申命記 26 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

申命記 26:1-19



1約束の地を征服し終え、そこに住むようになったら、 2-3聖所で、毎年の収穫の初物を主にささげなければなりません。かごに入れたささげ物を、その時、任に就いている祭司に渡し、『これは、主が先祖に約束された地に私たちを連れて来てくださったことへの感謝のしるしです』と言いなさい。 4祭司はかごを受け取り、祭壇の前に置きます。

5それから、あなたの神、主の前でこう告白しなさい。『私の先祖は、エジプトへ避難したアラム人の移住者です。初めは少人数でしたが、エジプトにいる間に大きな強い国民となりました。 6-8そのためにひどい虐待を受け、主なる神に必死に助けを求めたのです。その叫びを聞き、苦しみあえいでいるさまをごらんになった主は、大きな奇跡を起こしてエジプトから救い出してくださいました。エジプト人の目の前で、目をみはるようなしるしと不思議を次々となし、 9ついに私たちを、この乳とみつの流れる地に連れて来てくださったのです。 10主よ、ごらんください。この土地から採れた初物でございます。』次に、主の前にそれを供え、礼拝しなければなりません。 11そのあと、あなたに与えられたすべての良きものを感謝して食べなさい。家族はもちろんのこと、レビ人やイスラエルに住む外国人といっしょに祝いなさい。

12三年ごとに、特別な十分の一のささげ物をします。その年は十分の一のささげ物をみな、レビ人、在留外国人、身寄りのない子、未亡人に分け与えて、彼らの必要を満たすのです。 13そうして、主の前で言いなさい。『ご命令どおり、十分の一のささげ物をみな、レビ人や在留外国人、身寄りのない子、未亡人に分け与えました。すべて教えられたとおりに行い、忘れたことは一つもありません。 14喪中など、礼拝規定で汚れているとみなされる時は、十分の一のささげ物にさわりませんでした。また、そのうちのほんの少しでも死人に供えたことはありません。いつも私の神、主にお従いし、ご命令はすべて守りました。 15どうか、天の聖所からごらんになり、お約束どおり私たちに与えられた地を祝福し、乳とみつの流れる地にしてください。』


16今日、あなたの神、主がお与えになるこれらすべての律法に心から従いなさい。 17あなたは今日、イスラエルの主こそほんとうの神であり、これからは主に従い、そのおきてと命令と定めを守り、あなたのことばに聞き従うと断言しました。 18そこで主は、こう宣言なさいました。『すでに約束したとおり、あなたはわたしの宝の民だ。すべてのおきてを守るなら、 19あなたを他のどの国よりもすばらしい国とし、称賛の的となるようにする。そしてすでに約束したとおり、あなたを、あなたの神、主の聖なる民とする』と。」

New International Reader’s Version

Deuteronomy 26:1-19

Give the Lord His Share

1You will enter the land the Lord your God is giving you as your own. You will take it over. You will make your homes in the land. 2When you do, get some of the first share of everything your soil produces. Put it in a basket. It’s from the land the Lord your God is giving you. Take your gifts and go to the special place he will choose. He will put his Name there. 3Speak to the priest in office at that time. Tell him, “I announce today to the Lord your God that I have come to this land. It’s the land he promised to give us. He promised it to our people of long ago.” 4The priest will receive the basket from you. He’ll set it down in front of the altar of the Lord your God. 5Then you will speak while the Lord is listening. You will say, “My father Jacob was a wanderer from the land of Aram. He went down into Egypt with a few people. He lived there and became the father of a great nation. It had huge numbers of people. 6But the people of Egypt treated us badly. They made us suffer. They made us work very hard. 7Then we cried out to the Lord. He is the God of our people who lived long ago. He heard our voice. He saw how much we were suffering. The Egyptians were treating us badly. They were making us work very hard. 8So the Lord used his mighty hand and powerful arm to bring us out of Egypt. He did great and terrifying things. He did signs and amazing things. 9He brought us to this place. He gave us this land. It’s a land that has plenty of milk and honey. 10Now, Lord, I’m bringing you the first share of crops from the soil. After all, you have given them to me.” Place the basket in front of the Lord your God. Bow down to him. 11Then you and the Levites and the outsiders among you will be full of joy. You will enjoy all the good things the Lord your God has given to you and your family.

12You will set apart a tenth of everything you produce in the third year. That’s the year for giving the tenth to people who have greater needs. You will give it to the Levites, outsiders and widows. You will also give it to children whose fathers have died. Then all of them will have plenty to eat in your towns. 13Speak to the Lord your God. Say to him, “I have taken your sacred share from my house. I have given it to the Levites, outsiders and widows. I have also given it to children whose fathers have died. I’ve done everything you commanded me to do. I haven’t stopped obeying your commands. I haven’t forgotten any of them. 14I haven’t eaten any part of your sacred share while I mourned over someone who had died. I haven’t taken any of it from my house while I was ‘unclean.’ And I haven’t offered any of it to the dead. Lord my God, I’ve obeyed you. I’ve done everything you commanded me to do. 15Look down from the holy place where you live in heaven. Bless your people Israel. Bless the land you have given us. It’s the land you promised to give to our people of long ago. It’s a land that has plenty of milk and honey.”

Obey the Lord’s Commands

16This day the Lord your God commands you to obey all these rules and laws. Be careful to obey them with all your heart and with all your soul. 17Today you have announced that the Lord is your God. You have said you would live exactly as he wants you to live. You have agreed to keep his rules, commands and laws. And you have said you would listen to him. 18Today the Lord has announced that you are his people. He has said that you are his special treasure. He promised that you would be. He has told you to keep all his commands. 19He has announced that he will make you famous. He’ll give you more praise and honor than all the other nations he has made. And he has said that you will be a holy nation. The Lord your God has set you apart for himself. That’s exactly what he promised to do.