士師記 20 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

士師記 20:1-48



1-2そこで全イスラエルから、ミツパに指導者たちと四十万の兵が向かい、主の前に一つの心になって集結したのです。ダンからベエル・シェバに至る全国各地はもとより、ヨルダン川の東側のギルアデからも、ぞくぞくと集まって来ました。 3イスラエル軍がミツパに集結したという知らせは、まもなくベニヤミン領内に伝わりました。イスラエルの指導者たちは殺された女の夫を呼んで、真相を話すよう求めました。 4「私たちは、ベニヤミン領内のギブアに行き、その夜ある家に泊まりました。 5ところが夜中に、ギブアの者どもが家を取り囲み、私を殺そうとしたのです。一味は私のそばめに暴行を加え、無残にも殺してしまいました。 6私はそばめの死体を十二に切り分け、イスラエルの全地に送りました。それというのも、彼らの仕打ちがあまりにむごかったからです。 7さあ、皆さん、どうか協議してください。」

8-10彼らは口をそろえて言いました。「ギブアの村に報復するまでは、一人たりとも家には帰らない。全軍の十分の一をくじで選び分け、食糧補給に当たらせよう。残りは結集して、こんな恥ずべきまねをしたギブアを滅ぼそう。」 11イスラエル全国民は、そのために一丸となりました。

12さっそくベニヤミン族に使者を立て、要求を突きつけました。「おまえたちは、あの忌まわしい事件を知っているのか。 13あの悪事を働いた者たちを引き渡せ。彼らを処刑して、イスラエルから悪を除き去るのだ。」

しかし、ベニヤミン族は聞こうとはしませんでした。 14-15それどころか、二万六千の兵をギブアに集め、地元ギブアから募った七百人と合流し、イスラエル軍に対抗する構えを見せたのです。 16ベニヤミン軍には、左ききの石投げの名手が七百人いました。その腕まえは大したもので、一本の毛をねらっても的をはずさないほどでした。 17一方、ベニヤミンを除くイスラエル軍は、総勢四十万人に上りました。



19-20そこで全軍は、翌朝早く、ベニヤミンを攻撃するためにギブアへ向かいました。 21しかし、ギブアを守っていたベニヤミン軍が不意に襲いかかり、その日のうちに二万二千人のイスラエル兵を倒したのです。 22-24イスラエル軍は主の前で夕方まで泣き続け、再び伺いを立てました。「私たちは、同胞ベニヤミンとまだ戦うべきでしょうか。」

「戦いなさい」という主の答えが返ってきました。イスラエル軍は奮い立ち、翌日も、同じ場所で戦おうと出陣しました。 25ところがこの日も、剣の使い手一万八千人を失うはめになったのです。 26そこで、イスラエル全軍はベテルに上り、主の前に泣き伏して夕方まで断食し、焼き尽くすいけにえと和解のいけにえをささげました。 27-28当時、神の契約の箱はベテルにあり、アロンの孫で、エルアザルの子ピネハスが祭司でした。



29そこで、イスラエル軍はギブア周辺に伏兵を潜ませ、 30三日目に攻撃に移り、いつものような陣形をとりました。 31ベニヤミン軍が迎え撃とうと町から出てくると、退却すると見せかけて町からおびき出したのです。ベニヤミン軍は前回同様、ベテルとギブアを結ぶ路上でイスラエルを撃破し、たちまち三十人を倒しました。 32ベニヤミン軍は、「また勝ったぞ!」と雄たけびを上げましたが、実はそれがイスラエル軍の作戦だったのです。初めからわざと逃げて、ベニヤミン軍を町からおびき出そうと考えていたのでした。 33本隊はバアル・タマルまで来た時、一転して反撃に移り、ゲバの西に隠れていた伏兵一万も飛び出しました。 34伏兵は、まだ危険に気づいていないベニヤミン軍のしんがりを襲いました。 35-39主が助けを与えたので、イスラエル軍はベニヤミン軍を打ち破ることができたのです。その日、ベニヤミン軍は二万五、一〇〇人を失い、生き残った兵士は数えるほどでした。

