歴代誌Ⅱ 16 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

歴代誌Ⅱ 16:1-14



1アサ王の第三十六年に、イスラエルの王バシャが戦いをしかけて来て、ユダに通じる道を押さえるためにラマに要塞を築きました。 2これを知ったアサ王は、神殿と王宮から金銀を持ち出し、ダマスコにいるシリヤ(アラム)の王ベン・ハダデに送り届けて、こう頼みました。 3「あなたのお父上と私の父との間で結んだ安全保障条約(軍事同盟)を結び直しましょう。わずかばかりの品ですが、どうぞお受け取りください。イスラエルの王バシャとの同盟を破棄し、彼が私に手出しできないようにしていただきたいのです。」

4ベン・ハダデはアサ王の要請を受け入れ、シリヤの軍を動員してイスラエルを攻めました。シリヤ軍はイヨン、ダン、アベル・マイムの町々、またナフタリにある物資の補給基地を占領しました。 5そのことを知ったバシャ王は、すぐにラマの工事を中止し、ユダを攻撃する計画をあきらめました。 6アサ王とユダの人々はラマに急行し、建築用の石材や木材を持ち帰ったうえ、それを使ってゲバとミツパを建てました。

7その時、預言者ハナニがアサ王のもとに来て、彼に言いました。「あなたはあなたの神、主に頼まないで、シリヤの王に頼みました。そのため、シリヤの軍勢をむざむざ逃したのです。 8あのエチオピヤ人とリビヤ人の大軍が、戦車と騎兵を率いて攻めて来た時、どんなことが起こったか、お忘れではないでしょう。あなたがひたすら主により頼んだので、主は彼らをことごとくあなたの手に渡してくださったではありませんか。 9主はその御目で全地を見渡し、心を完全にご自分に向けている人々を探し求めておられます。そのような人々を助けるために、大きな御力を現してくださるのです。あなたはなんと愚かなことをなさったのでしょう。これから、戦いの渦に巻き込まれることでしょう。」


11アサ王のその他の業績は、『イスラエルとユダ諸王の年代記』に載っています。 12その第三十九年、王は両足が重い病気にかかりました。しかし、その中で主を求めるどころか、医者を頼みとしたのです。 13-14王はその治世の第四十一年に死に、エルサレムに用意してあった墓に葬られました。その遺体は高価な香油や香料をしみ込ませた寝台に横たえられ、人々は彼の埋葬のためにたくさんの香をたきました。

New International Reader’s Version

2 Chronicles 16:1-14

Asa’s Last Years

1Baasha was king of Israel. He marched out against Judah. It was in the 36th year of Asa’s rule over Judah. Baasha built up the walls of Ramah. He did it to keep people from leaving or entering the territory of Asa, the king of Judah.

2Asa took the silver and gold from among the treasures of the Lord’s temple and his own palace. He sent it to Ben-Hadad. Ben-Hadad was king of Aram. He was ruling in Damascus. 3“Let’s make a peace treaty between us,” Asa said. “My father and your father had made a peace treaty between them. Now I’m sending you silver and gold. So break your treaty with Baasha, the king of Israel. Then he’ll go back home.”

4Ben-Hadad agreed with King Asa. He sent his army commanders against the towns of Israel. His army captured Ijon, Dan, Abel Maim and all the cities in Naphtali where Baasha stored things. 5Baasha heard about it. So he stopped building up Ramah and left that place. 6Then King Asa brought all the men of Judah to Ramah. They carried away the stones and wood Baasha had been using. Asa used them to build up Geba and Mizpah.

7At that time Hanani the prophet came to Asa, the king of Judah. He said to him, “You trusted the king of Aram. You didn’t trust in the Lord your God. So the army of the king of Aram has escaped from you. 8The people of Cush and Libya had a strong army. They had large numbers of chariots and horsemen. But you trusted in the Lord. So he handed them over to you. 9The Lord looks out over the whole earth. He gives strength to those who commit their lives completely to him. You have done a foolish thing. From now on you will be at war.”

10Asa was angry with the prophet because of what he had said. In fact, he was so angry he put him in prison. At the same time, Asa treated some of his own people very badly.

11The events of Asa’s rule from beginning to end are written down. They are written in the records of the kings of Judah and Israel. 12In the 39th year of Asa’s rule his feet began to hurt. The pain was terrible. But even though he was suffering, he didn’t look to the Lord for help. All he did was go to the doctors. 13In the 41st year of Asa’s rule he joined the members of his family who had already died. 14He was buried in a tomb. He had cut it out for himself in the City of David. His body was laid on a wooden frame. It was covered with spices and different mixes of perfume. A huge fire was made to honor him.