伝道者の書 8 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

伝道者の書 8:1-17







2-3誓ったとおりに王に従いなさい。どんないやなことであっても、誓いを果たすことから逃げようとしてはなりません。王は不従順な者に罰を加えるからです。 4王のことばには権威があるので、それに逆らったり疑問を差しはさんだりできる者はいません。






9-10私は、人々が支配したりされたりして互いに傷つけ合っていることを考えてみました。悪者でも葬式をすませ、墓地から帰って来るときには、友人たちは故人のした悪事をすっかり忘れています。それどころか、その男は生前に多くの犯罪を重ねた当の町で、ほめそやされるのです。なんとおかしな話でしょう。 11神はすぐに罪人を罰しないので、人々は悪いことをしても別に怖くないと思っているのです。 12百度も罪を犯して、なお生き長らえている人があるとしても、神を敬っている人のほうが幸せです。 13悪者どもは幸福な長い人生を送ることもできません。彼らは神を敬わないので、その一生は影のように早く過ぎ去ります。

14この地上では、奇妙なことが起こっています。正しい人が悪人のような待遇を受け、逆に、悪人が正しい人のような待遇を受けているのです。これもまた、割り切れない思いにさせられます。 15そこで私は、おもしろおかしく一生を送ろうと決心しました。この世では、食べて、飲んで、愉快にやること以外に良いことはないと考えたのです。この幸福は、神が世界中の人に与えているつらい仕事に添えられてくるものです。


New International Reader’s Version

Ecclesiastes 8:1-17

1Who is like a wise person?

Who knows how to explain things?

A person’s wisdom makes their face bright.

It softens the look on their face.

Obey the King

2I’m telling you to obey the king’s command. You promised to serve him. You made a promise to God. 3Don’t be in a hurry to quit your job in the palace. Don’t stand up for something the king doesn’t like. He’ll do anything he wants to. 4The king has the final word. So who can ask him, “What are you doing?”

5No one who obeys his command will be harmed.

Those who are wise will know the proper time and way to approach him.

6There’s a proper time and way for people to do everything.

That’s true even though a person might be suffering greatly.

7No one knows what lies ahead.

So who can tell someone else what’s going to happen?

8No one can stop the wind from blowing.

And no one has the power to decide when they will die.

No one is let out of the army in times of war.

And evil won’t let go of those who practice it.

9I understood all these things. I used my mind to study everything that’s done on earth. A man sometimes makes life hard for others. But he ends up hurting himself. 10I also saw sinful people being buried. They used to come and go from the place of worship. And others praised them in the city where they worshiped. That doesn’t have any meaning either.

11Sometimes the sentence for a crime isn’t carried out quickly. So people make plans to commit even more crimes. 12An evil person may be guilty of a hundred crimes. Yet they may still live a long time. But I know that things will go better with those who have great respect for God. 13Sinful people don’t respect God. So things won’t go well with them. Like a shadow, they won’t be around very long.

14Here’s something else on this earth that doesn’t have any meaning. Sometimes godly people get what sinful people should receive. And sinful people get what godly people should receive. Here’s what I’m telling you. That doesn’t have any meaning either. 15So I advise everyone to enjoy life. A person on this earth can’t do anything better than eat and drink and be glad. Then they will enjoy their work. They’ll be happy all the days of the life God has given them on earth.

16I used my mind to understand what it really means to be wise. I wanted to observe the hard work people do on earth. They don’t close their eyes and go to sleep day or night. 17I saw everything God has done. No one can understand what happens on earth. People might try very hard to figure it out. But they still can’t discover what it all means. Wise people might claim they know. But they can’t really understand it either.