サムエル記Ⅱ 19 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

サムエル記Ⅱ 19:1-43


1王がアブシャロムのために悲嘆にくれているという知らせが、やがてヨアブのもとにも届きました。 2王が息子のために嘆き悲しんでいると知って、その日の勝利の喜びはどこかに消え、みな深い悲しみに包まれました。 3兵士たちは、まるで負け戦のようにすごすごと町へ引き揚げました。 4王は手で顔を覆い、「ああ、アブシャロム! ああ、アブシャロム、息子よ、息子よ!」と泣き叫んでいます。

5ヨアブは王の部屋を訪ね、こう言いました。「私たちは今日、あなたのおいのちをはじめ、王子様や王女様、奥方様や側室方のおいのちをお救い申し上げました。それなのに、あなたは嘆き悲しんでおられるばかりで、まるで私たちが悪いことでもしたかのようです。兵たちは全く恥をかかされました。 6あなたは、ご自分を憎む者を愛し、ご自分を愛する者を憎んでおられるようです。あなたにとって私たちなど、取るに足りない者なのでしょう。はっきりわかりました。もしアブシャロム様が生き残り、私たちがみな死んでいましたら、さぞかし満足なさったのでしょう。 7さあ、今、外に出て、兵士に勝利を祝ってやってください。主に誓って申し上げます。そうなさいませんなら、今夜、すべての者があなたから離れていくでしょう。それこそ、ご生涯で最悪の事態となるかもしれません。」




11-12そこでダビデは、祭司のツァドクとエブヤタルを使いに出し、ユダの長老たちに伝えさせました。「どうして、王の復帰をまだためらうのか。民はすっかりその気でいるのだ。ためらっているのはあなたたちだけだ。もともと、あなたたちは私の兄弟、同族、まさに骨肉そのものではないか。」 13また、アマサにも伝えました。「甥のあなたに、決して悪いようにはしない。ヨアブを退けても、あなたを司令官にしよう。もしこれが果たせないなら、私は神に打たれてもよい。」


15こうして、ダビデはエルサレムへの帰途につき、ヨルダン川にさしかかると、ユダ中の人々が王をギルガルまで出迎えたかのような人出となり、川越えを手伝おうとしました。 16ベニヤミン人ゲラの子でバフリム出身のシムイも、王を迎えようと駆けつけました。 17彼のあとには、ベニヤミン人が千人ほどついて来ていましたが、その中に、かつてサウル王に仕えたツィバとその十五人の息子、二十人の召使もいました。彼らは王の来る前にヨルダン川に着こうと、息せき切って来たのです。 18彼らは王の一家と兵たちを渡し舟に乗せ、一生懸命その川越えを手伝いました。

王が渡り終えた時、シムイは前にひれ伏し、すがるように弁解しました。 19「王様、何とぞお赦しください。エルサレムから落ち延びられたあなたに、取り返しもつかないほどの悪いことをしてしまいましたが、どうか水に流してください。 20大それた罪を犯してしまったと、重々反省しております。それで、今日、ヨセフ族の中でも、一番乗りしてあなたをお迎えに上がろうとまいりました。」





26「王様、あのツィバが欺いたのでございます。私はツィバに、『王について行きたい。私のろばに鞍を置け』と命じました。ご承知のように、私は足が思うようになりませんもので。 27ところがツィバは、さも同行を拒んでいるかのように、私のことをあなたに中傷したのです。しかし、王様は神の使いのような方です。お心のままにご処置ください。 28私も親族もみな、死刑の宣告を受けて当然の身でしたのに、あなたはこのしもべに、あなたの食卓で食事する栄誉をお与えくださいました。このうえ、何を申し上げることがありましょう。」





