列王記Ⅰ 6 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

列王記Ⅰ 6:1-38



1ソロモン王が神殿の建設にかかったのは、即位後四年目の春のことでした。イスラエルの民が奴隷となっていたエジプトを出てから四百八十年後のことです。 2神殿は、長さ六十キュビト(二十六・四メートル)、幅二十キュビト(八・八メートル)、高さ三十キュビト(十三・二メートル)。 3正面の玄関は、幅二十キュビト、長さ十キュビトで、 4全体に小さな窓が取りつけてありました。 5神殿の壁の周囲には脇屋が作られました。 6この脇屋は三階建てで、一階の幅は五キュビト、二階は幅六キュビト、三階は幅七キュビトありました。神殿の壁の外側に段を作り、その上にはりを置いて、脇屋と神殿をつなぎました。こうして、はりを神殿の壁に差し込まないようにしたのです。


8脇屋の一階に通じる入口は、神殿の右側にありました。二階に上るらせん階段があり、さらに、二階から三階に上るようになっていました。 9神殿の完成が近づくと、王は、はりや柱はもちろんのこと、内部を杉材で覆って仕上げました。 10先ほど説明したように、神殿の両側に脇屋がありましたが、それは杉材で神殿の壁に固定してありました。脇屋の各階の高さは五キュビトでした。

11-12主は建築中の神殿について、次のようにソロモンに語りました。「わたしが言うとおりにし、わたしの命令を忠実に守るなら、あなたの父ダビデに約束したことを実行しよう。 13わたしはイスラエルの民とともに住み、決して彼らを捨てない。」

14そしてついに、ソロモンは神殿を完成しました。 15神殿の内部は床から天井まで、レバノン杉の板を張り巡らし、床には糸杉の厚板を使いました。 16神殿の一番奥にある長さ二十キュビトの部屋は「至聖所」と呼ばれます。至聖所も、床から天井までレバノン杉の板を張り巡らしました。 17神殿の前の部分、すなわち前庭の長さは四十キュビト。 18内部の石壁は全部、ひょうたん柄と花模様が浮き彫りにしてある、レバノン杉の板で覆いました。 19奥の至聖所には、契約の箱を置きました。 20-22至聖所は長さ二十キュビト、幅二十キュビト、高さ二十キュビトで、壁と天井に純金をかぶせました。至聖所の祭壇もレバノン杉で作り、その祭壇も含め、神殿内部の残りの部分もみな純金をかぶせました。また、至聖所の入口を守るために、金の鎖を渡しました。


29至聖所もその手前の聖所も、壁にはケルビムの像、なつめやしの木、それに花模様が彫られていました。 30至聖所も聖所も床は全部金で覆いました。

31至聖所に通じる入口には、正五角形の柱を使いました。 32二枚の扉はオリーブ材でできていて、その上にケルビム、なつめやしの木、花模様を浮き彫りにし、金を張りました。

33それから神殿の入口にも、オリーブ材で四角形の柱を作りました。 34糸杉材の二枚の折り戸がついていて、どちらも蝶つがいがついていて折りたためるようになっていました。 35その表面にはケルビム、なつめやしの木、それに花模様が浮き彫りになっていて、入念に金が張ってありました。 36内庭を囲む塀は、切り石を三段重ねた上に、レバノン杉の角材が一段重ねてありました。

37神殿の土台がすえられたのは、ソロモン王の即位後四年目の五月で、 38建て終わったのは、即位後十一年目の十一月でした。完成まで七年かかったことになります。

New International Reader’s Version

1 Kings 6:1-38

Solomon Builds the Temple

1Solomon began to build the temple of the Lord. It was 480 years after the Israelites came out of Egypt. It was in the fourth year of Solomon’s rule over Israel. He started in the second month. That was the month of Ziv.

