サムエル記Ⅰ 10 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

サムエル記Ⅰ 10:1-27


1サムエルはオリーブ油の入ったつぼを取り、サウルの頭に注ぎかけ、口づけしてから言いました。「なぜこんなことをしたか、おわかりですか。主があなたを、ご自身の民イスラエルの王に任命なさったからなのです。 2今、私と別れたら、あなたはベニヤミン領内のツェルツァフにあるラケルの墓のそばで、二人の人に出会うでしょう。その二人は、ろばがとっくに見つかったと伝えるはずです。また、お父上があなたのことを、『いったい、どこへ行ってしまったんだ』と心配している様子も知らせてくれます。 3それから、さらにタボルの樫の木のところまで行くと、三人の人に出会うでしょう。神様を礼拝するため、ベテルの祭壇に向かう人たちです。一人は子やぎ三頭を携え、一人はパンを三つ、他の一人はぶどう酒の皮袋一袋を持っているはずです。 4彼らはあなたにあいさつして、パンを二つくれるので、それを受け取りなさい。 5そのあとあなたは、ペリシテ人の守備隊がいる、『神の丘』として名高いギブア・エロヒムに行くことになります。そこへ着くと、預言者の一団が、琴、タンバリン、笛、竪琴を鳴らし、預言をしながら丘を降りて来るのに出会うでしょう。

6その時、神の霊が激しく下り、あなたも共に預言を始めます。すると、全く別人になったように感じ、またそうふるまうに違いありません。 7その時から、自分の思うとおり、その時その時の状況に応じて、いちばん良いと思われることをすればよいのです。神様が導いてくださるからです。 8それから、ギルガルへ行き、七日間、私を待ちなさい。焼き尽くすいけにえと和解のいけにえをささげるために私も行くから、今後なすべきことは、その時に教えることにしましょう。」


10サウルと召使が神の丘に着くと、言われたとおり預言者の一団が近づいて来るのに出会いました。神の霊がサウルに下り、彼も預言を始めました。 11そのことを聞いたサウルの友人たちは驚き、「どうしたんだ。あのサウルが預言者だって?」と言いました。 12居合わせた近所の人も、「父親もあんなふうだったかな」とささやきました。そういうわけで、「サウルも預言者なのか」ということばが、ことわざのようになったのです。 13サウルは預言を終えると、丘の祭壇へと上って行きました。






17さて、サムエルは全イスラエルをミツパに召集し、 18-19イスラエルの神のことばを伝えました。「わたしはあなたがたをエジプトから連れ出し、エジプト人と、あなたがたに害をもたらすすべての民の手から救い出した。ところが、こうまで心にかけたわたしを退け、『それより、王が欲しい』と叫んでいる。さあ、部族ごとに、氏族ごとに、わたしの前に出なさい。」

20こうしてサムエルは、部族の指導者を整列させました。聖なるくじで、まずベニヤミン族が選ばれました。 21ベニヤミン族を、氏族ごとに主の前に出させたところ、マテリの氏族が選ばれました。こうしてついに、キシュの子サウルをくじで選び出したのです。ところが、どこを捜してもサウルの姿は見当たりません。 22人々が、「いったいサウルは、どこへ行ったのでしょう。ここに来ているのですか」と尋ねると主は、「見なさい。彼は荷物の陰に隠れている」と答えました。 23それで人々は彼を見つけると、そこから連れて来ました。サウルが立つと、他のだれよりも肩から上だけ高いのが目立ちました。




25サムエルは全国民に、王の権利と義務について語りました。さらに、それを文書にして、主の前の特別な場所に納めました。こののち、人々をそれぞれ自分の家に帰したのです。 26サウルもまた、ギブアの自宅に戻りました。この時、神によって心動かされた勇士たちは、彼について行きました。 27ところが、中には飲んだくれやならず者もいて、「こんな男がおれたちを守れるものか」と言って彼を侮り、贈り物すら持っていこうとしませんでした。しかし、サウルは何も言いませんでした。