34「とんでもございません。私はもう、あまりにも年をとりすぎております。 35八十にもなって、余命いくばくもございません。ごちそうやぶどう酒の味もわからなくなっており、余興も楽しくはありません。足手まといになるばかりです。 36ただ、ごいっしょに川を渡らせていただければと思いまして。これほど名誉なことはありません。 37そうしたら戻ります。両親の墓のある故郷で死にたいのです。で、ここに控えておりますのがキムハムと申しますが、これにお供をさせていただけませんか。どうか、私の代わりにあなたの面倒を見させてください。」


39こうして、全員が王とともにヨルダン川を渡り終えました。ダビデから祝福の口づけを受けると、バルジライは家路につきました。 40王はキムハムを伴ってギルガルへ向かいました。ユダの大多数とイスラエルの約半数が、ギルガルで王を出迎えました。 41しかし、イスラエルの人々は、ユダの人々だけが王とその家族の川越えに立ち会ったことに腹を立て、王に抗議したのです。 42ユダの人々は言い返しました。「どうして、そんなに怒るのだ。王はわれわれの部族のご出身だ。何も文句を言われる筋合いはない。いったい王がどうされたというのだ。特別、われわれを養ってくださったわけでも、贈り物を下さったわけでもない。」


New International Reader’s Version

2 Samuel 19:1-43

1Someone told Joab, “The king is weeping and mourning for Absalom. He’s filled with sadness because his son has died.” 2The army had won a great battle that day. But their joy turned into sadness. That’s because someone had told the troops, “The king is filled with sorrow because his son is dead.” 3The men came quietly into the city that day. They were like fighting men who are ashamed because they’ve run away from a battle. 4The king covered his face. He cried loudly, “My son Absalom! Absalom, my son, my son!”

5Then Joab went into the king’s house. He said to him, “Today you have made all your men feel ashamed. They have just saved your life. They have saved the lives of your sons and daughters. And they have saved the lives of your wives and concubines. 6You love those who hate you. You hate those who love you. The commanders and their troops don’t mean anything to you. You made that very clear today. I can see that you would be pleased if Absalom were alive today and all of us were dead. 7Now go out there and cheer up your men. If you don’t, you won’t have any of them left with you by sunset. That will be worse for you than all the troubles you have ever had in your whole life. That’s what I promise you in the Lord’s name.”

8So the king got up and took his seat in the entrance of the city gate. His men were told, “The king is sitting in the entrance of the gate.” Then all of them came and stood in front of him.

While all of that was going on, the Israelites had run back to their homes.

David Returns to Jerusalem

9People from all the tribes of Israel began to argue among themselves. They were saying, “The king saved us from the power of our enemies. He saved us from the power of the Philistines. But now he has left the country to escape from Absalom. 10We anointed Absalom to rule over us. But he has died in battle. So why aren’t any of you talking about bringing the king back?”

11King David sent a message to Zadok and Abiathar, the priests. David said, “Speak to the elders of Judah. Tell them I said, ‘News has reached me where I’m staying. People all over Israel are talking about bringing me back to my palace. Why should you be the last to do something about it? 12You are my relatives. You are my own flesh and blood. So why should you be the last to bring me back?’ 13Say to Amasa, ‘Aren’t you my own flesh and blood? You will be the commander of my army for life in place of Joab. If that isn’t true, may God punish me greatly.’ ”

14So the hearts of all the men of Judah were turned toward David. All of them had the same purpose in mind. They sent a message to the king. They said, “We want you to come back. We want all your men to come back too.” 15Then the king returned. He went as far as the Jordan River.

The men of Judah had come to Gilgal to welcome the king back. They had come to bring him across the Jordan. 16Shimei, the son of Gera, was among them. Shimei was from Bahurim in the territory of Benjamin. He hurried down to welcome King David back. 17There were 1,000 people from Benjamin with him. Ziba, the manager of Saul’s house, was with him too. And so were Ziba’s 15 sons and 20 servants. All of them rushed down to the Jordan River. That’s where the king was. 18They went across at the place where people usually cross it. Then they brought the king’s family back over with them. They were ready to do anything he wanted them to do.

