サムエル記Ⅱ 10 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

サムエル記Ⅱ 10:1-19



1しばらくして、アモン人の王が死に、その子ハヌンが王位につきました。 2ダビデは、「彼の父ナハシュには、常々、誠実を尽くしてもらった。私も新しい王に敬意を表そう」と、父親を亡くしたハヌンに悔やみを述べるため、使者を遣わしました。 3ところがハヌンの家臣たちは、主君にこう取り次ぎました。「この使いの者どもは、亡き父君を敬ってここに来たのではありません。ダビデの魂胆は見えすいております。この町を攻める手始めに、まずスパイを送り込んできたのです。」

4そこでハヌンは、使者を取り押さえ、ひげを半分そり落とし、服を腰のあたりから切り取り、下半身を裸のままで追い返したのです。 5それを知ったダビデは、ひげが伸びそろうまでエリコにとどまるよう彼らに命じました。ひげをそり落とされたことを、彼らが深く恥じていたからです。

6アモンの人々は、このことがダビデを本気で怒らせたことを知ると直ちに、レホブとツォバの地からシリヤ(アラム)の歩兵二万、マアカ王から兵士一千、トブの地から兵士一万二千を、それぞれ雇い入れました。 7-8ダビデも黙ってはいません。ヨアブをはじめ全イスラエル軍を差し向けて、彼らを攻撃しました。アモン人は町の門の守備に当たり、ツォバとレホブから来たシリヤ人、およびトブとマアカからの傭兵が野に出て戦いました。 9ヨアブはふた手に分かれて戦うために、精兵をよりすぐって自らの配下に置き、野に出てシリヤ人と戦う備えを固めました。 10残りの手勢は兄弟アビシャイの指揮に任せて、町の攻撃に向かわせました。 11ヨアブはアビシャイに言いました。「もしシリヤ人を向こうに回して、われわれだけで戦えないようなら助けに来てくれ。反対に、アモン人がおまえらの手に負えないようなら、こちらが加勢しよう。 12勇気を出せ! われわれの肩には同胞のいのちと、神の町々の安全がかかっている。がんばるのだ。必ず主のお心のとおりになるのだから。」

13ヨアブの部隊が攻撃をしかけると、シリヤ軍はくずれ始めました。 14彼らが敗走するのを見て、アモン人も逃げ出し、町にこもってしまいました。そこでヨアブは攻撃を中止し、エルサレムに引き揚げました。 15-16シリヤ人は、このままではとてもイスラエル軍にかなわないとわかり、再び兵力の結集を計りました。そしてハダデエゼルは、ユーフラテス川の向こうから呼び集めたシリヤ人を味方に引き入れたのです。彼らの大軍は、ハダデエゼル軍の将軍ショバクに率いられて、ヘラムに着きました。

17ダビデはこの報告を受けると、自らイスラエル軍を率いてヘラムに向かいました。攻撃をしかけてきたシリヤ軍は、 18再び敗走するはめになってしまいました。この戦いで、シリヤ軍は戦車兵七百と騎兵四万を失い、将軍ショバクも戦死しました。 19ハダデエゼルと同盟を結んだ王たちは連合軍の敗北を見てダビデに降伏し、その臣下となりました。これにこりたシリヤ人は、二度とアモン人を助けようとはしませんでした。

New International Reader’s Version

2 Samuel 10:1-19

David Wins the Victory Over the Ammonites

1The king of Ammon died. His son Hanun became the next king after him. 2David thought, “I’m going to be kind to Hanun. His father Nahash was kind to me.” So David sent messengers to Hanun. He wanted them to tell Hanun how sad he was that Hanun’s father had died.

David’s messengers went to the land of Ammon. 3The Ammonite commanders spoke to their master Hanun. They said, “David has sent messengers to tell you he is sad. They say he wants to honor your father. But the real reason they’ve come is to look the city over. They want to destroy it.” 4So Hanun grabbed David’s messengers. He shaved off half of each man’s beard. He cut their clothes off just below the waist and left them half naked. Then he sent them away.

5David was told about it. So he sent messengers to his men because they were filled with shame. King David said to them, “Stay at Jericho until your beards grow out again. Then come back here.”

6The Ammonites realized that what they had done had made David very angry with them. So they hired 20,000 Aramean soldiers who were on foot. The soldiers came from Beth Rehob and Zobah. The Ammonites also hired the king of Maakah and 1,000 men. And they hired 12,000 men from Tob.

7David heard about it. So he sent Joab out with the entire army of Israel’s fighting men. 8The Ammonites marched out. They took up their battle positions at the entrance of their city gate. The Arameans of Zobah and Rehob gathered their troops together in the open country. So did the men of Tob and Maakah.

9Joab saw that there were lines of soldiers in front of him and behind him. So he chose some of the best troops in Israel. He sent them to march out against the Arameans. 10He put the rest of the men under the command of his brother Abishai. Joab sent them to march out against the Ammonites. 11He said, “Suppose the Arameans are too strong for me. Then you must come and help me. But suppose the Ammonites are too strong for you. Then I’ll come and help you. 12Be strong. Let’s be brave as we fight for our people and the cities of our God. The Lord will do what he thinks is best.”

13Then Joab and the troops with him marched out to attack the Arameans. They ran away from him. 14The Ammonites realized that the Arameans were running away. So they ran away from Abishai. They went inside the city. After Joab had fought against the Ammonites, he went back to Jerusalem.

15The Arameans saw that they had been driven away by Israel. So they brought their troops together. 16Hadadezer had some Arameans brought from east of the Euphrates River. They went to Helam under the command of Shobak. He was the commander of Hadadezer’s army.

17David was told about it. So he gathered the whole army of Israel together. They went across the Jordan River to Helam. The Arameans lined up their soldiers to go to war against David. They began to fight against him. 18But then they ran away from Israel. David killed 700 of their chariot riders. He killed 40,000 of their soldiers who were on foot. He also struck down Shobak, the commander of their army. Shobak died there. 19All the kings who were under the rule of Hadadezer saw that Israel had won the battle over them. So they made a peace treaty with the Israelites. They were brought under Israel’s rule.

After that, the Arameans were afraid to help the Ammonites anymore.