Jeremia 39 – HTB & NIRV

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Jeremia 39:1-18

Jeruzalem door Nebukadnezar veroverd

1In de tiende maand van het negende regeringsjaar van koning Zedekia van Juda kwam koning Nebukadnezar met zijn hele leger terug naar Jeruzalem om de stad te belegeren. 2Anderhalf jaar later, in de vierde maand, sloegen zij een bres in de stadsmuur en veroverden de stad. 3De Babylonische legeraanvoerders trokken in triomf de stad binnen en namen plaats bij de Middenpoort. Daar zaten ze: hofmaarschalk Nebusazban en opperbevelhebber Nergal-sarézer en alle overige leiders.

4Toen koning Zedekia en zijn strijders hen zagen en begrepen dat de stad verloren was, vluchtten zij ʼs nachts door de poort tussen de twee muren aan de achterkant van de paleistuin over de velden in de richting van het Jordaandal. 5Maar de Babyloniërs gingen de vluchtelingen achterna en haalden ze in op de vlakten van Jericho, waar zij de koning gevangennamen en naar koning Nebukadnezar brachten. Deze was in Ribla, in het land van Hamath. Daar sprak hij zijn vonnis over de koning uit. 6De koning van Babel dwong Zedekia toe te kijken terwijl zijn kinderen en de vooraanstaande burgers van Juda werden gedood. 7Daarna stak hij Zedekia de ogen uit, boeide hem met ijzeren ketens en zond hem naar Babel. 8Intussen stak het leger het paleis en de huizen in brand en haalde de muren van Jeruzalem omver. 9Daarna deporteerden Nebuzaradan, het hoofd van de lijfwacht, en zijn mannen de rest van de bevolking en de overlopers naar Babel. 10Maar Nebuzaradan liet enkele van de armsten in het land achter en gaf hun akkers en wijngaarden.

11-12 Nebukadnezar had Nebuzaradan ook bevolen Jeremia op te zoeken. ‘Zorg ervoor dat hem niets overkomt,’ zei hij. ‘Zorg goed voor hem en geef hem alles wat hij wil.’ 13Zo voerden Nebuzaradan, het hoofd van de lijfwacht, hofmaarschalk Nebusazban, opperbevelhebber Nergal-sarézer en alle ondergeschikten het bevel van de koning uit. 14Zij stuurden soldaten naar de gevangenis om Jeremia eruit te halen en stelden hem onder de hoede van Gedalja, de zoon van Ahikam en kleinzoon van Safan, die hem moest terugbrengen naar zijn huis. Zo bleef Jeremia bij de mensen die in het land waren achtergebleven.

15Voordat de Babyloniërs kwamen, toen Jeremia nog in de gevangenis zat, had de Here hem de volgende boodschap gegeven: 16‘Geef deze boodschap door aan de Ethiopiër Ebed-Melech: de Here van de hemelse legers, de God van Israël, zegt: Ik zal al mijn dreigementen tegen deze stad uitvoeren. Met eigen ogen zult u daarvan getuige zijn. 17Maar u zal Ik redden. U zult niet worden gedood door de mensen voor wie u zo bang bent. 18Als beloning voor uw vertrouwen in Mij zult u niet gedood worden. Ik zal uw leven redden en u in veiligheid brengen.’

New International Reader’s Version

Jeremiah 39:1-18

1Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, marched out against Jerusalem. He came with all his armies and attacked it. It was in the ninth year that Zedekiah was king of Judah. It was in the tenth month. 2The city wall was broken through. It happened on the ninth day of the fourth month. It was in the 11th year of Zedekiah’s rule. 3All the officials of the king of Babylon came. They took seats near the Middle Gate. Nergal-Sharezer from Samgar was there. Nebo-Sarsekim, a chief officer, was also there. So was Nergal-Sharezer, a high official. And all the other officials of the king of Babylon were there too. 4King Zedekiah and all the soldiers saw them. Then they ran away. They left the city at night. They went by way of the king’s garden. They went out through the gate between the two walls. And they headed toward the Arabah Valley.

5But the armies of Babylon chased them. They caught up with Zedekiah in the plains near Jericho. They captured him there. And they took him to Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. He was at Riblah in the land of Hamath. That’s where Nebuchadnezzar decided how Zedekiah would be punished. 6The king of Babylon killed the sons of Zedekiah at Riblah. He forced Zedekiah to watch it with his own eyes. He also killed all the nobles of Judah. 7Then he poked out Zedekiah’s eyes. He put him in bronze chains. And he took him to Babylon.

8The Babylonians set the royal palace on fire. They also set fire to the houses of the people. And they broke down the walls of Jerusalem. 9Nebuzaradan was commander of the royal guard. Some people still remained in the city. But he took them away to Babylon as prisoners. He also took along those who had gone over to his side. And he took the rest of the people. 10Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guard, left some of the poor people of Judah behind. They didn’t own anything. So at that time he gave them vineyards and fields.

11Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, had given orders about Jeremiah. He had given them to Nebuzaradan, the commander of the royal guard. Nebuchadnezzar had said, 12“Take him. Look after him. Don’t harm him. Do for him anything he asks.” 13So that’s what Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guard, did. Nebushazban and Nergal-Sharezer were with him. So were all the other officers of the king of Babylon. Nebushazban was a chief officer. Nergal-Sharezer was a high official. All these men 14sent for Jeremiah. They had him taken out of the courtyard of the guard. They turned him over to Gedaliah. Gedaliah was the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan. They told Gedaliah to take Jeremiah back to his home. So Jeremiah remained among his own people.

15A message from the Lord came to Jeremiah. It came while he was being kept in the courtyard of the guard. The Lord said, 16“Go. Speak to Ebed-Melek the Cushite. Tell him, ‘The Lord who rules over all is the God of Israel. He says, “I am about to make the words I spoke against this city come true. I will not give success to it. Instead, I will bring horrible trouble on it. At that time my words will come true. You will see it with your own eyes. 17But I will save you on that day,” announces the Lord. “You will not be handed over to those you are afraid of. 18I will save you. You will not be killed by a sword. Instead, you will escape with your life. That’s because you trust in me,” announces the Lord.’ ”