Shimei, the son of Gera, had also gone across the Jordan. When he did, he fell down flat with his face toward the ground in front of the king. 19He said to him, “You are my king and master. Please don’t hold me guilty. Please forgive me for the wrong things I did on the day you left Jerusalem. Please forget all about them. 20I know I’ve sinned. But today I’ve come down here to welcome you. I’m the first member of Joseph’s whole family to do it.”

21Then Abishai, the son of Zeruiah, said, “Shouldn’t Shimei be put to death for what he did? He cursed you. And you are the Lord’s anointed king.”

22But David replied, “You and Joab are sons of Zeruiah. What does this have to do with you? What right do you have to interfere? Should anyone be put to death in Israel today? Don’t I know that today I am king over Israel again?” 23So the king made a promise to Shimei. He said to him, “You aren’t going to be put to death.”

24Mephibosheth was Saul’s grandson. He had also gone down to welcome the king back. He had not taken care of his feet. He hadn’t trimmed his mustache or washed his clothes. He hadn’t done any of those things from the day the king left Jerusalem until the day he returned safely. 25He came from Jerusalem to welcome the king. The king asked him, “Mephibosheth, why didn’t you go with me?”

26He said, “You are my king and master. I’m not able to walk. So I thought, ‘I’ll have a saddle put on my donkey. I’ll ride on it. Then I can go with the king.’ But my servant Ziba turned against me. 27He has told you lies about me. King David, you are like an angel of God. So do what you wish. 28You should have put all the members of my grandfather’s family to death, including me. Instead, you always provided what I needed. So what right do I have to make any more appeals to you?”

29The king said to him, “You don’t have to say anything else. I order you and Ziba to divide up Saul’s land between you.”

30Mephibosheth said to the king, “I’m happy that you have returned home safely. So just let Ziba have everything.”

31Barzillai had also come down to go across the Jordan River with the king. He wanted to send the king on his way from there. Barzillai was from Rogelim in the land of Gilead. 32He was very old. He was 80 years old. He had given the king everything he needed while the king was staying in Mahanaim. That’s because Barzillai was very wealthy. 33The king said to Barzillai, “Come across the river with me. Stay with me in Jerusalem. I’ll take good care of you.”

34But Barzillai said to the king, “I won’t live for many more years. So why should I go up to Jerusalem with you? 35I’m already 80 years old. I can hardly tell the difference between what is enjoyable and what isn’t. I can hardly taste what I eat and drink. I can’t even hear the voices of male and female singers anymore. So why should I add my problems to yours? 36I’ll go across the Jordan River with you for a little way. Why should you reward me by taking care of me? 37Let me go back home. Then I can die in my own town. I can be buried there in the tomb of my father and mother. But let Kimham take my place. Let him go across the river with you. Do for him whatever you wish.”

38The king said, “Kimham will go across with me. I’ll do for him whatever you wish. And I’ll do for you anything you wish.”

39So all the people went across the Jordan River. Then the king crossed over. The king kissed Barzillai and said goodbye to him. And Barzillai went back home.

40After the king had gone across the river, he went to Gilgal. Kimham had gone across with him. All the troops of Judah and half of the troops of Israel had taken the king across.

41Soon all the men of Israel were coming to the king. They were saying to him, “Why did the men of Judah take you away from us? They are our relatives. What right did they have to bring you and your family across the Jordan River? What right did they have to bring all your men over with you?”

42All the men of Judah answered the men of Israel. They said, “We did that because the king is our close relative. So why should you be angry about what happened? Have we eaten any of the king’s food? Have we taken anything for ourselves?”

43Then the men of Israel answered the men of Judah. They said, “We have ten of the 12 tribes in the kingdom. So we have a stronger claim on David than you have. Why then are you acting as if you hate us? Weren’t we the first ones to talk about bringing back our king?”

But the men of Judah argued their side even more forcefully than the men of Israel.