰዎች5፥18 ይኸውም ቢብሎስ ነው። ለቤተ መቅደሱ የሚያስፈልገውን ዕንጨትና ድንጋይ ፈልጠው አዘጋጁ።