出エジプト記 38 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

出エジプト記 38:1-31


1焼き尽くすいけにえの祭壇も、アカシヤ材で作りました。上部は五キュビト(二・二メートル)四方の正方形、高さは三キュビトです。 2四隅に、他の部分と切れ目なく続くよう、四本の角をつけました。祭壇には青銅を張り、 3祭壇で使うつぼ、十能(灰をすくう道具)、鉢、肉刺し、火皿などの器具類も青銅で作りました。 4次に、炉の半ばあたりに棧を張り、そこに青銅の格子を置きました。 5環を四つ作り、格子の四隅の部分でかつぎ棒を通せるようにしました。 6かつぎ棒はアカシヤ材で、青銅をかぶせてあります。 7祭壇の側面につけた環に、その棒を通します。祭壇の側面は板で、中は空洞でした。


9次は庭です。南側は百キュビト(四十四メートル)で、細い上等の撚り糸を織って幕を作り、それを張り巡らしました。 10幕を垂らす柱を二十本立てました。土台は青銅で、柱には銀のかぎと環をつけました。

11北側にも百キュビトの幕を張り、青銅の柱二十本とその土台、銀のかぎと環があります。 12西側は五十キュビトで、十本の柱と土台で幕を支えました。柱には、やはり銀のかぎと環がついています。 13東側も五十キュビトです。 14-15入口の両側には、幅十五キュビトの幕を垂らし、それぞれ三個の土台に立てた三本の柱で支えました。 16庭の仕切りとして巡らした幕は、どれも細い上等の撚り糸で織ったものです。 17柱はみな青銅の土台にはめ込み、かぎと環は銀です。柱の頭部には銀をかぶせ、幕を垂らす環は純銀でした。 18庭の入口に垂らすカーテンは上質の亜麻布で作り、青、紫、緋色の撚り糸で美しい刺しゅうをしました。幕の幅は二十キュビト、高さは五キュビトで、庭の仕切りとした他の幕と同じ高さです。 19幕は四本の柱と四個の青銅の土台、銀のかぎと環で支えました。柱の頭部も銀でした。 20幕屋と庭を作るのに用いた釘は、すべて青銅です。

21これが、契約の箱を納める幕屋(聖所)の建設工事の諸工程です。幕屋ができ上がり、ようやくレビ族が奉仕につけるようになりました。いっさいの工事は、モーセが立てた計画どおり行われ、祭司アロンの子イタマルが監督しました。 22ユダ族のウリの子で、フルの孫に当たるベツァルエルが技術面での責任者となり、 23ダン族のアヒサマクの子オホリアブが助手を務めました。彼も熟練した職人で、彫刻、設計、色とりどりの刺しゅうをするのに、すぐれた腕を発揮しました。

24人々が奉納し、幕屋建設に使った金は約一千キログラムに達しました。 25-26銀は三、四四〇キロ使われました。これは、人口調査の時に登録する二十歳以上の人から取り立てた、半シェケルの人頭税でまかなわれました。登録したのは、計六十万三、五五〇人です。 27聖所の壁となるわく組みの土台と、垂れ幕を支える柱の土台には、一個につき三十四キログラム、計三、四〇〇キログラムの銀が必要でした。 28残った銀は柱頭にかぶせたり、環やかぎを作るために使いました。 29青銅は約二、四〇〇キログラム奉納され、 30-31天幕の入口に立てる柱の土台、祭壇、格子、祭壇に付属する器具類、庭を仕切る引き幕を支える柱の土台、天幕と庭の釘などを作るのに使われました。

New International Reader’s Version

Exodus 38:1-31

The Altar for Burnt Offerings

1The workers built the altar for burnt offerings out of acacia wood. It was four feet six inches high and seven feet six inches square. 2They made a horn stick out from each of its four upper corners. They covered the altar with bronze. 3They made all its tools out of bronze. They made its pots, shovels, sprinkling bowls, meat forks, and pans for carrying ashes. 4They made a bronze grate for the altar. They put the grate halfway up the altar on the inside. 5They made a bronze ring for each of the four corners of the grate. 6They made poles out of acacia wood. They covered them with bronze. 7They put the poles through the rings. The poles were on two sides of the altar for carrying it. The workers made the altar out of boards. They left it hollow.

The Large Bowl for Washing

8The workers made the large bronze bowl and its bronze stand. They made them out of bronze mirrors. The mirrors belonged to the women who served at the entrance to the tent of meeting.

The Courtyard

9Next, the workers made the courtyard. The south side was 150 feet long. It had curtains made out of finely twisted linen. 10The curtains had 20 posts and 20 bronze bases. The posts had silver hooks and bands on them. 11The north side was also 150 feet long. Its curtains had 20 posts and 20 bronze bases. The posts had silver hooks and bands on them.

12The west end was 75 feet wide. It had curtains with ten posts and ten bases. The posts had silver hooks and bands on them. 13The east end, toward the sunrise, was also 75 feet wide. 14Curtains 22 feet six inches long were on one side of the entrance to the courtyard. They were hung on three posts. Each post had a base. 15Curtains 22 feet six inches long were also on the other side of the entrance. They were hung on three posts. Each post had a base. 16All the curtains around the courtyard were made out of finely twisted linen. 17The bases for the posts were made out of bronze. The hooks and bands on the posts were made out of silver. Their tops were covered with silver. So all the posts of the courtyard had silver bands.

18The curtain for the courtyard entrance was made out of blue, purple and bright red yarn and finely twisted linen. A person who sewed skillfully made it. It was 30 feet long. Like the curtains of the courtyard, it was seven feet six inches high. 19It had four posts and four bronze bases. Their hooks and bands were made out of silver. Their tops were covered with silver. 20All the tent stakes of the holy tent were made out of bronze. So were all the stakes of the courtyard around it.

The Amounts of the Metals Used

21Here are the amounts of the metals used for the holy tent, where the tablets of the covenant law were kept. Moses commanded the Levites to record the amounts. The Levites did the work under the direction of Ithamar. Ithamar was the son of Aaron the priest. 22Bezalel, the son of Uri, made everything the Lord had commanded Moses. Uri was the son of Hur. Bezalel was from the tribe of Judah. 23Oholiab, the son of Ahisamak, helped Bezalel. Oholiab was from the tribe of Dan. He could carve things and make patterns. And he could sew skillfully with blue, purple and bright red yarn and on fine linen. 24The total weight of the gold from the wave offering was more than a ton. It was weighed out in keeping with the standard weights used in the sacred tent. The gold was used for all the work done in connection with the sacred tent.

25The silver received from the men in the community who were listed and counted weighed almost four tons. It was weighed out in keeping with the weights used in the sacred tent. 26It amounted to a fifth of an ounce for each person. It was weighed out in keeping with the weights used in the sacred tent. The silver was received from the men who had been listed and counted. All of them were 20 years old or more. Their total number was 603,550. 27The four tons of silver were used to make the bases for the holy tent and for the curtain. The 100 bases were made from the four tons. Each base used more than 75 pounds of silver. 28The workers used 45 pounds to make the hooks for the posts, to cover the tops of the posts, and to make their bands.

29The bronze from the wave offering weighed two and a half tons. 30The workers used some of it to make the bases for the entrance to the tent of meeting. They used some for the bronze altar for burnt offerings and its bronze grate and all its tools. 31They used some for the bases for the courtyard around the holy tent. They used some for the bases for the courtyard entrance. And they used the rest to make all the tent stakes for the holy tent and the courtyard around it.