エゼキエル書 6 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

エゼキエル書 6:1-14





3ああ、イスラエルの山々よ。あなたに、また、川や谷に語られる神、主のことばを聞け。わたしが、主であるこのわたしが、あなたがたの偶像を滅ぼすために戦争を起こす。 4-7町々はすべて打ち砕かれ、焼かれる。偶像の祭壇は捨て去られる。神々の像は粉々に砕かれ、偶像の礼拝者たちの骨も祭壇の回りにまき散らされる。その時、ようやくあなたがたは、わたしこそ主であることを知る。

8しかし、わたしは、わたしの民のうち少数の者を逃れさせ、国々の間に散らそう。 9そうすれば、国々に捕囚として連れて行かれるとき、彼らはわたしを思い起こすだろう。わたしが彼らの姦淫の心、偶像を愛する心を取り去り、ほかの神々を慕うみだらな目を見えなくするからだ。その時になってやっと、彼らは自分が犯した悪のゆえに自分自身を嫌悪するようになる。 10彼らは、わたしだけが神であり、わたしがこれらすべてのことが起こると語ったとき、決して理由もなく言ったのでないと気づくだろう。」

11神である主はこう語ります。「恐れおののきつつ両手を上げ、激しい自責の念にかられて叫べ。『ああ、何という悪事をしでかしたことか』と叫ぶがいい。戦争とききんと疫病で滅びようとしているからだ。 12捕囚の地にある者は疫病で死に、イスラエルの国にいる者は戦争で倒れ、生き残った者もききんと籠城で死ぬ。こうして、わたしの憤りもようやく収まる。 13殺された者が、丘や山の上にある偶像や祭壇の回りに、また、神々に香をたいた青い木や茂った樫の木の下に散り散りに横たえられるとき、わたしだけが神であることに気づく。 14わたしはあなたがたを押しつぶし、南は荒野から北はリブラまで、町々を荒廃させる。その時、わたしが主であることを知るだろう。」

New International Reader’s Version

Ezekiel 6:1-14

Ezekiel Prophesies Against the Mountains of Israel

1A message from the Lord came to me. The Lord said, 2“Son of man, turn your attention to the mountains of Israel. Prophesy against them. 3Say, ‘Mountains of Israel, listen to the message of the Lord and King. Here is what he says to the mountains and hills. And here is what he says to the canyons and valleys. He tells them, “I will send swords to kill your people. I will destroy the high places where you worship other gods. 4Your altars will be torn down. Your incense altars will be smashed. And I will kill your people in front of the statues of your gods. 5I will put the dead bodies of Israelites in front of those statues. I will scatter your bones around your altars. 6No matter where you live, the towns will be destroyed. The high places will be torn down. So your altars will be completely destroyed. The statues of your gods will be smashed to pieces. Your incense altars will be broken down. And everything you have made will be wiped out. 7Your people will fall down dead among you. Then you will know that I am the Lord.

8“ ‘ “But I will spare some of you. Some will escape from being killed by swords. You will be scattered among other lands and nations. 9You will be taken away to those nations as prisoners. Those of you who escape will remember me. You will recall how much pain your unfaithful hearts gave me. You turned away from me. Your eyes longed to see the statues of your gods. You will hate yourselves because of all the evil things you have done. I hate those things too. 10You will know that I am the Lord. I said I would bring trouble on you. And my warning came true.” ’ ”

11The Lord and King said to me, “Clap your hands. Stamp your feet. Cry out, ‘How sad!’ Do this because the people of Israel have done so many evil things. I hate those things. Israel will be destroyed by war, hunger and plague. 12The one who is far away will die of the plague. The one who is near will be killed by swords. Anyone who is left alive and is spared will die of hunger. And in this way I will pour out my great anger on them. 13Then they will know that I am the Lord. Their people will lie dead among the statues of their gods around their altars. Their bodies will lie on every high hill and every mountaintop. They will lie under every green tree and leafy oak tree. They used to offer sweet-smelling incense to all their gods at those places. 14I will reach out my powerful hand against them. The land will become dry and empty. Those people will live from the desert all the way to Diblah. They will know that I am the Lord.”