2The temple King Solomon built for the Lord was 90 feet long. It was 30 feet wide. And it was 45 feet high. 3The temple had a porch in front of the main hall. The porch was as wide as the temple itself. It was 30 feet wide. It came out 15 feet from the front of the temple. 4Solomon made narrow windows high up in the temple walls. 5He built side rooms around the temple. They were built against the walls of the main hall and the Most Holy Room. 6On the first floor the side rooms were seven and a half feet wide. On the second floor they were nine feet wide. And on the third floor they were ten and a half feet wide. Solomon made the walls of the temple thinner as they went up floor by floor. The result was ledges along the walls. So the floor beams of the side rooms rested on the ledges. The beams didn’t go into the temple walls.

7All the stones used for building the temple were shaped where they were cut. So hammers, chisels and other iron tools couldn’t be heard where the temple was being built.

8The entrance to the first floor was on the south side of the temple. A stairway led up to the second floor. From there it went on up to the third floor. 9So Solomon built the temple and finished it. He made its roof out of beams and cedar boards. 10He built side rooms all along the temple. Each room was seven and a half feet high. They were joined to the temple by cedar beams.

11A message came to Solomon from the Lord. The Lord said, 12“You are now building this temple. Follow my orders. Keep my rules. Obey all my commands. Then I will make the promise I gave your father David come true. I will do it through you. 13I will live among my people Israel. I will not desert them.”

14So Solomon built the temple and finished it. 15He put cedar boards on its inside walls. He covered them from floor to ceiling. He covered the temple floor with juniper boards. 16He put up a wall 30 feet from the back of the temple. He made it with cedar boards from floor to ceiling. That formed a room inside the temple. It was the Most Holy Room. 17The main hall in front of the room was 60 feet long. 18The inside of the temple was covered with cedar wood. Gourds and open flowers were carved on the wood. Everything was cedar. There wasn’t any stone showing anywhere.

19Solomon prepared the Most Holy Room inside the temple. That’s where the ark of the covenant of the Lord would be placed. 20The Most Holy Room was 30 feet long. It was 30 feet wide. And it was 30 feet high. Solomon covered the inside of it with pure gold. He prepared the cedar altar for burning incense. He covered it with gold. 21Solomon covered the inside of the main hall with pure gold. He placed gold chains across the front of the Most Holy Room. That room was covered with gold. 22So Solomon covered the inside of the whole temple with gold. He also covered the altar for burning incense with gold. It was right in front of the Most Holy Room.

23For the Most Holy Room Solomon made a pair of cherubim. He made them out of olive wood. Each cherub was 15 feet high. 24One wing of the first cherub was seven and a half feet long. The other wing was also seven and a half feet long. So the wings measured 15 feet from tip to tip. 25The second cherub’s wings also measured 15 feet from tip to tip. The two cherubim had the same size and shape. 26Each cherub was 15 feet high. 27Solomon placed the cherubim inside the Most Holy Room in the temple. Their wings were spread out. The wing tip of one cherub touched one wall. The wing tip of the other touched the other wall. The tips of their wings touched each other in the middle of the room. 28Solomon covered the cherubim with gold.

29On the walls all around the temple he carved cherubim, palm trees and open flowers. He carved them on the walls of the Most Holy Room and the main hall. 30He also covered the floors of those two rooms with gold.

31For the entrance to the Most Holy Room he made two doors out of olive wood. Each door was one-fifth of the width of the Most Holy Room. 32On the two olive wood doors he carved cherubim, palm trees and open flowers. He covered the cherubim and palm trees with hammered gold. 33In the same way he made olive wood doorposts for the entrance to the main hall. Each doorpost was one-fourth of the width of the hall. 34He also made two doors out of juniper wood. Each door had two parts. They turned in bases shaped like cups. 35He carved cherubim, palm trees and open flowers on the doors. He covered the doors with gold. He hammered the gold evenly over the carvings.

36He used blocks of stone to build a wall around the inside courtyard. The first three layers of the wall were made out of stone. The top layer was made out of beautiful cedar wood.

37The foundation of the Lord’s temple was laid in Solomon’s fourth year. It was in the month of Ziv. 38The temple was finished in his 11th year. It was in the month of Bul. That was the eighth month. Everything was finished just as the plans required. Solomon had spent seven years building the temple.