サムエル記Ⅱ 5 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

サムエル記Ⅱ 5:1-25



1イスラエルの全部族の代表者たちは、ヘブロンにいるダビデのもとに来て言いました。「私たちは、あなたと血を分けた兄弟です。 2サウルが王であった時にも、ほんとうの指導者はあなたでした。主は、あなたこそイスラエルの指導者だとおっしゃっています。」

3ダビデは、ヘブロンに集まったイスラエルの指導者たちと主の前で契約を結び、彼らはダビデをイスラエルの王としました。 4-5ダビデはすでに三十歳の時から七年間、ユダの王であり、こののちエルサレムで三十三年間、イスラエルとユダの全土を治めることになったのです。ダビデが王位にあったのは、合わせて四十年になります。


6さてダビデは、エルサレムに入り込んでいたエブス人と戦うために、兵を率いてエルサレムへ向かいました。彼らはダビデにこう豪語しました。「おまえなどに攻め入られてたまるか。おまえなど、歩けない者であろうと、目の見えない者であろうと、だれにでも簡単につまみ出せるわ!」彼らは安心しきっていました。 7しかしダビデは、現在ダビデの町と呼ばれているシオンの要害を占領したのです。


9ダビデは、このシオンの要害をダビデの町と呼び、自身の本拠地に定めました。ついで町の旧ミロ地区から北側に、現在のエルサレムの中心部に向かって城壁を築きました。 10ダビデの勢力はますます強大になっていきました。天地を支配される神、主が共にいたからです。

11ツロの王ヒラムからは、ダビデ王の宮殿建設のために、上等の木材、大工、石工が送られて来ました。 12今やダビデは、主が自分を王位につかせ、豊かな王国としてくださったのは、神がイスラエルの民を選び出し、特別な恵みを注ごうとされたからであると、はっきり知ったのです。

13ヘブロンからエルサレムに移ってからも、ダビデはさらに妻やそばめを迎え入れ、次々と息子や娘をもうけました。 14-16エルサレムで生まれた子たちは次のとおりです。シャムア、ショバブ、ナタン、ソロモン、イブハル、エリシュア、ネフェグ、ヤフィア、エリシャマ、エルヤダ、エリフェレテ。


17ペリシテ人は、ダビデがイスラエルの王になったと聞くと、何とか彼を捕らえようとしました。ペリシテ人来襲の報が伝わると、ダビデは直ちに要害に下って行きました。 18ペリシテ人は、レファイムの谷一帯に陣を張りました。

19「打って出て、戦うべきでしょうか。私は勝てるでしょうか。」ダビデは主に伺いを立てました。すると、「打って出なさい。ペリシテ人をあなたの手に渡そう」と主は答えました。 20そこでダビデは勇んで出陣し、バアル・ペラツィムで彼らと戦い、みごと打ち破りました。「主のおかげだ。主は押し寄せる洪水のように、敵をひと飲みになさった」とダビデが言ったので、そこはバアル・ペラツィム〔決壊〕と呼ばれるようになったのです。

21その時、ダビデ軍は、ペリシテ人が置き去りにしていった多くの偶像を運び捨てました。 22しかしペリシテ人はまたも反撃に出て来て、レファイムの谷間に陣を敷いたのです。 23ダビデは、どうすべきか再び主に伺いました。答えはこうでした。「正面から攻めないで、敵の背後に回り、バルサム樹の林から出て行きなさい。 24バルサム樹の林の上から行進の足音が聞こえたら、出陣しなさい。それは、わたしが道を備え、必ず敵を滅ぼすという合図である。」


New International Reader’s Version

2 Samuel 5:1-25

David Becomes King Over Israel

1All the tribes of Israel came to see David at Hebron. They said, “We are your own flesh and blood. 2In the past, Saul was our king. But you led Israel on their military campaigns. And the Lord said to you, ‘You will be the shepherd over my people Israel. You will become their ruler.’ ”

3All the elders of Israel came to see King David at Hebron. There the king made a covenant with them in front of the Lord. They anointed David as king over Israel.

4David was 30 years old when he became king. He ruled for 40 years. 5In Hebron he ruled over Judah for seven and a half years. In Jerusalem he ruled over all of Israel and Judah for 33 years.

David Captures Jerusalem

6The king and his men marched to Jerusalem. They went to attack the Jebusites who lived there. The Jebusites said to David, “You won’t get in here. Even people who can’t see or walk can keep you from coming in.” The Jebusites thought, “David can’t get in here.” 7But David captured the fort of Zion. It became known as the City of David.

8On that day David had said, “Someone might win the battle over the Jebusites. But they will have to crawl through the water tunnel to get into the city. That’s the only way they can reach those enemies of mine that you say can’t see or walk.” That’s why people say, “Those who ‘can’t see or walk’ won’t enter David’s palace.”

9David moved into the fort. He called it the City of David. He built up the area around the fort. He filled in the low places. He started at the bottom and worked his way up. 10David became more and more powerful. That’s because the Lord God who rules over all was with him.

11Hiram was king of Tyre. He sent messengers to David. He sent cedar logs along with them. He also sent skilled workers. They worked with wood and stone. They built a palace for David. 12Then David knew that the Lord had made his position as king secure. He knew that he had made him king over the whole nation of Israel. He knew that the Lord had greatly honored his kingdom. The Lord had done it because the Israelites were his people.

13After David left Hebron, he got more concubines and wives in Jerusalem. More sons and daughters were born to him there. 14Here is a list of the children who were born to him in Jerusalem. Their names were Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon, 15Ibhar, Elishua, Nepheg, Japhia, 16Elishama, Eliada and Eliphelet.

David Wins the Battle Over the Philistines

17The Philistines heard that David had been anointed king over Israel. So their whole army went to look for him. But David heard about it. He went down to his usual place of safety. 18The Philistines had come and spread out in the Valley of Rephaim. 19So David asked the Lord for advice. He said, “Should I go and attack the Philistines? Will you hand them over to me?”

The Lord answered him, “Go. I will surely hand over the Philistines to you.”

20So David went to Baal Perazim. There he won the battle over the Philistines. He said, “The Lord has broken through against my enemies when I’ve attacked them. He has broken through just as water breaks through a dam.” That’s why the place was called Baal Perazim. 21The Philistines left the statues of their gods there. So David and his men carried off the statues.

22Once more the Philistines came up. They spread out in the Valley of Rephaim. 23So David asked the Lord for advice. The Lord answered, “Do not go straight up. Instead, circle around behind them. Attack them in front of the poplar trees. 24Listen for the sound of marching in the tops of the trees. Then move quickly. The sound will mean that I have gone out in front of you. I will strike down the Philistine army.” 25So David did just as the Lord had commanded him. He struck down the Philistines. He struck them down from Gibeon all the way to Gezer.