実際ベニヤミン軍は、イスラエル軍が彼らの前から退却したことで、前回同様の大勝利を確信しました。しかしその時、伏兵がギブアに突入し、村にいた全員を殺し、火を放ちました。その煙を合図に、イスラエル軍は反撃に転じ、いっせいに攻撃を開始したのです。 40-41ベニヤミン軍はうしろを振り返り、町が炎に包まれているのを見て恐怖に襲われました。危険が身に迫るのを感じ、 42彼らは荒野へ逃げようとしましたが、イスラエル軍は追跡し、伏兵の一隊も駆けつけて、背後からベニヤミン軍を打ちました。 43そして、包囲しながらギブアの東方へと追いつめ、彼らの大半を殺しました。 44その戦いで、一万八千人のベニヤミン軍兵士が死にました。 45生き残った兵は荒野へ逃げ、リモンの岩に向かいましたが、その途中で五千人が殺され、さらにギデオム付近で二千人が倒されました。 46-47こうしてベニヤミン族は、一日で二万五千の勇士を失ったのです。リモンの岩へ逃げ延びたのはたった六百人で、四か月間そこにこもっていました。 48その後イスラエル軍は引き返し、ベニヤミンに属するものを男も女も子どもも家畜も打ち、町々村々を片っぱしから焼き払いました。

New International Reader’s Version

Judges 20:1-48

The Israelites Punish the Tribe of Benjamin

1Then all the Israelites came out. They came from the whole land between Dan and Beersheba. They also came from the land of Gilead. All of them gathered together in front of the Lord at Mizpah. 2The leaders of all the tribes of Israel came. They took their places among the people of God gathered together. There were 400,000 men carrying swords. 3The tribe of Benjamin heard that the Israelites had gone up to Mizpah. The Israelites said, “Tell us how this awful thing happened.”

4So the Levite spoke. He was the husband of the woman who had been murdered. He said, “I and my concubine went to Gibeah in Benjamin. We spent the night there. 5During the night the men of Gibeah came after me. They surrounded the house. They were planning to kill me. They raped my concubine, and she died. 6I took my concubine and cut her into pieces. I sent one piece to each part of Israel’s territory. I did it because the men of Gibeah had done a very terrible thing in Israel. 7All you men of Israel, speak up now. Tell me what you have decided to do.”

8All the men got up together. They said, “None of us will go home. Not one of us will return to his house. 9Here is what we’ll do to Gibeah. We’ll cast lots to tell us how to attack the city. 10We’ll take ten men out of every 100 from all the tribes of Israel. We’ll take 100 from every 1,000. We’ll take 1,000 from every 10,000. The men we take will get supplies for the army. Then the army will go to Gibeah in Benjamin. They’ll give Gibeah exactly what they should get because of the terrible thing they did in Israel.” 11So all the men of Israel came together to fight against the city.

12The tribes of Israel sent people to carry a message through the whole tribe of Benjamin. They said, “What about this awful crime that was committed among you? 13Hand over to us those evil men of Gibeah. We’ll put them to death. In that way we’ll get rid of those evil people.”

But the people of Benjamin wouldn’t listen to the other Israelites. 14They came together at Gibeah from their towns. They came to fight against the other Israelites. 15Right away the people of Benjamin gathered together 26,000 men from their towns. They were carrying swords. These men were added to the 700 capable young men from Gibeah. 16Among all these men there were 700 who were left-handed. Each of them could sling a stone at a hair and not miss.

17Israel gathered 400,000 men together. They were carrying swords. All of them were trained for battle. That number didn’t include the tribe of Benjamin.

18The Israelites went up to Bethel. There they asked God, “Who should go up first and fight against the people of Benjamin?”

The Lord answered, “The tribe of Judah will go first.”

