士師記 10 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

士師記 10:1-18



1アビメレクの死後、イスラエルの士師として立てられたのは、ドドの孫、プワの子トラでした。この人はイッサカル族の出身で、エフライムの山地にあるシャミルの町に住んでいました。 2彼は二十三年間、士師としてイスラエルを治めました。

3彼が世を去ってシャミルに葬られると、ギルアデ出身のヤイルが後継者となり、二十二年間イスラエルを治めました。 4ヤイルの三十人の息子は、三十頭のろばを乗り回し、ギルアデにある三十の町を所有していました。それらの町は今も「ヤイルの町」と呼ばれています。 5ヤイルは死んで、カモンに葬られました。


6するとまたも、イスラエルの民は主から離れ、バアルやアシュタロテといった異教の神々を拝み、シリヤ、シドン、モアブ、アモン、ペリシテの神々に仕えるようになりました。そればかりか、真の神を礼拝することなど、きれいさっぱりやめてしまったのです。 7-8これが主の怒りを引き起こさないはずはなく、主は直ちにペリシテ人とアモン人を動かして、イスラエル人を苦しませることになりました。彼らは、ヨルダン川の東にあるエモリ人の地ギルアデにいたイスラエル人を攻め、 9さらにアモン人はヨルダン川を渡り、ユダ、ベニヤミン、エフライムにまで攻撃の手を伸ばしました。それは十八年間も続きました。


11-12主は言いました。「わたしは以前、エジプト人、エモリ人、アモン人、ペリシテ人、シドン人、アマレク人、マオン人からあなたがたを救ったではないか。これまで、いつでも叫び求めてくれば救い出したはずだ。 13それなのに、あなたがたはわたしを捨て、性懲りもなくほかの神々を拝んでいる。勝手にするがいい。もう助けることはしない。 14行って、新しく選んだ神々にでも助けてもらうがよい。」



17そのころアモン人の軍がギルアデに集結し、ミツパに陣を敷いたイスラエル軍を攻撃しようとしていました。 18途方にくれたギルアデの指導者たちは、「いったいだれが、私たちを率いてアモン人と戦ってくれるのか。その役を買って出る者こそ私たちの王だ」と話し合っていました。

New International Reader’s Version

Judges 10:1-18


1Tola rose up to save Israel. That happened after the time of Abimelek. Tola was from the tribe of Issachar. He was the son of Puah, who was the son of Dodo. Tola lived in Shamir. It’s in the hill country of Ephraim. 2Tola led Israel for 23 years. After he died, he was buried in Shamir.


3Jair became the leader after Tola. Jair was from the land of Gilead. He led Israel for 22 years. 4He had 30 sons. They rode on 30 donkeys. His sons controlled 30 towns in Gilead. Those towns are called Havvoth Jair to this day. 5After Jair died, he was buried in Kamon.


6Once again the Israelites did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. They served gods that were named Baal. They served female gods that were named Ashtoreth. They worshiped the gods of Aram and Sidon. They served the gods of Moab and Ammon. They also worshiped the gods of the Philistines. The Israelites deserted the Lord. They didn’t serve him anymore. 7So the Lord became very angry with them. He handed them over to the Philistines and the Ammonites. 8That year they broke Israel’s power completely. They treated the Israelites badly for 18 years. The people who did this lived east of the Jordan River. They lived in Gilead. That was the land of the Amorites. 9The Ammonites also went across the Jordan. They crossed over to fight against the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Ephraim. Israel was suffering terribly. 10Then the Israelites cried out to the Lord. They said, “We have sinned against you. We have deserted our God. We have served gods that are named Baal.”

11The Lord replied, “The Egyptians and Amorites treated you badly. So did the Ammonites and Philistines. 12And so did the Amalekites and the people of Sidon and Maon. Each time you cried out to me for help. And I saved you from their power. 13But you have deserted me. You have served other gods. So I will not save you anymore. 14Go and cry out to the gods you have chosen. Let them save you when you get into trouble!”

15But the Israelites replied to the Lord, “We have sinned. Do to us what you think is best. But please save us now.” 16Then they got rid of the false gods that were among them. They served the Lord. And he couldn’t stand to see Israel suffer anymore.

17The Ammonites were called together to fight. They camped in the land of Gilead. Then the Israelites gathered together. They camped at the city of Mizpah. 18The leaders of Gilead spoke to one another. They said, “Who will lead the attack against the Ammonites? That person will be the ruler of all the people who live in Gilead.”