申命記 25 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

申命記 25:1-19







5息子がないまま死んだ人の妻は、夫に兄弟がいる場合はほかの者と再婚はできません。必ず夫の兄弟と結婚するのです。 6そして、二人の間にできた長男に前の夫の名を継がせ、その家が絶えないようにしなさい。 7兄弟が結婚したがらず、義務を果たさないときは、町の長老に、『夫の兄弟は夫の名を残そうとせず、私と結婚してくれません』と訴え出なさい。 8長老はその男を呼んで話し合います。それでも頑として承知しないなら、 9長老の見ている前でその男に近寄り、くつを脱がせ、顔につばを吐いて言ってやりなさい。『兄弟の家を立てないような男は、こうされるのよ。』 10彼の家は後々、『くつを脱がされた者の家』と呼ばれます。


11二人の男がけんかをし、一方の男の妻が自分の夫を助けようとして相手の男の急所をつかんだときは、 12その女の手を切り落としなさい。


13-15取り引きには正確なはかりを使い、正直に量りなさい。そうすれば、主が与えてくださる地でいつまでも幸せに暮らせます。 16目盛りをごまかす者は主に嫌われます。


17エジプトからの道中でのアマレク人の仕打ちを、決して忘れないようにしなさい。 18神を恐れず、ひきょうにも彼らは、疲れ果てて列のうしろに離れてしまった者たちに襲いかかったのです。 19あなたの神、主が約束の地で敵を破り、あなたがたが安心して住めるようになったら、アマレク人をすべて打ち滅ぼし、その名を完全に葬り去りなさい。どんなことがあっても必ずそうしなさい。

New International Reader’s Version

Deuteronomy 25:1-19

1Suppose two people don’t agree about something. Then they must take their case to court. The judges will decide the case. They will let the one who isn’t guilty go free. And they will punish the one who is guilty. 2The guilty one might have done something that’s worthy of a beating. Then the judge will make them lie down and be beaten with a whip right there in court. The number of strokes should fit the crime. 3But the judge must not give the guilty person more than 40 strokes. If more than that are used, you will have disrespected your Israelite neighbor.

4Don’t stop an ox from eating while you use it to separate grain from straw.

5Suppose two brothers are living near each other. And one of them dies without having a son. Then his widow must not marry anyone outside the family. Her husband’s brother should marry her. That’s what a brother-in-law is supposed to do. 6Her first baby boy will be named after her first husband. Then the dead man’s name will continue in Israel.

7But suppose the man doesn’t want to marry his brother’s wife. Then she will go to the elders at the gate of the town. She will say, “My husband’s brother refuses to keep his brother’s name alive in Israel. He won’t do for me what a brother-in-law is supposed to do.” 8Then the elders in his town will send for him. They will talk to him. But he still might say, “I don’t want to marry her.” 9Then his brother’s widow will go up to him in front of the elders. She’ll pull one of his sandals off his foot. She’ll spit in his face. And she’ll say, “That’s what we do to a man who won’t build up his brother’s family line.” 10That man’s family line will be known in Israel as The Family of the Man Whose Sandal Was Pulled Off.

11Suppose two men are fighting. And the wife of one of them comes to save her husband from his attacker. So she reaches out and grabs hold of his attacker’s private parts. 12Then you must cut off her hand. Don’t feel sorry for her.

13Don’t have two different scales. Don’t have scales that cause things to seem heavier or lighter than they really are. 14And don’t have two different sets of measures. Don’t have measures that cause things to seem larger or smaller than they really are. 15You must use weights and measures that are honest and exact. Then you will live a long time in the land the Lord your God is giving you. 16He hates anyone who cheats.

17Remember what the Amalekites did to you on your way out of Egypt. 18You were tired and worn out. They met up with you on your journey. They attacked everyone who was lagging behind. They didn’t have any respect for God. 19The Lord your God will give you peace and rest from all the enemies around you. He’ll do this in the land he’s giving you to take over as your very own. No one on earth will mention the Amalekites ever again because you will destroy them. Do not forget!