19The next morning the Israelites got up. They set up camp near Gibeah. 20The Israelites went out to fight against the men of Benjamin. They took up their battle positions against them at Gibeah. 21The men of Benjamin came out of Gibeah. They killed 22,000 Israelites on the field of battle that day. 22But the Israelites cheered one another on. They again took up their positions in the places where they had been the first day. 23The Israelites went and wept in front of the Lord until evening. They asked the Lord, “Should we go up again to fight against the men of Benjamin? They are our fellow Israelites.”

The Lord answered, “Go up and fight against them.”

24The Israelites came near the men of Benjamin on the second day. 25The men of Benjamin came out from Gibeah to oppose them. That time they killed 18,000 more Israelites. All the men who died had been carrying swords.

26Then all the Israelites, the whole army, went up to Bethel. They sat there and wept in front of the Lord. They didn’t eat anything that day until evening. Then they brought burnt offerings and friendship offerings to the Lord. 27Again the Israelites spoke to the Lord. In those days the ark of the covenant of God was there. 28Phinehas was serving as priest at the ark. He was the son of Eleazar. Eleazar was the son of Aaron. The Israelites asked, “Should we go up again to fight against the men of Benjamin? They are our fellow Israelites.”

The Lord answered, “Go. Tomorrow I will hand them over to you.”

29Then Israel hid some men and had them wait all around Gibeah. 30They went up to fight against the men of Benjamin on the third day. They took up their positions against Gibeah, just as they had done before. 31The men of Benjamin came out to fight against them. They were drawn away from the city. They began to wound and kill the Israelites just as they had done before. About 30 men fell in battle. They fell in the open fields and on the roads. One of the roads led to Bethel. The other led to Gibeah. 32The men of Benjamin said, “We’re winning the battle over them, just as we did before.” But the men of Israel said, “Let’s pull back. Let’s draw them away from the city to the roads.”

33All the men of Israel moved away from their places. They took up new battle positions at Baal Tamar. The men who had been hiding charged out. They came from west of Gibeah. 34Then 10,000 of Israel’s capable young men attacked Gibeah. The men of Benjamin didn’t realize they were about to be destroyed. The fighting was very heavy. 35The Lord helped Israel win the battle over Benjamin. On that day the Israelites struck down 25,100 men of Benjamin. All the men who died had been carrying swords. 36Then the men of Benjamin saw that they had lost the battle.

The men of Israel had moved away from their positions in front of Benjamin. They had depended on the men they had hidden near Gibeah. 37Suddenly those men who had been hiding rushed into Gibeah. They spread out. Then they killed everyone in the city with their swords. 38The Israelites had made a plan with those who had been hiding. They had told them to send up a large cloud of smoke from the city. 39Then the Israelites would turn around and attack.

The men of Benjamin had begun to wound and kill the men of Israel. They had struck down about 30 of them. They had said, “We’re winning the battle over them, just as we did the first time.” 40But a large cloud of smoke began to go up from the city. The men of Benjamin turned around. They saw the whole city going up in smoke. 41Then the Israelites turned around and attacked them. The men of Benjamin were terrified. They realized they were going to be destroyed. 42So they ran away from the men of Israel. They ran toward the desert. But they couldn’t escape the battle. Other Israelites came out of the towns. There they struck down the men of Benjamin. 43Here’s how it happened. The Israelites had surrounded them. They had chased them and easily caught up with them east of Gibeah. 44So 18,000 men of Benjamin fell in battle. All of them were brave fighters. 45Some men of Benjamin turned back. They ran toward the desert to the rock of Rimmon. As they did, the Israelites struck down 5,000 of them along the roads. They kept chasing the men of Benjamin all the way to Gidom. Along the way they struck down 2,000 more.

46On that day 25,000 men of Benjamin fell in battle. They had been carrying swords. All of them were brave fighters. 47But 600 of them turned back. They ran into the desert to the rock of Rimmon. They stayed there for four months. 48The men of Israel went back to Benjamin. In all the towns they killed the people with their swords. They even killed the animals. So they killed everything they found. They set on fire all the towns they came to.