ヨハネの黙示録 14 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

ヨハネの黙示録 14:1-20



1それから私は、エルサレムのシオンの山の頂に立っている、小羊の姿を見ました。また、そのそばに、額に小羊と小羊の父の名とが刻まれている、十四万四千人の人たちがいるのを見たのです。 2そのとき私は、滝のとどろきか激しい雷鳴のような、天からの音を耳にしました。ハープに合わせて歌う大合唱でした。 3それは十四万四千人の大合唱であり、彼らは神の王座と、四つの生き物および二十四人の長老の前で、今まで聞いたこともない新しい歌を歌いました。地上から救い出された、この十四万四千人を除いて、だれも、その合唱に加われませんでした。 4彼らは童貞で、汚れを知らず、小羊のあとをどこまでもついて行きました。また彼らは、神と小羊とにささげられる、最初のきよい供え物として、地上の人々の中から買い取られた者たちです。 5彼らは非難されるような偽りを言わず、とがめられることのない者です。

6また私は、もう一人の天使が天を飛ぶ姿を見ました。天使は、地上のあらゆる民族、部族、国語の人々に、永遠の福音(イエス・キリストによる救いの知らせ)を運んでいるところでした。 7彼は大声で叫びました。「神を恐れ、神をほめたたえなさい。神のさばきの時が来たのだ。天と地と海とその源を造られた方を礼拝しなさい。」


9続いて第三の天使が飛んで来て、大声で叫びました。「海から現れた獣とその像を拝み、額か手に刻印を彫った者よ。 10あなたがたは一人残らず、神の怒りの杯にあふれるぶどう酒――それも水で割らないもの――を飲まなければならない。そして、聖なる天使と小羊との前で、火と燃える硫黄とで苦しめられるのだ。 11その苦しみの煙は、昼も夜も、永遠に立ちのぼる。獣とその像とを拝み、獣の名の刻印を押したからだ。 12このことによって励まされた神の民は、どんな試みや迫害にも耐えられる。彼らは最後までしっかりと神の戒めを守り、イエスに信頼する者だから。」




15そこへ、もう一人の天使が神殿から現れ、その方に叫びました。「どうぞ、かまで刈り取りをお始めください。地上の穀物は実って、刈り入れ時となっています。」 16そこで、雲に乗っておられる方がかまを入れ始め、刈り取られたものは一か所に集められました。

17そのあと、もう一人の天使が天の神殿から出て来ました。彼もまた、鋭いかまを持っていました。 18同時に、火で世界を滅ぼす権威を授かっている天使が現れて、かまを持った天使に大声で叫びました。「さあ、そのかまで、地上のぶどう畑から実を刈り集めなさい。もう十分に熟して、さばかれる時を待っている。」 19そこで天使は、言われたとおりにかまを入れ、ぶどうを刈り集めて、神の怒りの大きな酒ぶねに投げ込みました。 20酒ぶねの中のぶどうは、都の郊外で踏まれました。すると、酒ぶねからあふれ出た血は三百キロもの流れになり、その深さは馬のくつわに届くほどでした。

New International Reader’s Version

Revelation 14:1-20

The Lamb and the 144,000

1I looked, and there in front of me was the Lamb. He was standing on Mount Zion. With him were 144,000 people. Written on their foreheads were his name and his Father’s name. 2I heard a sound from heaven. It was like the roar of rushing waters and loud thunder. The sound I heard was like the music of harps being played. 3Then everyone sang a new song in front of the throne. They sang it in front of the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the 144,000. They had been set free from the evil of the earth. 4They had not committed sexual sins with women. They had kept themselves pure. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among human beings as a first offering to God and the Lamb. 5They told no lies. They are without blame.

The Three Angels

6I saw another angel. He was flying high in the air. He came to tell everyone on earth the good news that will always be true. He told it to every nation, tribe and people, no matter what language they spoke. 7In a loud voice he said, “Have respect for God. Give him glory. The hour has come for God to judge. Worship him who made the heavens and the earth. Worship him who made the sea and the springs of water.”

8A second angel followed him. He said, “ ‘Fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen!’ (Isaiah 21:9) The city of Babylon made all the nations drink the strong wine of her terrible sins.”

9A third angel followed them. He said in a loud voice, “There will be trouble for anyone who worships the beast and its statue! There will be trouble for anyone who has its mark on their forehead or their hand! 10They, too, will drink the wine of God’s great anger. His wine has been poured full strength into the cup of his anger. They will be burned with flaming sulfur. The holy angels and the Lamb will see it happen. 11The smoke of their terrible suffering will rise for ever and ever. Day and night, there will be no rest for anyone who worships the beast and its statue. There will be no rest for anyone who receives the mark of its name.” 12God’s people need to be very patient. They are the ones who obey God’s commands. And they remain faithful to Jesus.

13Then I heard a voice from heaven. “Write this,” it said. “Blessed are the dead who die as believers in the Lord from now on.”

“Yes,” says the Holy Spirit. “They will rest from their labor. What they have done will not be forgotten.”

The Harvest of the Earth

14I looked, and there in front of me was a white cloud. Sitting on the cloud was one who looked “like a son of man.” (Daniel 7:13) He wore a gold crown on his head. In his hand was a sharp, curved blade for cutting grain. 15Then another angel came out of the temple. He called in a loud voice to the one sitting on the cloud. “Take your blade,” he said. “Cut the grain. The time has come. The earth is ready to be harvested.” 16So the one sitting on the cloud swung his blade over the earth. And the earth was harvested.

17Another angel came out of the temple in heaven. He too had a sharp, curved blade. 18Still another angel came from the altar. He was in charge of the fire on the altar. He called out in a loud voice to the angel who had the sharp blade. “Take your blade,” he said, “and gather the bunches of grapes from the earth’s vine. Its grapes are ripe.” 19So the angel swung his blade over the earth. He gathered its grapes. Then he threw them into a huge winepress. The winepress stands for God’s anger. 20In the winepress outside the city, the grapes were stomped on. Blood flowed out of the winepress. It spread over the land for about 180 miles. It rose as high as the horses’ heads.