New International Reader’s Version

1 Samuel 10:1-27

1Then Samuel took a bottle of olive oil. He poured it on Saul’s head and kissed him. He said, “The Lord has anointed you to be the king of his people. 2When you leave me today, you will meet two men. They will be near Rachel’s tomb at Zelzah on the border of Benjamin. They’ll say to you, ‘The donkeys you have been looking for have been found. Now your father has stopped thinking about them. Instead, he’s worried about you. He’s asking, “What can I do to find my son?” ’

3“You will go on from Zelzah until you come to the large tree at Tabor. Three men will meet you there. They’ll be on their way up to Bethel to worship God. One of them will be carrying three young goats. Another will be carrying three loaves of bread. A third will be carrying a bottle of wine. It will be a bottle made out of animal skin. 4The men will greet you. They’ll offer you two loaves of bread. You will accept the loaves from them.

5“After that, you will go to Gibeah of God. Some Philistine soldiers are stationed there. As you approach the town, you will meet a group of prophets. They’ll be coming down from the high place where they worship. People will be playing lyres, tambourines, flutes and harps at the head of the group. The prophets will be prophesying. 6The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully on you. Then you will prophesy along with them. You will become a different person. 7All these things will happen. Then do what you want to do. God is with you.

8“Go down ahead of me to Gilgal. You can be sure that I’ll come down to you there. I’ll come and sacrifice burnt offerings and friendship offerings. But you must wait there for seven days until I come to you. Then I’ll tell you what to do.”

Saul Becomes King of Israel

9As Saul turned to leave Samuel, God changed Saul’s heart. All these things happened that day. 10When Saul and his servant arrived at Gibeah, a group of prophets met Saul. Then the Spirit of God came powerfully on him. He prophesied along with them. 11Those who had known Saul before saw him prophesying with the prophets. They asked one another, “What has happened to the son of Kish? Is Saul also one of the prophets?”

12A man who lived in Gibeah answered, “Yes, he is. In fact, he’s their leader.” That’s why people say, “Is Saul also one of the prophets?” 13After Saul stopped prophesying, he went to the high place to worship.

14Later, Saul’s uncle spoke to him and his servant. He asked, “Where have you been?”

“Looking for the donkeys,” Saul said. “But we couldn’t find them. So we went to Samuel.”

15Saul’s uncle said, “Tell me what Samuel said to you.”

16Saul replied, “He told us the donkeys had been found.” But Saul didn’t tell his uncle that Samuel had said he would become king.

17Samuel sent a message to the Israelites. He told them to meet with the Lord at Mizpah. 18He said to them, “The Lord is the God of Israel. He says, ‘Israel, I brought you up out of Egypt. I saved you from their power. I also saved you from the power of all the kingdoms that had treated you badly.’ 19But now you have turned your backs on your God. He saves you out of all your trouble and suffering. In spite of that, you have said, ‘We refuse to listen. Place a king over us.’ So now gather together to meet with the Lord. Do it tribe by tribe and family group by family group.”

20Then Samuel had each tribe of Israel come forward. The tribe of Benjamin was chosen by casting lots. 21Next he had the tribe of Benjamin come forward, family group by family group. Matri’s group was chosen. Finally Saul, the son of Kish, was chosen. But when people looked for him, they realized he wasn’t there. 22They needed more help from the Lord. So they asked him, “Has the man come here yet?”

The Lord said, “Yes. He has hidden himself among the supplies.”

23So they ran over there and brought him out. When he stood up, the people saw that he was a head taller than any of them. 24Samuel spoke to all the people. He said, “Look at the man the Lord has chosen! There isn’t anyone like him among all the people.”

Then the people shouted, “May the king live a long time!”

25Samuel explained to the people the rights and duties of the king who ruled over them. He wrote them down in a book. He placed it in front of the Lord in the holy tent. Then he sent the people away. He sent each of them to their own homes.

26Saul also went to his home in Gibeah. Some brave men whose hearts God had touched went with Saul. 27But some people who wanted to stir up trouble said, “How can this fellow save us?” They looked down on him. They didn’t bring him any gifts. But Saul kept quiet about it.